Posted by spirit cats (sign ups)

Nova (#77818)

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Posted on
2015-12-05 06:36:57
-Welcome Spirit cats-


many young souls have heard of the fabled werewolves and kitsune but few have ever heard of the spirit cats...

I guess guys are interested in another one of my role play XD anyways, this is an idea i had for a while, so yeah. :) I hope you guys enjoy :D


-please follow lioden rules at all times! no exceptions, and you must also follow mine if you don’t want to risk getting kicked out of the Roleplay
-please check this thread at least once a week, to check for updates, news and other important things
-you may role play through private messages with other members, but you must message me if anything important has happened during your role playing session, you I may notify other members.
-we accept everyone, from beginners at role playing, to experts
-we want variety and uniqueness in every character, so please do be afraid to explore your boundaries as longs as you're able to play them
-you may have as many characters as you want, just as long as you're able to play them all
-no god-modding, no power playing, no mary sues, or Gary sues, no extremely beautiful characters to the point it seems god-like, remember your not the only person out there
harassment will not be accepted, you will be kicked out immediately if found doing so
-if you are having trouble with another person in this role play, please tell me
-keep all of your personal drama out of my thread, you will not be accepted in doing so
-if you fail to follow my rules you will be punished and or kick from this role playing thread.
ah-hahaha, I forgot to add this, silly me XD so anyways, just pm me any questions and I'll try to answer them the best I can :) and if I find the question might be asked often I'll put them here :)
Q-"can my character be homosexual?"
A- yes, actually :) and if you want them to have any other sexuality I will allow it :) no questions asked :)


-Spirit cats-

Spirit cats are a new species just recently made over the past hundred years. Spirit cats were first made when a witch cursed a man to be cursed to be bound with two beast he came across, which so happened to be the witch’s cat. The binding was a horrible and painful process which left the man weak and helpless and in the form of a cat.

The now superbly angry witch look the man in the place of her now gone cat. after a few days it was like she almost forgot about the curse she laid on the man, and sceance the man was still to weak to run away or do anything he was forced to stay with the witch.

One day the witch had to leave her home for more ingredients, and she took her cat along. the man had now grown quite stronger over the past few days and was ready to try to escape when the witch dragged him along to get ingredients.

after some search she came across a small wild cat, thous binding the mand a second time. but after the painful process was over, strangely enough he was strong than he was before, and fought off the witch and escaped.

Free at least he knew he could escape to the town because of the form he was in so he hurried off into the forest. he would soon find out that he could change and shift his form from the one he was in last, so he could return back to town. he also found out that he could pass on his curse to other people.

Over recent decades Spirit cats have changed, evolved, and grown in numbers, and sceance that has happened other groups have grown weary to the point of killing out of place spirit cats. Spirit cats now have to stick with their can more closely to the point sprit cats almost look like gangs/cults in some places. spirit cats shouldn't be living like this, living in constant fear for their lives, so it’s time to fight back. are you willing to join their ranks to help fight back, or are you here to fight against them?


-facts about spirit cats-

-Spirit Cat will recruit/make new members in the by sharing their blood with another, giving birth to one, or by ritual by giving a human a spirit stone
-Spirit cats have four forms all together, Human, Cat, Wild Cat, and Spirit form.
- Spirit stone’s contain one’s spirit cat, a spirit cat contains the power for one to turn into any of their three forms at will, or by the will of the king/queen
-Spirit cats are considered a threat to other shifters and such for a few reasons, such as Spirit cats can choose from four forms to fight from, and depend on the type of battle spirit cats can be quite powerful
-the weakest form a spirit cat can choose is cat form, but Spirit cats tend to choose to stay in cat or human form
-Spirit form is when a spirit cat in human form calls for its spirit form to protect as a type of shield/weapon in the shape of a cat, but if the spirit form gets damage so does the human, but even worse
-Spirit stones are quite easy to find, but quite hard to activate, only shaman spirit cats can activate them, and give them to new spirit cats

(might add more late but this is just for now)


the leader of a Spirit cat clan is a queen/king. depending on the clan the role of leader is either chosen by power, blood(relationship with the king/queen by family), wisdom, or by being second in command. Kings/queens are not addressed by the name king or queen(example; Queen Catherine) and there mate won't become King or queen either.

The one in second command, often the king or queen’s mate, child, or even a blood relative, but they can also like how the king and queen are chosen. Dukes/duchesses almost have little to no power except for their name, or when the leader isn’t there.

Warriors are the protectors of the clan, and nothing more. these cat/humans are the some of the strongest ones there, though hunters can help out in a fight, these guys tend to do the heavy lifting.

Almost as useless as they are helpful. hunters were first used to hunt for food for their speed and strength, but now with modern grocery stores hunters were mostly taken out of commission, but now with jumps by other shifters some clans have moved back to the forest and those clans have put the hunters back to use.

Den mothers/Den father
Den mothers are the one who tend for the young ones. mothers will often become den mothers for a short time until their children are old enough to become trainees. few women will stay den mothers but some do. den mothers often tend to take care of abandoned children until they grow up too. a few men will take the role as a den father if they intend to adopt a child(same thing for women) or have one but said child mother died so they often take a role as den father, but other than that, they have nothing to do with the children but meet with them a few times and such.

elders tend to be the oldest of them all, and tend to retire from their position to relax and tell children stories, give advice to warrior/hunters/leaders and such, and other things. once one dose this elders tend to give up their stones, and once that happens the stone will deactivate, leaving them useless


The Clans-
(so far I’ll have only two clans, but if you would like to make another one, feel free to pm me and we can talk, and if I okay you, remember to link your sister clan to mine, thanks :))

Alfire’s clan- This clan takes place in the town
Den mother’s/father’s:

Ren’s Clan-takes place in the forest
Den mother’s/father’s:


i’m guessing scene you read this far you want to join my rp XD well here you go, the forum to join-

*= means you don’t have to add said item

Gender- (all excepted)
Appearance-(please include all forms)


Member list:

I hope you join and you guys have fun :) you may start posting

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