Posted by [++] Studding for Items & Breeding Items

🌸 Flareon 🌸 (#17896)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-09-27 05:24:47
As we're all aware, exchanging studding for items is at best not allowed and when people choose to go through with it, sometimes they get very badly burnt on the deal and lose their items. In a similar vein, sometimes people send over studding items (Ochre Gnawrocks, Ochre Saltlick, Grain of Paradise, Buffalo Scrotum) and the stud absconds with it and no breeding takes place. We call these 'unofficial transactions' and they're very, very risky but I understand whole-heartedly that sometimes, either or both parties would like to exchange items for a breeding and maybe the studee really needs those breeding items to be used, but they're fearful they'll lose their items. I have an idea that could alleviate this issue, if it is not too complex to code!

Idea #1 - Lionesses use All Breeding Items

The easiest way I can think of to fix the problem with sending breeding-related items to studs is for them to be able to be used on the lioness. In this way, the effects are safely in effect and you need not fret over whether the stud REALLY used that scrotum or ochre gnawrock you sent them. A lioness' page would look like so:


She would be able to use ALL breeding related items, including ochres (gnawrock, salt lick), scrotum, grain of paradise, red cock, great tit, GMO - everything she can already use and everything she couldn't before. Currently gnawrocks only stack 1x per parent but if this were put into effect that she could use 2, one for each parent, perhaps when applying an Ochre Gnawrock, it looks like so:


Here you would choose which lioness to use it on, which slot, and which parent in the breeding you want it to affect. In this way, you can still use it like it had always been used, you just have to select the proper parent (Mother if you want your lioness to pass, Father if you want the stud/lion's to pass). It would essentially be no different than it had always been, you can just stack it 2x on the lioness and assign the ochre on her instead of one on each. I imagine it could still be used one on each, too, just like always. Which brings me to my next point.

In the event the stud already has an item in effect before accepting the stud request, I think it would be a good idea for it to throw an error instead of trying the breeding anyways. You would receive a message like this:


This would mean the stud must use the items in a non-breeding-items studding before he can accept a stud request with a lioness who has items used on her since the items would be in conflict otherwise. It could either be noted that the lioness has items used on her or the stud's responsibility to check and see if the lioness has items used on her. Perhaps there could even be a note section for the requester to mention things (Such as "This lioness is 1%, This lioness has had Scrotum + Ochres used on her" etc that would appear underneath, pictured below as a mock-up)


This could also be default, or voluntary on the requester's part. It's just an idea! ^ ^

Idea #2 - Items for Studding

Oftentimes, you may not have much SB or GB but that stud is REALLY nice and you would REALLY like to use it. Perhaps your item is one of those novelty items that's valuable but difficult to sell, but the stud's owner is interested in it! What are you to do? This is where my idea for an in-house items for studding concept comes into play.


Here, it would allow you a 3rd option - items. Of course it'd also show uses next to the item (I just forgot that, hehe) and it would tell the stud what you had offered when they go to accept! This item would be in "limbo" like currency you use to request, and it would be returned to you if the stud rejected or you withdrew your request. In this way, no one is at risk at all!

Here is how it would look when the stud views the breeding request page for an item breeding.


Those are my ideas! I feel like I forgot something, but I'm unsure of what that might be! If I remember, I'll add it here. :P

Feel free to suggest further upon this suggestion!

This suggestion has 122 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/11/15 @ 22:40:03 by Xylax (#4)

Lymire {Primal Only
Pride} (#18072)

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Posted on
2015-09-27 05:40:09
Love both ideas! :D Maybe the second idea could be optional? Just in case people didn't want to get offers of like feathers and stuff from people.

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Freezer After Feb (#54649)

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Posted on
2015-09-27 14:23:35
I like this idea :) You have my support

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Khoshekh (#4965)

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Posted on
2015-09-27 14:39:50
In items for studding, I think maybe the stud can pick what items they accept and what they are valued at (possibly even an option which subtracts it from the stud fee). (so it's GB/SB & Item/s).

Unless we want offers for food we don't need, etc. And studs value items at different prices. (so while a buffalo scrotum is okay to cover the stud fee, for example, a single GoP is not enough).

Such as offer:
[x] GB/SB
[x] GB & SB
[o] Item [choose items] (+ GB/SB).

In the drop down menu for item, it will show the items the stud accepts + what they are valued at.
[ Buffalo Scrotum (valued at x GB) ]
[ Grain of Paradise (valued at x GB) ]
[ Carpenter Bee (valued at x SB) ]

And a notification if the items offered don't hit the asking price the stud is asking for: "The stud fee is not met!" And option to send the request anyway or add SB/GB. Studs can opt to disallow requests that don't meet the stud fee.

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Edited on 27/09/15 @ 21:42:14 by Quicksilver (#4965)

<Madison> (#67359)

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Posted on
2015-09-27 14:55:55
Im supporting!

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PiercedVulture -
|SIDE| (#74540)

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Posted on
2015-12-05 09:28:17
Support! These ideas are amazing!

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Majestyk (Kali) (#7004)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 12:55:04
I love idea 1. Idea 2 is nice as well but only if it's optional or if there was a acceptable item list set forth by the stud.

I have a question about idea number 2. Would the stud have a list of pre-approved items (sorta like a wishlist) or no? If not that brings forth the issue of someone sending less than worthy items. With the current studding fees you HAVE to have the currency to put in the request. With the items you just have to have something.

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3xSia Ice) (#72318)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 04:42:52
AS a thought on idea too, it could be nifty of have an "a or b" option.

So.. let's say the lioness owner really wants the stud, and offers the item, OR his SB/GB cost, so that if the stud doesn't want Vulture cliffs or whatever, he can still 'do the job' for the beetle cost instead. XD Save some back-and-forth between the two :)

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Ky (#15426)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 06:54:04
I support with the addition of Mr. Quicksilvers suggestion for Idea #2 - allowing the stud to choose which items they'd like to receive in exchange for the studding. I would be very annoyed to get offers of feathers, bug décor, etc. if I thought my king was worth more than that.

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Tufty (#29680)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 13:31:07
I have an idea. Maybe you could specify what items you specifically wanted so people could only offer those?

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