Posted by Sanctuary || [Big Cat RP] [Sign Ups CLOSED]

Kaene (#74961)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-14 13:03:14


The goal? Mt. Kilimanjaro. The world is ending, and every last cat wants to be there. There's food, water, and a prophecy -- that the valley near the volcano is life's last hope to cling to.

UsernameID #AgeCharacterSpeciesGenderS.O
CatGirl#300644.5AthenaBengal TigerFemaleHeterosexual
Lunar#792383.5LunaWhite TigerFemaleBisexual
Prince [KYO]#60369MfalmeCape LionMaleHeterosexual
Samba CC#281043RedwoodCougarMaleHeterosexual
LORDBLUE#744904AlisterSiberian TigerMaleHeterosexual
Lunar#792384AllisonKing CheetahFemaleHeterosexual
Kae#749614LilithSnow LeopardFemaleBisexual
Fantasic Dorito#785623 MonthsJaegerLeopardMalePansexual
ChristieCat15#545116AnkaCape LionessFemaleHeterosexual
ChristieCat15#545114.5BonesKing CheetahMaleHeterosexual


1) All Lioden TOS rules apply.

2) No Godmodding, Powerplaying, Ect.

3) No force mating, or doing anything without the other RPer's consent.

4) No graphic mating. That can be done on your own time off of Lioden.

5) Semi-Literate -> Literate. No chatspeak.

6) Swearing is allowed, but don't overdo it.

7) Keep ALL OOC talk in the CHAT THREAD.

8) Put J.S.S in the OTHER section of your Bio.

9) There will be limits on the amount of special characters (hybrids, creatures with mutations) and species. We don't want all lions, all tigers, ect, available species are in the next box.

10) More than likely I will have other people to help me manage this RP.

11) Hate the character, not the Role-player.

12) You can be pretty much any African/Asian/North American Big Cat; I'm not picky about geographical accuracy.

13) However, do remember that realism does factor in. Disease, Injury, and Temperature does affect your cat accordingly to it's coat. I.E: Snow Leopards would be miserable in the heat.

14) S.O is here because everyone should at least get the choice :P


(image above does not belong to me, credit goes to original owner)

Name ||

Age ||


Species ||

Sexual Orientation ||

Personality ||

Appearance ||

Crush/Lover ||

History ||

Other ||


Lions (2/7)
Tigers (3/4) (Only 1 Achromatic)
Liger/Tigon (2/2)
Leopon (2/2)
Cheetah (2/5)
Leopards (1/4)
Jaguar (1/3) (Only 1 Melanistic)
Snow Leopard (1/2)
Cougar (2/3)

(May add more slots for these if the RP grows)

(PM me if you have a special request?)

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Edited on 15/12/15 @ 20:31:55 by Kae (#74961)

Kaene (#74961)

Dreamboat of Ladies
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-14 13:27:21
Name || Isiah

Age || 5 Years Old

Gender|| Male

Species || Leopon

Sexual Orientation || Pansexual

Personality || Isiah is a stubborn, big headed young male. He doesn't like to be bossed around to told what to do. He thinks of himself as a leader, and sometimes gets himself stuck in situations he could of easily avoided, but he got himself into a fight with someone bigger than himself because he thought he could take them. He likes to eat when he's bored, and therefore frequently likes to complain that he's hungry. He's a little bit ungrateful for what he has sometimes, but at the end of the day is pretty nice. He's a bit of a flirt, and doesn't really care what gender they are. He's young, so it's pretty much expected. A lot of others tend to get irritated with him since he deals with his fear and anxiety by being humorous or sarcastic. So, given their current situation, not exactly a good idea to poke fun at someone who's already anxious and afraid.

Appearance || About the size of an adolescent male lion. He's a golden color with black rosette markings, and is a lot leaner than a lion would be. He has bright amber eyes and is adorned with golden fuzzy fur around his neck area, almost like an attempt at a mane. [WILL ADD IMAGE LATER]

Crush/Lover || [None]

History || Is the result of a male leopard breeding with a female lion. He is rather rejected in both leopard and lion societies because of this. Doesn't let it get to him though now that he's older. However, a few don't mind that he's a hybrid. He's doing things for himself at this point and isn't about to act like he's ashamed of who he is.

