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ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 06:36:31

Welcome to
S I L E N T ♚ C I T Y


Home to one of the most catastrophic and infamous accidents the world has ever seen, the lands of Chernobyl stand eerily still. Thick fog blankets the disheveled ghost town like cigarette smoke, hiding overgrown forests and abandoned households. There's something so serene, yet undeniably disturbing about this place. Chernobyl remains quiet with the lack of company it now holds.. or does it?

Due to the radiation that now circulates throughout Chernobyl, it is abandoned and devoid of human life. The only people who can be seen lately are tourists who venture on the outskirts of the land, safely away from dangerous radiation exposure. The only beings that remain are animals, who have unfortunately suffered from permanent disfiguration, mutations, and terminal and psychological illnesses. Every day is a struggle for survival, whether it be for territory, food, or getting past the dog who's mental stability has withered away from radiation poisoning.
✔ Disfigurations of certain features. Twisted limbs, missing body parts, half a tail, warped facial features, missing ears, missing eyes.
✔ Additions of certain features. Elongated fangs, elongated claws, extra limbs, extra teeth, dramatically curved teeth.
✔ Psychological Disorders. These are most prominent in Chernobyl. Schizophrenia, Extreme Aggression, Psychopathy, Sociopathy, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Amnesia.
✘ Bright, obnoxious and unnatural coat colours are not permitted. This goes for eye colours as well.
✘ Supernatural abilities. Some mutations may serve a beneficial purpose, such as the elongated teeth and claws, but for the most part these are still not super-dogs. They are normal canines with deformities. Quite the opposite from supernatural.



✘ This is a literate-intermediate role play. Errors and typos happen, and that's fine, but for the most part I want people who can post with few grammatical errors.
✘ Please post as consistently as you can. If you don't believe you can be active and post at least 3 times per week, please don't join.
✘ Cursing and violence is going to be a theme in this roleplay. Nothing that would go against Lioden's Terms of Service, however. If you have a problem with this I suggest you don't join.
✘ To prove you read the rules, please put your favourite movie in the "other" section.
✘ Do not godmod, powerplay, or kill another person's character without permission.
✘ Every sexuality is allowed and welcomed.
✘ Currently not allowing any wolves / wolfdogs.
♚ Name
♚ Age
♚ Gender
♚ Breed
♚ Sexuality
♚ Mutations
♚ Appearance
♚ Personality
♚ History / Kin / Themesong/ Etc (optional)
♚ Other
♚ Must have roleplay example that displays intermediate-advanced writing!


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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 16:06:41 by | LORDBLUE | (#74490)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-28 06:37:34


R O M A N (74490 - LordBlue)
Male | Tamaskan Dog

N O R T H (74490 - LordBlue)
Male | Beauceron

V A N I C (74490 - LordBlue)
Female | Turkish Boz Shepherd

L O O N (15997 - Zesha)
Male | Great Dane

E A S T (15997 - Zesha)
Female | Beauceron

M I J U (34167 - XIO)
Female | Saluki

J A X (66551 - Dangerwithapen)
Male | Doberman - German Shepherd Cross

A L A S K A (66390 - Rabs)
Female | Siberian Husky

S O T U R I (66390 - Rabs)
Female | Greenland Dog

R O S S (33076 - Potato Lord)
Male | Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

V E R A (33076 - Potato Lord)
Female | Yakutian Laika

D E M E T R I (33076 - Potato Lord)
Male | Black Russian Terrier

M A N I T O B A (33076 - Potato Lord)
Male | Husky - Beauceron Cross

D E C E M B E R (74490 - LordBlue)
Male | Husky - Beauceron Cross

C A E S A R (51715 - Slugzilla)
Male | Komondor Dog

B L A C K J A C K (38409 - Cerebus)
Male | Harlequin Beauceron

V U L C A N (68231 - Adamymous)
Male | Corgi - Mini Aussie Cross

A L A W I (36246 - Lia-Lin)
Female | Pyrenean Shepherd Dog

S C L E R A (39277 - Headless)
Male | Azawahk

K R A S H (39277 - Headless)
Male | Ovcharka - Tibetan Mastiff Cross

N A M B I A (39277 - Headless)
Female | Dalmation

K A D E (11487 - Nyanunix)
Female | Doberman Pinscher

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 15:19:11 by | LORDBLUE | (#74490)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-28 06:37:41

"Stand up and admit,
tomorrow's never coming."

