Posted by Search lions w/a certain heritage

chromehorse (#60270)

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Posted on
2015-10-21 05:45:12
Just recently my friend and I decided to write a story involving our two prides, for the heck of it. Makes the game more in-depth in my opinion, having a backstory for each lion- but I digress.

Anyway, I was looking for the cubs of my retired king, for some background information for the story, and realized that on his dynasty page, I could not access his offspring.

Wouldn't it be cool to be able to search a lion's family data? It would work something like this:
You input the lion/ess's id into a box, checking either [show ascending tree] or [show descending tree]. Showing the ascending would bring up it's heritage, quite simply, extending 2, 3, or however many generations back. Checking the descending box would show the tree coming off of them, including cubs, cubs cubs (and with who), and even further down the lion. This would be accessible by both LIVING and NONLIVING lions. c:

Suggestions and criticism welcome!

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