Other || J.S.S


Name || Lilith

Age ||4 Years Old

Gender || Female

Species || Snow Leopard

Sexual Orientation || Bisexual

Personality || She's a little unconfident in herself. She hates the heat and thinks it's miserable, and terribly misses her home in the mountains. She honestly was a little skeptical about the whole prophecy thing, and thought it was a tale for kittens. She appears standoffish and a little cold at first, but in reality loves the company of others, especially children. She has a good heart, and is very curious about things. Pretty terrible at hunting, and blends in TERRIBLY in the African Savannas.

Appearance || Temporary Ref She also has a rather large brown leather collar on, a token from the humans that once had taken her in when she was injured.

Crush/Lover || None Yet

History || She grew up orphaned, raised by a grumpy old snow leopard who took care of her until she was an adolescent. She and him were going to go to Kilimanjaro together, but got separated on the way there and she couldn't find him again. She considers herself a loner but actually very much depends on the company of others. She truthfully hates to be alone.

Other || J.S.S

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Edited on 15/12/15 @ 20:30:37 by Kae (#74961)

KitCat (#30064)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-14 14:16:38
Name || Athena

Age || 4.5 years


Species ||Bengal tiger

Sexual Orientation || Heterosexual

Personality || Athena is quite friendly and respectful to others - under the condition that they are the same to her. When gotten on her bad side, Athena can be sassy and rude. She can sometimes get aggressive and take on others including males, even if she knows she'll be defeated. She is a proud tiger and definitely quite independent. Athena doesn't care much if she does not have a mate and claims that having one would just be a burden but given the opportunity- she would have a mate., Surprisingly, Athena is quite muscular and bulky - for a female. She enjoys hunting birds therefore she is quite stealthy and swift.

Appearance ||
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Crush/Lover || none

History ||

Other || J. S.S

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Edited on 15/12/15 @ 00:22:32 by CatGirl {Gifting back!} (#30064)

Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-12-14 14:23:56
Name || Kelta'An (Kel or Kelta)

Age || 3-4 years. Somewhere around there

Gender || Female

Species || Tigon

Sexual Orientation || Bisexual

Personality || Kelta'An is somewhat more of the quiet, rebel type. She's quite mysterious and often drops little hints about herself or what she's doing when she wants to interest someone. Somehow, she's quite flirty, but she doesn't even notice it herself. She's quite aggressive when someone angers her, and isn't afraid to admit embarrassing things. She's hates being the center of attention and will sit idly by and stare at someone with a smug look. Kel is very sly and cocky, usually always getting what she wants by force, or by tricks. On the inside though, she's a big 'ol scaredy cat. She's mortified of water, and quite afraid of bees, frankly. She'll just try to get out of a situation involving those two things by using lies and tricks.

Appearance || Slighter bigger than the average lioness, she sports a orange-ish coat with slighty darker stripes She has cream fades on her underbelly and face. She has a bit more of a resemblance to a tiger rather than a lion, but it's her size and strength that make up the lion part. Her jaw is shaped and formed more like a lion as well.
Reference Picture

Crush/Lover || None at the moment. She's not picky. Like, at all. The one she likes could be half her size and she wouldn't care.

History || Born to a tigress and a male lion, and actually hasn't really had the chance to actually associate with lions that much. She tried to ignore the fact that as she grew, she got almost twice as large as her own mother. Big and bulky too. After a while, she just ignored it all and pretty much kept all her emotions bottled up inside and went with the sly and mysterious personality/attitude.

Other || J.S.S


Name || Dodger (Dodge)

Age || 7 Years

Gender || Male

Species || South African Cheetah

Sexual Orientation || Asexual - Panromantic

Personality || Despite not actually being that old, Dodger prefers to be known as the old and wise one out of the group. He's very knowledgeable, don't get me wrong, but it's a little too early to be calling yourself old and wise. But, whatever. He's a bit mentally insane too. He has a dead mouse named Larry that he carries around EVERYWHERE. He talks to him at night and even talks advice from Larry. Dodge isn't right in the head. He thinks Larry is real, but he's just not. But don't tell him that. He'll probably have a mental breakdown.