4 Years Old
Tamaskan Dog
Mutations include elongated fangs, Paranoia, Hyper-aggression.

Masculine in form, Roman was a once very muscular and athletically built canine who's physical state has deteriorated from a lack of nutrition and proper grooming. His coat contains many different shades of white, silver, grey and black, the neutral shades of his pelt contrasting nicely with his bold crimson-amber eyes. Three deep gouges of scars are visible on the top of his muzzle, as well as three thick scars along his rump where fur was unable to grow back. One of his ears is mangled with teeth marks, twisted slightly at the side from a deformity. His two front canines are slightly longer than ordinary, visible from the sides of his jaws. Extremely wolfish in appearance, but has no wolf blood.

Roman's lack of social interaction has certainly affected his view of others and the dilapidated world around him. He doesn't understand ordinary manners or social etiquette, and has a tendency to speak with a growl in his tone. He is a notorious terrorizer around the abandoned lands, known to enjoy harassing weaker canines and assert himself. A bad temper is something Roman has carried his entire life, fuelled by impatience and a need to achieve admiration from those around him- even if it’s usually by force and out of fear. Tenacious and fearless, his invincible mindset can serve as quite the advantage when he’s in need of displaying some bravery. It can also cause some catastrophe however from being so reckless and aggressive. Despite his cruel taunting of other dogs, one things he holds sacred is a respect for females. Roman seems to believe its him against the world, and will treat any dog who "judges" him with nothing less than violence. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but fairly street-smart.

Themesong: Throat Full of Glass - Combichrist

"What's the good in being good?
So go ahead, feed me diamonds."

2 Years Old
Turkish Boz Shepherd
Pansexual / Panromantic
Mutations include Neuropathy and Missing Ears

Large and imposing, Vanic is a thick-boned canine with a dramatically tucked waist and long, partially curled tail. Her ears are uncropped, but are mostly missing from the effects of radiation, missing the majority of the cartilage in the remaining skin of her ears. Her coat is a light golden cream colour with an ink-coloured muzzle and face. She has friendly, but almost nervous looking golden brown eyes.

Primitive and instinctual, Vanic is driven to keep those around her compact and out of harm's way, being a dog who is naturally a herding animal and dislikes when things are out of order. She's gentle and considerate, very benevolent and concerned about those she cares about. She seemingly has a gift of being able to pick-up when others are feeling sick or generally unhappy, and will go out of her way to get to the root of the problem and repair it in whatever manner she sees fit. Terribly kind, this will likely end up being her downfall, as she doesn't seem to understand that this world does not contain many others who are as nice as she is. Vanic suffers from neuropathy, meaning she is entirely numb and insensitive to contact. She cannot feel pain, and therefore cannot differentiate a minor wound to a potentially fatal wound.

Themesong: Feed Me Diamonds - MNDR

"I am the closest thing to god,
So worship me and never stop."

4 Years, 5 Months
Beauceron Dog
Bisexual / Heteroromantic
Mutations include Pyschopathy, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Massive male with minimal beige markings, his coat mostly a sleek burnished black. Heavily scarred most noticeably around his throat and face, a violent spar with a challenging male resulted in the complete loss of fur and skin on the top of his muzzle and tearing off his nose, exposing only a thin layer of pinkish tissue that clings tightly to the bone, giving him a ghoulish appearance. His eyes are orbs of golden brown, glinting with malice.

A conflicted individual, North battles with his own mind on a daily basis. He doesn't appear to be in control of his violent habits, making him unpredictable and dangerous. He's aggressive and rather grotesque, normally refusing to clean himself after a successful fight to flaunt his power and as a form of intimidation. Suffers from a superiority complex that has resulted in his god-like mindset, believing that somehow the world owes him something and that everyone left in this forsaken land should bow down to him. He's clever, and very silver-tongued in manipulative, which is really how he's ended up gaining any followers. Pushing his mental illness aside, North is strong but has more of a mellow soul, and can be quite friendly when he isn't consumed by his problems.

