Posted by Sparring Add-on/Train

JP4Addict | #1
Makarov Simp (#24336)

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Posted on
2015-09-21 21:53:28
Now I realize Sub-male patrolling can get annoying so I thought of this

I have two ideas, it's an add on for Sparring and when you spar them your sub male gains a blank amount of stats!


There is a new button added on the lions page or next too "Spar" button is a training button and they gain a random amount of stats, this like the Spar button is a once a rollover use.

Please feel free to post a comment on other ideas I can add to mine! You will be credited <3

This suggestion has 37 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 22/09/15 @ 04:59:58 by TheFoxofPirateCove Xylax's min (#24336)

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-10-05 23:53:56
No support, seems needless with patrolling being a rather easy way to gain large amounts of stats daily, annoying or not.

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aeter ❧ side ✨ (#57822)

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Posted on
2015-10-06 00:00:28
I'm very much on the fence. I don't really support the adding of a new button but perhaps we could throw a spanner into the works where your submale can earn a stat or two from sparring in place of your king. (as one of the options when you spar.. ie. 'You sparred with your submale and HE gained +2 SMARTS'.

I do agree with Mau that patrolling is a brilliant way to gain lots of stats.. I managed to gain 40+ yesterday. I do agree that it is annoying but it's doable :3

I'll keep watching!

EDIT: Ooooops, I didn't really read the first suggestion thoroughly. I wouldn't mind the first option....

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Edited on 06/10/15 @ 07:02:29 by Willow [Skyward Base] (#57822)

Sofia (#463094)

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Posted on
2024-02-12 19:32:37
I don't know what sparring is ;-;

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Kalech (#457567)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-02-14 05:18:56
I'm for it. Imo having options doesn't hurt, you can just make it give less stats than patrolling so that patrolling is still worth it (besides being able to bring back items too). I kinda wish there was more training between the males? Like that your king could train up their heir, or a submale can train an adolescent. I know you can bring them along on patrolling ofc. I would just like to see some more interaction between the males tbh.

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