Posted by [LF] Players for a Werewolf: the Apocalypse game

Khelidon (#45592)

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Posted on
2015-10-23 17:52:16

Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like we're in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye.


About the Game: The world of Werewolf: the Apocalypse is a world coming to an end. You play a member of the Garou (or not—more later), an ancient race of werewolves tasked with protecting the Earth from the forces of corruption. In this modern world, there’s a hell of a lot of corruption going around.

Will you and your pack defeat the forces of the Wyrm? Or will you focus instead on preserving the primal beauty of the Wyld, walking the boundary between this world and the one of the spirits? But glass glitters where once the forests grew: perhaps fighting the spread of the Weaver and her sprawling cities is more for you.

Regardless of what you choose, the Apocalypse is nigh. There is no garden to which you can run, child of the wolf. The Wyrm rises, and as it does, it devours all. You have nowhere to go. You have nowhere to hide. The only question left is: when will you rage?


Requirements: Sound appealing? Then Werewolf might be for you. I’m an experienced GM looking for a group of three to six interested players. You do not by any means have to be familiar with Werewolf, tabletop games, or even RP in general! I would be more than happy to take on new, young, or inexperienced players. There is no age or literacy requirement, though keep in mind that Werewolf can be a mature game dealing with mature themes: you’re a werewolf, after all. If you have any concerns, contact me via PM or comment. For what it’s worth, I played my first game at 14!

No rulebooks or other resources are required! They will all be supplied for you, should you not possess them ;)


How it Works: Werewolf is a traditional RPG that uses the Storytelling system developed by White Wolf Games. Yes, this means that there is some rolling of dice required! This shouldn’t be cause for alarm. Werewolf is still overwhelmingly roleplay-based, and it is at its best in the hands of a group of players who care more for character development than dungeon crawling.

We would be playing online, probably not on Lioden (just because it’s not well-suited to traditional RPGs). Depending on what the players think, the game would take place either on RollD20 (free to join!), a traditional forum, or in a group Skype chat (text only). Rules for meetups are pretty lax! We will work around your schedule, whatever it may be.


The Setting: The setting is not set in stone! Rather, I would prefer to develop it after consulting each individual player and getting a feel for what type of character they want to play. Players are by no means limited to the Garou: other shapeshifters, Kinfolk (humans/wolves related to Garou), etc. will all be available for play. I don’t believe in discouraging any one concept. If you can justify that outlandish character to me, you’re fine! All of this being said, here are some potential settings for you to consider:

Southern Gothic: Think American Horror Story: Coven or novels like We Have Always Lived in the Castle or The Ballad of the Sad Café. Taking place across the American South, this game would deal with all the hallmarks of the southern gothic genre. Garou, mages, Kin, and various other Changing Breeds would be available for play.

The Ahadi: Set in South Africa, this game would probably be best suited for a mixed group of different shapeshifters dealing with the changing landscape of modern Africa.

Rage across Australia: A cross between the environmentalism and animism of The Nargun and the Stars and the no-holds-barred apocalyptic outback of Mad Max: The Road Warrior. The Australian Outback is a forbidding place, and the country, wounded from the loss of the native were-thylacines, suffers in the grip of the Wyrm. Will you save it?

Historical Setting: I am a trained historian, and am willing to construct a historical setting for those interested! Think the Assassin’s Creed franchise and/or Clan of the Cave Bear.


About the GM: Hi! I’m Alex. I’ve been playing tabletop RPs since I was 10, and Werewolf since 14. I am 21 years old and a graduate student with a couple of published papers under my belt. I’ve been GMing games for years, and have been a longtime (3+ years) player on a couple of forum RPs offsite. I have a German Shepherd named after a dead Russian and a bunch of snakes. If you’re interested in learning more about me, I am on Tumblr.


Interested? Comment below, or send me a PM! Don’t be shy: I would be thrilled to have any expressions of interest at all.

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Edited on 24/10/15 @ 00:56:42 by Khelidon (#45592)

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