Posted by Lion height and weight.

*Smew* (#54920)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-10-11 03:43:11
So I had this idea... And this is my first idea that I put in Game Development, so hate the idea, not me for being a noob.

But I play howrse, and in the horse's information you can see how tall it is and how heavy it is. Why not put it also on lioden?

The African lion is 4.5 to 6.5 feet (1.4 to 2 meters) long from its head to its rump.

In general, fully grown male lions weigh in at around 420 pounds (190.509 kg), according to Animal Diversity Web of the University of Michigan. They are significantly bigger than female lions, which generally weigh about 280 pounds. The heftiest weight reported for a male lion is approximately 600 pounds -- almost 200 pounds more than the average.

Male lions are also usually a little bit taller than female lions, although not usually by a lot. At the shoulder area, the males typically reach around 4 feet (121.92 cm). The females most often reach 3.67 feet. (110 cm).


So what could be put under the appearance tab (or just make a new tab):
Weight: 200-290 lbs (300 in extreme cases)(If its hunger is low it could drop down to 200, etc. But if its not hungry she could go over 290.)
Height: 2.95276-4.10105 (90-125 cm)
Length: 3 to 7 feet. (Could be more but that should be very rare, like mutations.)
Size: Tiny, very small, small, medium, large, very large, huge. (Tiny could be dwarfism)

So for example:
Base: Prune (burnt nose)
Genetics: Black Light Solid Common
Eyes: Green
Mane type: Razor
Mane color: Onyx
Mutation: None
Weight: 227 kg. (280 lbs. )
Height: 95 cm. (3.1168 ft)
Length: 1.2 m. (3.93701 ft)
Size: Very small

Base: Prune (burnt nose)
Genetics: Black Light Solid Common
Eyes: Green
Mane type: Razor
Mane color: Onyx
Mutation: None
Weight: 263.084. (580 lbs.)
Height: 1.524 m. (5 ft)
Length: 2.1336 m (7 ft)
Size: Huge

Then you could also pick centimeters and kilograms or feet and lbs. I would, for example, pick cm and kg.

And if you're not happy with your lion's size, you could go to the oasis and buy a size changer, etc. and change your lion's size.

Ideas are welcome!

Alma #7695:

Height: affects speed (longer/shorter limbs)
Weight: affects strength (more/less muscle), perhaps speed (fast-twitch muscle is less bulky, so less weight could make for a faster lion/ess)
Flexibility: affects agility (self-explanatory)
Angulation: affects stamina (more/less to range of motion of joints)
Intellect: affects smarts (self-explanatory)
Memory: affects skill gain (more/less ability to learn from experience)

Perhaps an average baseline value could be assigned for each trait and would be considered neutral (no benefit or detriment), a below-average trait value would come with a slight detriment, and an above-average value could equal a slight benefit. These traits could affect hunting in lionesses and perhaps the ability to be a better brood mother/cub guardian if that feature is added in the future, the success of a sub-male, pride kings in Explore, PVP, etc.

Leafeon [ Flixie Hypeman ] #18039:

It could also affect impression and how effective the 'Roar' action in fighting (To certain animals)?

This suggestion has 46 supports and 16 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/10/15 @ 16:15:00 by *Smew* (#54920)

FluffyBunnySoldier (#51060)

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Posted on
2015-10-11 03:48:55
But would there be anything that would change the gameplay, besides weight/height given to lions?

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*Smew* (#54920)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-10-11 03:51:19
Ummm, no I don't think so. Expect maybe if two tall lions breed, their cubs will also be tall. And if a small and a large lion breed, their cubs will be average or big or small. Also if two small lions breed, their cubs could either be small or very small, etc.

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Xanistaya (#627)

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Posted on
2015-10-11 03:55:27
I don't support, sorry. Seems like more work for the coders/staff with no real benefits..

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Alma (#7695)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-11 04:53:33
Xani, I agree with your point, but what it there actually were some sort of benefit/this factor interacted with game play? What if size added some sort of buff to strength the way personality does regarding interactions within the pride?

Perhaps each stat could have a corresponding trait that would improve or detract from it, for instance:

Height: affects speed (longer/shorter limbs)
Weight: affects strength (more/less muscle), perhaps speed (fast-twitch muscle is less bulky, so less weight could make for a faster lion/ess)
Flexibility: affects agility (self-explanatory)
Angulation: affects stamina (more/less to range of motion of joints)
Intellect: affects smarts (self-explanatory)
Memory: affects skill gain (more/less ability to learn from experience)

Perhaps an average baseline value could be assigned for each trait and would be considered neutral (no benefit or detriment), a below-average trait value would come with a slight detriment, and an above-average value could equal a slight benefit. These traits could affect hunting in lionesses and perhaps the ability to be a better brood mother/cub guardian if that feature is added in the future, the success of a sub-male, pride kings in Explore, PVP, etc.

This is just off the top of my head, and this might be a nightmare to code... I really have no idea! I just read this post, and this is what popped into my head.

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ambers. 🍊 (#15417)

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Posted on
2015-10-11 04:56:54
I actually support Alma's idea. Any suggestion that affects gameplay or stats to be more specific has my support.

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Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2015-10-11 05:00:28
I support Alma's addition but not so much without it, not much point without any gameplay affects

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*Smew* (#54920)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-10-11 07:20:09
That's a great idea, Alma! :D I'll add it to the idea section c:

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Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2015-10-11 07:31:31
I'd support if it had a purpose such as Alma's suggestion, but I don't see the point if it's just useless info.

Also it should be in metric with imperial in parenthesis. The US is basicly the only country in the world that still uses the imperial system exclusively. So because the rest of the world uses metric, it should of course be in metric but to satisfy the stubborn americans, they'll get their imperial system too xP
We shouldn't be able to pick between the two, it'll only be easier if it showed both at the same time. It'll avoid confusion and whatnot.

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Leafeon (#18039)

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Posted on
2015-10-14 05:06:11
It could also affect impression and how effective the 'Roar' action in fighting (To certain animals)?

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*Smew* (#54920)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-10-14 09:13:40
Oooh yes, definitely adding that up c:

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Pasha (#5512)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-10-14 09:21:30
Weight could affect female fertility, mood, hunting ability, or litter size.

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QuakingAspens (#66184)

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Posted on
2015-10-14 10:01:38
It wouldn't be too bad to code. I play a game where they have weight affect how much damage your creature can do, with 5 variations.

For the time being, I'm gonna be neutral, see if anyone has some good reasoning why I shouldn't

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