Posted by Cubs from pregnancy to 2 years

caters (#65239)

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Posted on
2015-10-23 14:38:02
This I think should have some changes.

First off pregnancy:

Pregnant lionesses actively hunt with the rest of the pride until the last few days when they rest in a secluded place to give birth and take care of the cubs for the next 1-2 months.

So maybe you should make it so that pregnant lionesses can hunt until the 3rd day. And maybe if you have a pregnant lioness hunting, she should get extra EXP for her effort. Also maybe you should make it so that you can give nesting material to the lioness for her to use on the 3rd day and a low chance(like 1-2%) for her to have a litter of 5 or 6 cubs(since 6 cubs is the most any given lioness in real life has per litter)

1-2 months old:

The cubs nurse with just the lioness that gave birth to them. They play with each other once they can run which is at 1 month old.

So maybe you should make it so that cubs can play with other cubs in the same litter at 1-2 months old and with other cubs in the same pride but not necessarily the same litter from then to 2 years. The cubs can gain a few stats a day this way.

1-6 months old:

From 1 to 6 months old the cubs cross nurse meaning that cubs from 1 litter nurse with cubs from a different litter for every lactating lioness.

3 months +:

Cubs start eating meat at 3 months. Since cubs are less hungry than the lionesses which are less hungry than the males this would require that you change it so that when 1 lion is fed the percent left of the carcass changes and that cubs are fed the least per cub.

6 months +:

At 6 months the cubs start learning how to hunt from the lionesses. At 11 months they start helping the lionesses and learn in the process of doing it.

So maybe you should make it so that when the cub is 6 months old a lioness brings back a gazelle fawn or a zebra foal that is still alive for the cubs to practice hunting and the one that gets it gains a few stats. Also make it so that the size of the baby prey increases as the cubs grow to the point that it is a giraffe calf that they are going after. I don't know how many hunts that should be out of the total 10.

At 11 months make it so that the cubs travel with the lionesses and learn how the lionesses hunt. If the cubs chase the prey away make there be a chance that there is a straggler that the lionesses + cubs kill. The cubs can gain a few stats from this.

2 years:

The females are tested to see if they can handle the competition of the pride once they are 2 years old. If they can, they stay with the pride. If they can't they go off on their own as nomadic lionesses.

So maybe you should make it so that if the user has too few SB to get food and all the hunts before the next rollover and explorations don't give the user enough food for a really hungry young lioness and the rest of the pride the really hungry lioness hunts by herself and if she gets some food she stays with the pride but if she doesn't get food and the user still doesn't have at least 80 SB she leaves and is able to be claimed by a different user.

This suggestion has 2 supports and 16 NO supports.

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Panda (#66351)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-10-23 14:43:01
No support. For one, your pregnant lioness CAN hunt until day three. Just don't nest her until the third day then she can be free to hunt for the other days. As for the cub interaction, I feel there are already enough ways to amuse our lion's cubs such as feathers and just playing with them in general. The other two seem bad for me. Not only would it increase the stat rates on lions but it would give players who aren't on as much a disadvantage. The last idea is just no for me. A lioness would not go off on her own to get food. She would take her sister lions with her and such. Plus, where does the reclaim system fit into that idea?

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caters (#65239)

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Posted on
2015-10-23 15:05:32
But hundreds to thousands of players are active including new users. So this would give lots of players an advantage. Plus if people are always wanting high stat lions(me included) then there should be things for cubs to gain stats besides the random chance from a carcass, feather, or skull.

And the reclaim system fits into the idea of the testing at 2 years because like I said in the post, if a lioness can't handle the competition from the pride at 2 years she leaves the pride and becomes a nomadic lioness. Since all the lionesses that are being claimed are nomadic for 1 reason or another this fits.

As for the practice hunting this would make it easier for people to get high stat males from breeding. Right now it would take several LD years, possibly even earth years for me to get a high stat male from Anapumua Moto and my lionesses if it weren't for that person that transferred Berry to me when she was a cub. And within that period of time I would have had at least 1 heir become king with low stats. I mean for example Tau was born with only 40 or 50 something stats. When he becomes king he will probably be just slightly above Anapumua Moto's starting 200 stats. He definitely wouldn't be at 1K or higher.

The percent instead of uses is good because right now a cub would eat the same amount as a lioness which would eat the same amount as a male assuming hunger levels are the same. But really a cub should be eating less than a lioness would at the same hunger level. And it definitely wouldn't make sense to have fractional uses.

As for the extra EXP if a pregnant lioness hunts it would make sense since a pregnant lioness would:

1) Need to go after more smaller prey

2) Need extra effort to hunt the same animal as a non pregnant lioness


3) Be more visible to its prey

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Edited on 23/10/15 @ 22:10:16 by caters (#65239)

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