Posted by Impression gaining/lowering
Flower365 (#67805)

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Posted on
2015-11-18 06:02:35
As all of us know in real life, if you do something imberresing it can lower your "fame". I suggest that if your lion would do a certain thing like have a lion chased away they would loose a little of their impression but even if it would get to a 0% you would not go a level lower or you could depending what you think would be better. For excample from chasing away lioness you could loose 1-3 or what seems good for you and a gossip message could be generated.. Or if it would be to low because of these kind of things a lioness could leave to another pride, in fear of you chasing them away. So what do you think?

This suggestion has 10 supports and 26 NO supports.

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-11-18 06:06:28
They actually did have an impression lowering system awhile ago, where you lost 1% impression at each rollover. I'm not exactly sure why they took it away but there must have been a reason.

I'm not too sure on it myself really, seeing as each battle at dreamboat only gives 1% impression anyway so it's rather difficult to maintain it at the highest level.

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Flower365 (#67805)

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Posted on
2015-11-18 06:07:39
Ok, I haven't been here fo that long, so I actually never knew about that.

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Pie 🥧 (#69575)

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Posted on
2015-11-18 06:09:03
This makes sense, but as Kraft said, it is incredibly hard to get impression once your at dreamboat, which takes FOREVER to get too.

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Flower365 (#67805)

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Posted on
2015-11-18 06:10:11
Yeah, I haven't been one for that long so I didn't actually have noticed that yet, but thanx from the news anyway.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-11-18 07:00:41
If I remember right, the reason why the daily impression loss was removed was because people constantly mistook it as a bug.
I do think that impression should be lost sometimes, maybe even daily, forcing you to prove yourself to your pride over and over, raising it back up. After all, which female would find a male appealing who is doing nothing all day?

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Flower365 (#67805)

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Posted on
2015-11-19 01:48:34
Yep, thanx from the news too

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Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2015-11-19 01:51:44
I don't know if I like the imp loss for chasing lions, but it could definitely be interesting for some explore encounters! Like eating poop in that poop encounter could lower your imp a bit.

Makes sense and would add some challenge to impression =3

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Flower365 (#67805)

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Posted on
2015-11-19 01:53:47
Ok, I actually think that if this will go trought then that the other members should just get to throw in suggestions, even thought the post is still young but people seem to not suggest it because they think it will end like the "bug" they had back then, I've gotten messages complaining cause of that...

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Edited on 19/11/15 @ 08:55:23 by Flower365 (#67805)

ˆ (#71340)

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Posted on
2015-11-19 01:56:19
no support, it's hard to gain impression already and well i need to chase a lot of lions sometimes and losing impression for that would be quite annoying

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Flower365 (#67805)

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Posted on
2015-11-19 01:59:46
Thanx, from the feedback but you could always sell some, And nature reserving would give you some gain sense it already does seem to give you some "good luck".

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Smartie (#67158)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 03:34:27
Sometimes chasing is necessary because of bad cubs. I only chase when I can't sell, but if I have had an unwanted cub for so long and it is about to age, I chase it. And I agree it would be annoying to lose impression off that. No support, sorry.

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Flower365 (#67805)

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Posted on
2015-11-28 03:55:44
It's ok, everyone has their own opinion :)

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