Posted by Mark for Later

Zevruu (#2603)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-18 04:55:15
I looked, but did not find a thread like this. If there is one, then just post the link and i will support it.

Have you ever just logged in really quickly, perhaps just to feed/interact with your lions, and saw someone had sent you a message? And upon looking at that message, it may be something that would be best with a reply, preferably right away. However, you may not have time to get a reply in.

Some have previously suggested to mark that as not read, make it seem as though it had never been read, and marked as such on the person's who sent it in their sent messages. However, that can be easily exploited.

What I propose is the option to mark it for later. It would still be shown as read, and on the other's outbox-but also as marked for later.

When you have a message marked for later, there could be a little notification next to the messages, perhaps similar to when you have a new message. Maybe a different color/slightly different look? There could maybe also be a notification along the top of the screen, however I know those tend to get annoying so maybe that wouldn't be best... cx

When looking at your inbox, it might be marked as read, unread, or perhaps as something else. Different color/look... The subject made bold, maybe? This would be up to the admins. And it would also be marked in the person who sent the message outbox, so they would know that it has been read, but also marked for later.

Every few days, there could be a notification at the top of your screen, saying something like, "You have __ message(s) marked for later! Would you like to view them now?" and a link to your inbox. There could also be the option to just get rid of the notification. This might help with those who forgot about it.

Please let me know your opinions on this idea! If you support, if you don't...And if you don't support, tell me why! This suggestion could always be improved.

This suggestion has 30 supports and 1 NO support.

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Cryptic Coyote (#58143)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-11-18 08:11:09
I had a thread like this a few months back asking for an option to mark messages as Unread so you could come back to them later. The idea wasn't well received when I suggested it, but I wish you luck! It's a feature I'd love to have.

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null (#56571)

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Posted on
2015-11-20 08:15:01
I support this because I always check Lioden when I first wake up in the morning on my phone, but the only thing I do is feed my pride and occasionally give them toys. I always read messages someone sends me, however it is extremely difficult to transfer, message, etc. on my mobile device and I usually wait until later to get on my computer to do any sort of messaging. I've had people get extremely pissy with me because they thought I ignored them when really I just wasn't able to immediately respond.

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