Themesong: Don't Stop - Innerpartysystem

2 Years Old
Husky x Beauceron
Pansexual / Panromantic
Mutations include elongated fangs, near-sighted vision

Lean muscled and tall, with a mostly ink-black coat. He has the silvery-white markings of a husky, fading in with the pale beige coloration of a beauceron. Generally built more like his father, but has the pointed ears and frosty gaze of his mother. His pale blue eyes are a bit distant and he has difficulty seeing things at certain distances. His lengthened fangs peek out from the side of his lips.

Charming and a bit of a clown, he is a bit of a mischievous devil who doesn't care if he stirs up some trouble- all in good fun, of course. Though he has a sharp-tongue and can be rather mean and mocking, this is a dog who did not inherit his father's cruelty. He cringes a little when North voices his viewpoints and motives and December isn't quite sure he wants to be a part of his father's chaotic plans. He tends to go out of his way to present himself as powerful and a force to be reckoned with, but his near blindness makes him clumsy and ungraceful, so his displays usually result in embarrassment.


Silver (mother, deceased)
North (father, alive, played by me)
Manitoba (brother, alive, played by Potato Lord)
East (aunt, alive, played by Zesha)

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 19:01:35 by | LORDBLUE | (#74490)

Dez (#66551)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-28 09:10:39
Name: Jax
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Breed: GSD/Doberman cross
Sexuality: Bisexual/romantic
Mutations: Giantism, elongated claws, Sociopathy
Appearance: Link to picture

Jax is a very large dog, giant actually. He has a mutation that causes him to be the size of a large dane, rather than the size that would be expected. He has a sable coat, and long legs that make it easy for him to run, yet he retains the lunging power of both his parent breeds, and packs a powerful punch when he needs to. He has longer than normal claws, which make it hard for him to walk sometimes, so he tries to keep them filed down by scratching things in a way similar to a cat.

Personality: Jax is a very clever dog, though he doesn't often need to show it, since his large size often intimidates others. He does prefer to talk things over, rather than fight, but if it comes down to it, he doesn't hesitate to go for the throat. He has a manipulative side, and can be very charming and charismatic when he chooses to be. Jax is clever, cunning, and intelligent.

History: Jax learned early on in his life that it was kill or be killed, when a pack of mangy, crazed mutts killed his mother and siblings as he was forced to hide and stay quiet. He joined a different pack, which seemed to have far more kind values, which fostered his charming, chivalrous attitude. He learned how to manipulate dogs in that pack, since they were too naive for their own good. After he got bored, he moved on, and found life as a loner to be very tempting. However, he was also well aware of the fact that being a loner is a death sentence, and so he joined up with a group of dogs that is full of mutants like him. He knows how to make someone feel a certain way, whether it be good or bad, however he chooses not to feel emotions for himself, as they only get in the way.

Kin: All Deceased

Themesong: TBD

Other: Jurassic World
Must have roleplay example that displays intermediate-advanced writing!

Kyna sat patiently waiting for the dogs to come to their senses, her tail neatly curled around her paws in an almost catlike manner. Once she was confident the other dogs were coming around, she spoke again. "Welcome again, all of you, please do come closer. There is much for you all to learn. You've all been brought to this place for a reason, though right now I assume you'd be more apt to worry about what happened, please put those memories aside for the time being. As I mentioned, we need your help, and Fate has chosen you all for reasons unknown to me. Should you choose to accept this offer, know that you will never be permitted into the place you all know as "paradise," you will forever be wandering guardians such as myself, However, do not fear, for the rewards at victory will far outweigh the troubles." She glanced around at the circle of dogs around her, satisfied at their attention. "If you do not accept, you will enter the gates behind me into unimaginable wonders, but you will be gone forever to the memory of those left behind, you will have passed on completely." She spoke quickly enough as not to be interrupted before explaining. "Indeed, you are not yet dead completely, your spirits are hovering in a blank space between worlds, called the veil. Only spirits may pass through, and even many gods cannot accomplish the task without the help of guardians. It is a place that none can map or navigate by physics, but by willpower and trust alone. There are not enough guardians to keep the veil safe any longer, many of my companions have gone missing, or have been found dead. Those of the Shadows, have discovered ways to pass through the veil, and soon will have the Earth overrun. The most ruthless of canine packs that you've known cannot even compare to the horrors that these vile creatures can do. We cannot fight them unless we have the scales tipped back into balance, and so we need warriors that can pass through the veil, even to regions that I myself cannot set foot, into the heart of the Shadow realm itself. Those warriors, should you choose to accept, will be you." She stood up and flicked her tail slightly, then turned her attention towards a doorway that had materialized. "Should you choose to take up this burden, follow me, if not, enter the gates. You will not be punished for doing so."
(Snagged from CoF)

