Posted by 1 x 1 search! OPEN!

Natori Pride
(Shaya)(MAIN) (#30707)

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Posted on
2015-11-12 09:35:22
I'm currently seeking a one on one! Read below please!

No power-playing or God-modding (Meaning don't control my character or don't have an unbeatable character)
No perfect characters
Be at least semi-literate
Hopefully 3 sentences per post
Be polite
Please none of that 'I can only play female!' or 'I only play female' crap... if I can play male and I'm a female, so can you.
I strongly prefer to double.
In some genres I prefer to be realistic, such as animal
If I think of more I will say

* - How many of these depends on how much I wanna do it.)

Movies (Harry Potter (Canon x OC)*****, Transformers (The Movie) ***** (Canon x oc))
Animal ****
Anime (Yu Yu Hakusho***** (Canon x oc))
Odd pairings
And more

Violence: None
Gore: None
Language: None but don't make every other word a cuss word...
18+: None (Except if animal don't drag it on for ten posts because its not realistic)

Location: PMs, Email or AIM

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