Appearance || Yeah, a cheetah. You know how it is. He is a little smaller than the average male cheetah, but he has a flare on his neck.
Reference Picture

Crush/Lover || You could say that Larry is his lover, but if/once he's found that special someone that actually gets him, it's bye-bye Larry.

History || Dodger was born with his mental disability. He met Larry about the time he began to wander off on his own. You would think that Larry would have decomposed or something by now but NOPE. Dodge actually bathes Larry to keep him clean, despite the fact that he's, well, dead.

Other || J.S.S

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Edited on 14/12/15 @ 21:49:59 by CapeSoul (#68250)

🌌Lunar Moon🌌 (#79238)

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Posted on
2015-12-14 14:25:58
Name || Luna

Age || 3 1/2

Gender|| Female

Species || Achromatic Tiger

Sexual Orientation || Bisexual
Personality || She is a rather quiet soul, and she believes that actions speak louder than words. She talks to people she is comfortable with, but don't let that fool you. She won't hesitate to attack someone who hurts her friends. She tends to stay by herself a lot of the times because she's used to being isolated. She doesn't really know what to do in social situations because her mom kept her sheltered most of her life.

Appearance || hd-white-tiger-wallpapers.jpg

Crush/Lover || [none at the moment]

History || She was born the only white cub in a liter of two, and her mother worried about her from the day she was born. She tended to give her extra attention, but her sister didn't mind because she was always the most independent of the two. She stayed with her mom most of the time, and she doesn't really know how to act around others; but she's a sweet soul at heart.

Other || J.S.S.

Name || Allison(Allie)

Age || 4

Gender|| Female

Species || King Cheetah

Sexual Orientation || Heterosexual

Personality || She is bright, bubbly, and outgoing. She loves to meet new people, and she tries her best to make another person happy. She loves to be around others. She does have her moments where she'll go off on her own for a while, and then come back. She doesn't ever tell anyone where she goes or why she goes there.

Appearance || king-cheetah_esc-0341g.jpg

Crush/Lover || [none at the moment]

History || She was the only king cheetah born in a litter of six. Her mother neglected her as a child, and her other siblings used to bully her about her strange markings. This caused her to harbor a sadness in her heart that she can't quite get rid of. She hides this behind her outgoing personality, and her busy body nature.

Other || J.S.S.

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Edited on 14/12/15 @ 21:42:31 by Lunar (#79238)

Kaene (#74961)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-14 14:36:23
[[ All of you are accepted and added to the chart!! ]]

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2015-12-14 14:37:02


Name || "King" Mfalme

Age || Nine Years

Gender|| Male

Species || Cape Lion

Sexual Orientation || Fully Hetero

Personality || A very proud lion he's confident in himself and his abilities, it isn't unheard of for him to go about boasting. Luckily he can back up his own braggings, those that aren't exaggerated that is. Speaking of which, he's a true story teller, able to take the dullest day and spin it into a dramatic tale of adventure. He's a bit forgetful though as he's getting quite into his years and has a tendency to repeat things or get things mixed up. And of course being a male lion, he's quite masochistic and can say things that would make more enlightened animals gasp in surprise. It'd take quite a bit for him to ever think of a female an equal, even then he'd claim that they had a male's spirit.

Appearance || Length 9 ft/289 cm || Height 3 ft/106 cm || Weight 485 lbs/220 kg

Crush/Lover || None / None

History || He was once a mighty king with a pride containing dozens of lionesses and cubs, but he was defeated and chased from his pride by two younger males. But not young enough that they would put shame to his fighting skills.

Other || J.S.S.

Name ||

Age ||


Species || Jaguar

Sexual Orientation ||

Personality ||

Appearance || Length ft/ cm || Height ft/ cm || Weight lbs/ kg

Crush/Lover ||

History ||

Other || J.S.S.

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Edited on 15/12/15 @ 00:08:16 by Prince [KYO] (#6036)

Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-12-14 14:37:18
Name || Redwood

Age || 3 years

Gender|| Male

Species || Cougar

Sexual Orientation || Straight

Personality || Redwood is somewhat reckless, and a bit too brave for his own good. He will fight against impossible odds, as his pride won't allow him to back down. He is very jokey and has trouble taking things seriously. He is hardly ever sad and it's difficult to upset him. He can be very flirty and ignorant at times, and sometimes can't tell when someone prefers to be left alone.