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 13:05:31 by Dangerwithapen (#66551)

Cerebus (#38409)

Scourge of Lions
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-28 09:11:21

♚ Name
Black Jack

♚ Age
3 years old

♚ Gender

♚ Breed
Harlequin Beauceron

♚ Sexuality

♚ Mutations
Black Jack is extremely large. Where his breed normally stand at 2.2 ft- 2.3 ft Black Jack towers over them at 3.7 feet. This large machine is equipped with curves canines, and an extra set of them behind his usual canines.

♚ Appearance
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♚ Personality
Black Jack is extremely hostile, and a complete control freak. He prefers to take the rode of violence and aggression rather than just 'talking it out.' Black Jack identifies as a sociopath, using his violent nature and controlling ways to manipulate others into doing what he wants. Whether that's by fear, or a fulfilled threat.

♚ Other 'm sure you know my roleplay, yeah? <3
n' TLK

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 20:00:16 by Cerebus [I.R.I.S] (#38409)

Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 09:31:40

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Name :: Loon

Age :: Four years old

Gender :: Male

Breed :: Great Dane

Sexuality :: Asexual + Aromantic

Mutations :: Psychological disorder – psychopath; Physical ailment – nerve damage

Appearance :: Loon is a giant, reaching 40 inches at the withers—only four inches shorter than the tallest Great Dane in existence. Many Danes have a regal look about them, full of dignity, but Loon just has this blank look that he can sometimes manipulate to look friendly, but it doesn't happen often. The radiation has eaten away at the nerves that allow for facial expression. His height makes him seem intimidating, and it might be for the best that others not get around this mentally unstable mess of a dog.

Personality :: Loon always has answers, and sometimes it seems a bit too readily so. His glibness can easily give away his mental instability, though most don't seem to understand what a psychopath is, or that they're different from sociopaths, and get his traits mixed up with others. His charm is superficial, though it has to all come from words since his facial expressions don't work anymore.

Loon thinks he means a lot to everyone, even if a dog doesn't know him. He usually gets them to believe this through lying, and please note, he is a pathological liar, and you can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. This dog is cunning, manipulative, and will stab you in the back. And he will do so without any sort of remorse whatsoever.

He doesn't really have emotions, though he can fake them. Underneath these lies he is callous, cares about no one, and has no empathy, even for pups. Responsibility? Don't give it to him, if he does something wrong, he will refuse to accept the blame. And normally, he gets bored easily, so anything that needs to be done responsibly will probably go undone.

This dog is a parasite, living off others as much as he can. His long term goals are nonexistent, and his actions are impulsive and irresponsible more than half of the time. Loon has no problem stealing, either, and since he's such a large dog, few bother to oppose him. Love is not something he cares about, but he'll gladly be the father of pups he'll never see again. (While writing this and looking up these traits I realize my cousin fits all of them.)

History :: Now there's something you'll unlikely to ever get the truth on. But here it is, just for here: as a pup he had a lot of behavioral issues. He never wanted to learn how to take care of himself, he'd rather just have someone else take care of him, or manipulate someone into doing what he wanted. His own parents couldn't stand him because of what he was. He would steal food from others, if his parents had anything like a favorite bone, he would steal it, and eventually, his parents got sick of it and up and left.

He then wandered into Chernobyl, where the radiation destroyed the facial muscles that control emotional expressions. While he never had many of those to begin with, he found it was helpful when he just looked blankly, being able to explain it as a cause of the radiation. This was a home he could live in.

