Posted by Submale Slot / Territory Expansion *Option* of SB

Lollygag1 | G1 3.7k
Pie Ra (#7740)

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Posted on
2015-11-15 15:40:35
Where you used to be able to skip wait time for patrolling/hunting and claiming a lioness for 1GB, you now have to option of paying 1000SB instead.

I suggest that players be given the option to expand territory with SB as well.

Note: I understand that you can buy normal territory for SB up until you have many, many slots. This is primarily a suggestion for sub-male slots, but I don't see any reason to exclude normal territory either.

*Sigh* I also understand that submale slots are a privilege. Paying for them with a metric ass ton of SB does not make them any less of a privilege. The same way that paying SB to skip waiting times for patrolling or hunting does not make that less of a privilege.

This suggestion has 34 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 15/11/15 @ 23:19:02 by Lollygag ~*'Dolts'*~ (#7740)

Kaiet Cooper (#64210)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-11-15 15:47:54
Honestly i agree with it. i cant keep buying Gb to expand territory

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Sol (#146730)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-04 13:06:56
Since in the game, 1000SB it's equivalent to 1 GB
What if there's the option of "you can expand by 1000SB or 1GB"?

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Alisa -HM- (#146143)

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Posted on
2018-07-06 05:10:32
I support!

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