Appearance || He's pretty tall for a cougar, and his fur is more reddish brown than most, earning him his name. He has a scar on his nose and another on his forehead, earned when he fought for his life against a grizzly bear.

Crush/Lover || None yet.

History || Redwood had two siblings, a brother and a sister. They spent many days playing together, until another cougar found them. He killed Redwood's siblings, but his mother managed to save him alone. She fled with him and they lived out the rest of the bitter winter in solitude. When he grew old enough to leave her, he did so and roamed by himself for a long time. He had no territory and stayed away from his own kind.

Other || J.S.S

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KitCat (#30064)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-14 14:40:58
Hey lunar, could your oc and mine be sisters? My oc fits her history criteria.

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Edited on 14/12/15 @ 21:41:10 by CatGirl {Gifting back!} (#30064)

🌌Lunar Moon🌌 (#79238)

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Posted on
2015-12-14 14:43:44
@CatGirl {Gifting Back} Totally :)

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Edited on 15/12/15 @ 08:04:16 by Lunar (#79238)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-14 14:46:24

Name: Alister
Gender: Male
Age: 4 Years
Species: Siberian Tiger
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Appearance: A massive dark ginger-coated feline with thick black stripes and thick, mane-like fur framing his face. His eyes are a rich forest green with a line of gold around his pupil, vibrant against his orange coat. He's intimidating from a far, and he's rarely expressive.
Personality: Despite having a very imposing aura, this giant cat isn't necessarily aggressive or malicious, but very sharp-tongued and prone to irritability. He's got a short temper, and has a tendency to snap out sarcastic insults, but it's very unlikely Alister would ever harm a soul without a good cause.
Crush: None yet.
History: Alister was born to his mother as a single cub, a miracle to have survived due to the circumstances they lived in. Their land was far from plentiful and Alister's mother ended up starving to death, leaving the adolescent tiger on his own. He's wandered independently ever since.
Other: J.S.S

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Kaene (#74961)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-14 15:03:15
[[ Everyone is accepted so far! BRB for a bit! Will get back to editing as soon as possible! ]]

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KitCat (#30064)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-14 21:04:35
Can't wait for this rp to start!

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2015-12-15 00:40:02
Name || "Jaeger" Meaning: Hunter in German

Age || 3 months

Gender|| Male

Species || African Leopard

Sexual Orientation || I will have him be pansexual when he is older.

Personality || Jaeger has always been quite the adventurous cub, though he is quite the obedient cub as well, especially when it comes to his mother. He is also very stubborn yet determined, whatever he has his mind set to he will stick to it. Jaeger is also curious, his cub mind loves to discover new things even if it is something so simple such as how large that rock is. Of course being a cub means he can be full of energy and very playful. He also has a small but growing passion for hunting, he would try pouncing and playing with leaves or a poor unsuspecting grasshopper or beetle maybe even a small rodent as well.

Appearance || Link Jaeger is quite fluffier than the regular African Leopard cub, because of it he is usually mistaken to being a Amur Leopard cub. He has striking bluish sliver eyes and has a weird spot that covers his left eye.

Crush/Lover || None/None

History || Jaeger was the second litter of his mother. He had once had a sister but one day she had wandered from their temporary den out of curiosity while their mother was out hunting. Only for the cub to get into the line of sight of a nearby water buffalo herd, the herd became aggressive towards the small soon to be predator and she was gored to death by the water buffalo’s horns and hooves. It was very brutal and very heartbreaking for both his mother and himself but it was also life and so his mother moved him to another hidden den, miles away from the other den, he was only a month old at the time. After another two month’s he was staying hidden in the den like he was supposed to, his mother was out hunting but one thing is, he never realized is that she hasn’t come back at all since morning.

Other || Jaeger doesn’t know that his mother isn’t coming back (hunting incident) but because of being obedient to his mother’s words and out of instinct he stays put inside the den. J.S.S

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Edited on 15/12/15 @ 12:35:53 by Fantastic Dorito (#78562)

Kaene (#74961)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-15 06:17:36
We'll start as soon as possible! I need to to work on the RP thread as well :)

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Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2015-12-15 08:56:36
Yaay! Super excited. Can't wait to roleplay Dodger. xD

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