Other :: The Nightmare Before Christmas

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Name :: East

Age :: Four years and five months old

Gender :: Female

Breed :: Beauceron

Sexuality :: Undecided

Mutations :: Physical deformity – tailless

Appearance :: East is very short at only 24 inches, but she makes up for it in heart. Her fur is suited for colder climates, so during the summer she's half melting, but in the winter she's completely in her element, though the radiation seems to give off some strange sort of warmth, most noticeably at the site of the nuclear accident. She is usually seen with a smile on her face, and the only real deformity she has is the lack of her tail, which makes her fairly clumsy.

Personality :: East is a very amiable dog, and loves to meet others. Her friendly disposition seems a bit odd since she's North's sister. She also cares about every single dog she comes across, no matter how mentally impaired or homicidal they are, which is probably why she's still by North's side despite his very clear instability and murderous intentions. She's quite empathetic towards these dogs, in fact, and tries her best to understand where they're coming from.

History :: She can't remember living anywhere other than Chernobyl, but when things started getting really bad, she wanted to find her parents to make sure things with them were alright. East left North, giving him a lick on the muzzle good bye, and wandered off in search of the two lost Beaucerons.

She did indeed find them, but by that time, radiation was clinging to her. It had started in her tail and would have seeped up into her organs, but her father risked his life to chew through her tail, which was showing strange signs that her parents knew were radiation poisoning. After this encounter, she was content, knowing her family was safe, and returned to North. She offered for her parents to come back with her, but they strangely declined, and after a few more nos, she gave up and went back.

Relatives :: North [Brother][| LORDBLUE | (#74490)]

Other :: Or maybe Sybil

RP Sample :: Tarra's story had her ears flattening. Why would a person harm a dog like that? She moved to make the same gesture for Tarra that she had for Babael, resting her chin lightly on the Eskimo Dog's muzzle. “I'm sorry,” she murmured, not just for her, but for Babael. “That sounds terrible.” These were things that Adsila had never had to deal with, having been born to a breeder of show dogs. Most breeders were fairly nice, even if they were a bit strict when it came to training and other such things. Her original owner hadn't cared much to train her, which was possibly why she seemed so wild and impossible to tame to her current master. She simply didn't have the same build as a show Dalmatian, and it made her useless in the ring. [Read More...]

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 10:36:19 by Zesha (#15997)

X I O [divine
trip.rosette] (#34167)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-28 09:53:35

""Look sweet'art, you can protect one thing well or a lot of things badly. I choose to protect myself so ai can provide help to others in the future when options are viable. But for now, that type of cheesy shit ain't happening. Unless of course... You have a bargain...""
♚ Name;Miju
♚ Age:roughly 3 years
♚ Gender:Female
♚ Breed:Saluki
♚ Sexuality:Hetero
♚ Mutations:Miju's legs have grown longer than most others from the exposure, she has stiff bones, any excersize that may result in pressure to one of her bones from a vertical angle down on her bone thats laying horizontally would break it like a carrot. They have a good tolerance to pressure from end to end compression.
♚ Appearance
Miju is a tall, slightly creamy dog. She has soft brown eyes which often appears as though they're popping out like chihuahua eyes whenever food becomes a rare thing to come across. She has a murky saddle, ear rims and mask that quickly fade as you go down the body. She has a ghostly white underfur that turns into long socks but continues down her deep chest all the way to her tail tip.

She has long fur on her ends and ears.

Idk what else to say that the pic doesn't...

♚ Personality
Miju has a sharp tongue, often sassy and one of the dogs that could easily work her way up your "Want to Kill" list. The problem would be her legs as she can easily run a marathon quickly. Due to the fact that she has little ability to fight, she often sticks with hit and runs for attacks, her propelling speed and running ability boosts her ability to launch an ambush.
♚ History / Kin / Themesong/ Etc (optional)
♚ Other
Uhhh... Hapoy feet? Idk, haven't watched one in a long time
♚ Must have roleplay example that displays intermediate-advanced writing!

