Posted by [LIONS] Seeking Partners for a 1x1 or Open RP

Death & Honey (#718)

Scourge of Lions
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-11-22 01:40:56

I'd really be willing to develop my LioDen characters a bit as, I've been having so much fun with the site lately, so, I decided that I'd really want to roleplay some of my lions.

If you'd be up for it, we could perhaps have our lions / lionesses / cubs interact and plit something nice / not so nice for them? Right now, I'd be mostly open to anything but I'd really love to have a chance to roleplay my new ginger girl Kijito, thereofre, any playful cubs for friends or why not enemies would be more than welcome.

However, please be advised that I have not RPed in quite a while. I used to be very active in a TLK roleplay on GaiaOnline for several years (Shadows of Africa) but I think my roleplaying skills may have gotten a little rusty.

Anyways, I'd be happy to give it a go, if you are. c:

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