Posted by [++] Editing/Deleting Trades

Vitani (#55016)

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Posted on
2015-11-03 02:42:04
I think something that would improve the game experience for me is the ability to edit your trades and delete multiple trades at a time.

I usually have anywhere between 5-10 trades going at a time, trying to sell cubs, decors, etc. It's extremely frustrating to have to cancel all the trades and redo them, just to edit the price or add/ take away an item. If we had the ability to edit the trade, like we can edit a post I think this would make for an easier time.

When my trades don't sell for long periods of time, I like to drop the price a little bit and try again. I usually end up waiting a really long time to do this because the process of deleting as many trades as I have is very tedious.

Another addition to the game I would find helpful is the ability to delete multiple trades. Sometimes I decide that I want to keep items or lions, or I decide I want to put items on my branch instead of trying to get rid of them in the trade center. If players had the ability to delete multiple trades at a time, this would make things smoother for over all gameplay.

This suggestion has 457 supports and 9 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/11/15 @ 22:23:13 by Xylax (#4)

Potema The Wolf
Queen (#45697)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-04 12:02:16
I support! I was just thinking about how it would be cool to be able to edit your trades earlier today. :)

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Potema The Wolf
Queen (#45697)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-04 12:02:20
I support! I was just thinking about how it would be cool to be able to edit your trades earlier today. :)

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Maewyn (#71229)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-05 07:37:06
Support! Though, if they added the ability to edit trades, they would need to also prevent people from editing trades that have offers already made on them. Or, alternatively, it could automatically reject all offers when a trade is edited. Otherwise I can imagine people putting up a bunch of things in a trade, getting a high offer, then removing things from the trade and accepting the offer, basically ripping people off.

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Vitani (#55016)

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Posted on
2015-11-06 04:42:39
Maewyn, I agree that there would have to be some limitations. Maybe that you cannot edit trades that have offers made on them, rather than it rejects all the offers.

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Xylax (#4)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-11-06 04:44:37
What would prevent a player for getting offers and editing the trade to empty it out and scam?

We already tried it actually. Editing as long as there's no offers.

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𝕝𝕖 gives up (#34702)

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Posted on
2015-11-06 04:46:23
Aboslutely! I was going to suggest this before but assumed it had already been a suggestion.

Trades must have ZERO offers on them. They can be edited at any time otherwise.

You cannot ADD things to trades, but you can REMOVE things from them.

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Vitani (#55016)

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Posted on
2015-11-06 05:16:35
There has to be something that can be done to make trading a easier process. I'd be happy if we could at least have a mass trade delete button. The process of having to delete each individual trade is daunting and time consuming.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2015-11-06 20:55:37
I would suggest cancelling active offers on a trade if it's edited with a message "this trade has been edited!" sent to bidders. I support though, that would be very helpful. Also bumping trades would be really nice.

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Recluse⛧🚮 (#58397)

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Posted on
2015-11-09 18:04:01
Some sort of mass deleting at LEAST.
Plenty of other sites that involve bidding have it (usually an X next to the title just to make it easier and faster).

Editing would be nice, but it would be hard to implement and I havent seen any other site do it.
So while it would be useful, I think we COULD do without the editing. But the mass deletion is a MUST.

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3xSia Ice) (#72318)

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Posted on
2015-11-09 18:26:22
IMHO, edits would be awesome as long as they're on unoffered upon trades.

I sell a lot of karma fodder and it's annoying for me and my purchasers that I can't edit a trade (for example, I spend my morning energy, spend energy a few hours later, set up a trade for the morning lions, spend energy a few hours later, set up another trade... etc.. and my buyer ends up with 3 or 4 messages each with another trade in it.

If I could just set up one trade, and add lions and tweak the price as I went through the day it'd be happier for both of us!

as another alternative, you could have some sort of 'per unit' trade.. but I think that's another thread... which I"m gonna go post now! :D

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Lou (#20074)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-11-10 17:11:22
I support mass deletion of trades, but the trade editing part could get messy.
If I bid on a trade, and it gets changed, I'd want to see the changes before keeping my bid active on the trade.

So maybe if when the trade holder edits the trade, the bids go into limbo, and the bidders have the option to "renew" or "cancel" offers before their offers can be accepted, I think that'd be okay.

It'd be awful if someone made a trade of 3000SB for 3GB, and someone offered 3GB, but then the trade holder edited the trade so that they were only offering 300SB and then accepted the offer of 3GB.

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Sera (#67314)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 17:20:03
What about the ability to edit offers on a trade as well? Ever went through with the current tick-box system and selected a bunch of items to offer, then submitted it and noticed you forgot something? This is especially annoying in food trades. I've had to cancel a whole offer, and I know how much people hate canceled offers. By the time you've re-selected items and made the offer again, the trade might be ended because another offer was accepted.

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Vitani (#55016)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 17:20:15
After getting some responses to this and having time to mull it over, I agree with this. The mass deleting of trades, for me personally, would come close to eliminating the need to edit trades. Though, it would still be convenient if I could bump a lioness I'm trying to sell from 100SB to 75SB or the like.

IF we got to edit trades, I think the simplest way to keep any accidents from happening would be to only allow edits on trades that have no offers. I don't know anything about coding or how difficult it would be to make that happen but that seems like the fairest way to do things.

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🐶 FlipicusPup
main [S2D] (#22800)

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Posted on
2015-11-11 16:24:59
I would like to be able to change the trade title and description only, no adding or removing of ANYTHING (items or lions).
I often make spelling mistakes and don't realise, and people are mostly put off by spelling mistakes I've noticed e.g. a trade with the exact same stuff in and description, but a spelling mistake in it will get bought out a long time after than one without. Its annoying, but people can be predjudiced, just like with appearing professional in real life.
I also support the idea that it should send a notification to the people who have offered, something like 'Trade X that you offered on has been updated, click here to see the new description.' It's also useful for telling people what you will accept in terms of items, if you originally wanted a GMO, but now want Buffalo Balls, you can just edit the description and say so :)

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Edited on 11/11/15 @ 23:26:19 by FlipicusPup |K. (Galaxy) (#22800)

Lethra (Kirya's
side) (#32824)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-11 18:42:49
I think it would be nice, but as Xy says, I think there should be something to prevent scamming.
I was thinking about an automated message to the bidder like "The trade you offered on has been modified. Please confirm or remove your offer" and the impossibility for the seller to accept an unconfirmed offer.
I have no idea how hard this would be to code, but I suppose that would solve the problem

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