Miju walked around the abadoned place that her mother had once told her of being a bustling city with people and food. Her eyes stared at the ground, looking for signs of life.

How did she end up like this? Her mouth was parched and her stomach was empty, eating anything, just ANYTHING that moves she would happily chow on, even if it meant resorting to canniballism.

She remembered a few months ago, when she wasn't starving. Thats when her mother and siblings died, desperation. Course, they didn't eat each other, her mother had tried to keep the lot of them alive, even going months living off of scraps the pups left over at time. Miju had simply dragged her siblings off into the dark and woke with bloody muzzle. Her mother was clearly agitated when Miju turned 2 as she was the only one. During a bad hunt month, Miju gave in to her hunger and had killed her mother.

She had never realized she was born to such a scrawny mutt. Her mother's flesh hadn't lasted a day of hunger for her and now she was out again, looking...

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Edited on 30/12/15 @ 23:46:21 by X I O *Frozen Shit lard* (#34167)

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-12-28 10:09:41
Gonna reserve dis spot for me and add Sclera, Zulu, and a new character in

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Rabs (#66390)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 10:10:53


♚ Name

♚ Age
3 Years

♚ Gender

♚ Breed
Siberian Husky

♚ Sexuality

♚ Mutations
Elongated canines, Elongated claws

♚ Personality
I'll get to this... eventually

♚ History / Kin / Themesong/ Etc (optional)


♚ Other

♚ I think you already know how I RP, correct?



♚ Name

♚ Age
3 Years

♚ Gender

♚ Breed

♚ Sexuality

♚ Mutations
Psychopathic, Sociopathic, Elongated Canines

♚ Personality

"Just because I decided to jump the elk herd, doesn't mean I'm going to do it again. No, you can't make me. Stop asking or I'll give you something to whine about."

"You can do this! Don't hesitate, just set off the trap and run like hell on wheels. I'll make sure that you don't get hurt."

"Don't look down, just jump. I'll catch you, I will always catch you."

"Don't touch her! Get your filthy paws away from my pack before I decide to rip your throat out, you scoundrels!"

"Mine! Get away, this is my nest. You can't sit in it, nonetheless look at it or breath by it."

"Now... which one of you is gonna be first for a beating? Is it A, the stupid mutt with the bowtie or B, the lanky skeleton of a dog? Hmmm, I think I'll go with B."

"You lay a single digit on that pup, and so help me....! I will end your life right here, right now!"

♚ History / Kin / Themesong/ Etc (optional)

Monster Remix by Meg and Dia

Stares at Blue

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Edited on 31/12/15 @ 12:41:07 by Rabs (#66390)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-28 10:26:40
@Zesha / @ Xio - You're accepted :)

@Rabs I am totally okay with you bringing Alaska into this xD

Excited to see everyone else's finished forms. :)

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-28 10:54:51

Clicking on the images themselves will take you straight to their sources.


"Stay with me and I'll make your wildest dreams come true."
+ Name

+ Age
3 years old.

+ Gender

+ Sexuality
Demisexual - Homoromantic.

+ Breed
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog.

+ Description
A smaller than average male considering his breed, standing at 23 inches and weighing only 45 pounds. Other than that he doesn't appear to have any physical deformities save for a ripped ear. Ross has a thick light gray coat with black tipped hair, paler underfur and golden eyes. His body type is more lithe than muscular and his left ear is torn at the tip.

+ Personality
A generally asocial brute. That is unless he wants something. While Ross would always prefer to be alone that's not how things work in the abandoned city and this canine holds a rather pragmatic mind. Being on your own is practically a death sentence or like putting a target sign on your back. Especially for dogs like Ross who don't appear to be strong fighters and would much rather go poking through the forest gathering herbs. In an act of pure self-preservation Ross has grown used to company from other canines and has gained a rather manipulative streak. He has a habit of tricking larger, fiercer dogs into protecting him in exchange for medical treatment, favors, affection or anything else they might want regardless of how demeaning it might be. Even being some slobbery mutt's booty call is better than being dead. That aside, Ross isn't completely heartless. If he spends enough time with his personal guard dog to form a bond he'll at least have the decency to feel guilty for using them. He also does appear to care deeply for the injured, at times even being surprisingly selfless for the sake f someone in need despite his deep-set survival instincts.

