Posted by Multiple studs idea

Terminator (#63638)

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Posted on
2015-10-15 10:16:32
me and my mom have been thinking up this idea to add to the game, we are naming it "Fight for Dominance" its based off of real lions behavior where 2 males would fight over 1 female to see who would claim her, but our idea is just for studs, we think adding a feature called "Fight for Dominance" where the you can choose 2 male lions as potential breeders for a female you own and then out of those 2 it randomly chooses one of those two, u dont find out which one of those 2 it chose until your lioness has given birth, this is for one of those moments where you cant decide which male you want to stud your female to, please feel free to input your comments about this idea

This suggestion has 11 supports and 23 NO supports.

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Simplyapanda (#72041)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-10-15 10:17:57
Cool idea;
But won't the stud have to try and breed with her?

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Terminator (#63638)

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Posted on
2015-10-15 10:22:21
yes, it would work just like normal stud requests, like if someone sent a stud request to two different people, except they wont be able to spam try again, like one person attempting 10 times while the other only attempted 5, both males would get a notification in their inbox letting them know if it was successful or failed, that way they can attempt at the same time, even if the other guy won, neither male will know if they were the one to make the lioness pregnant, to keep the "surprise" secret

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Simplyapanda (#72041)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-10-15 10:23:27
hmm Intresting ^^

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Terminator (#63638)

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Posted on
2015-10-15 10:23:28
~deleted due to weird copying effect~

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Edited on 15/10/15 @ 17:24:34 by Terminator~LIGHTS OFF FOR NOW~ (#63638)

Khoshekh (#4965)

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Posted on
2015-10-16 12:57:15
"neither male will know if they were the one to make the lioness pregnant, to keep the "surprise" secret."

Wont they know because the stud fee got accepted though? I don't understand how this works exactly. And does it account for fertility level?

For me, it looks like two studs tried once and, completely ignoring fertility, the system randomly picks one or the other.

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Terminator (#63638)

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Posted on
2015-10-16 13:01:53
the way i worded it in anouther reply probably wasnt very understanding, i ment if it fails it will send a notification automatically to the 2 studs for them to try again, so that one stud hasnt attempted more times then the other, each stud gets the same amount of attempts as if they are "dueling" each other, fertility still has a role, and i guess the stud fee would indicate if a male has successfully made her preggers, but the male's owner shouldnt tell the female's owner

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-10-16 13:03:29
No Support. Seems too unnecessary for game play.

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Hawkeye (#55590)

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Posted on
2015-10-16 13:06:02
Yea, but if the price of the two studs are different, then you'll know who it is anyways. Plus it seems king of annoying. Having to make sure both are online in order to cover a female to make sure one doesn't get ahead of the other with covering numbers, making it hard when breeding with a VLF that takes 100+ tries to get pregnant.

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