+ History
The single pup of an aging, ill mother who passed from her ailments shortly after his birth. The only reason he survived was because another stray happened past his mother's corpse and after cannibalizing it decided to take pity on him. The dog brought him to a nursing female named Gala who had just lost her own litter and was eager to replace them with a new life in order to distract herself from the grief. They stayed together until he was about six months old when Gala was killed defending him from a gang of mongrels looking to start trouble. He was shaken by the death of his caretaker, but escaped with only a torn ear himself. Realizing he was going to have a hell of a time surviving on his own he began using other dogs for his own benefits, pushing aside any feelings of regret. He had to do this. He had to do this or he was going to die ripped to shreds like his adoptive mother.

+ Relationships

Adoptive mother. Deceased.

Former guard. The relationship ended on bad terms. Open for adoption.

+ Theme Song
World So Cold x.

+ Other
The Lion King.

+ RP Example
From Frozen Fangs.

Kita kicked a small stone out of her way and watched as it tumbled over the mountainside, plummeting down into the unknown. She and the other Pullers had been sent back up to the old camp to retrieve the rest of the supplies as only those holding most importance were transported the day of the move. A thin sheet of snow and ice covered the rocky plateau making it slippery and dangerous to walk on. They would all have to watch their step or else potentially fall to their doom just like that stone. The trip up had been difficult enough. Kita wasn't looking forward to the returning journey.

Despite working similar to a sled team they had no clear leader. Striker or one of the Commanders usually picked a lead dog out of them before sending them out on a task. Today it was Ryker. Kita almost always served as a wheel dog. She was tall with a well-muscled frame. More brawny than even a few of the males in the pack. It was a suitable position for her and the Utonagan was content with it for the most part.

Kita tilted her head back slightly to examine her teammates as they neared the old buildings and huts that had been left behind, the sled waiting to be loaded up only inches away. Ryker might be the lead dog this time, but she still found herself checking in on everyone. Being a puller was rough work. "Everyone doing alright?" She asked, loud enough to be heard, but still softly uttered so as not to start an avalanche. How much noise they were making was yet another thing they had to be conscious of. Her eyes settled on Franco most of all, dark gaze glinting with concern. The younger man was ranked as a Digger, but due to the lack of Pullers he'd been assigned to come on with them today. Kita wasn't entirely sure the poor bloke was made for it. He often walked with a limp and appeared overly tired. She was almost waiting for him to make a mistake.

"I am not a dog who is easily swayed. Don't think you've seen he last of me."
+ Name

+ Age
2 years old.

+ Gender

+ Sexuality
Bisexual - Biromantic.

+ Breed
Yakutian Laika.

+ Description
A fluffy, mostly white sled-type dog with a patch of black fur on the top of her head and around the right ear along with pale blue eyes. She stands at 21 inches and has a slim, athletic frame underneath all that fur. Her only mutation appears to be her double tails, though some might question the condition of her mind as well.

+ Personality
A mischievous young female with a bite that's worse than her bark. She can be quite mean-spirited and seems to enjoy terrorizing weaker and smaller animals, often accompanying her acts of torment with a rather well-developed evil cackle. Yes, she has been practicing. Thanks for noticing. She is ambitious and relentless in her goals, hoping to someday become a leader. Wouldn't it be just grand if she could rule over the entire city? She certainly thinks so.

+ History
Born within a small and rather short-lived pack to insane, violent parents. It's really a wonder she made it to adulthood at all. She grew up idolizing North to obsessive levels and is stuck between longing to be his mate and actually wanting to literally be him. She can often be fond skulking after him wherever he goes and hoping he'll eventually notice her.. Vera's obsession with the unsuspecting Beauceron is likely the only thing distracting her from her plots of city-wide domination.

+ Relationships

Father. Former pack Alpha. Open for adoption.

Mother. Former pack huntress. Open for adoption.

Played by | LORDBLUE |
Crush/intense infatuation.

+ Theme Song
Everybody Wants To Rule The World x

+ Other
I actually think it would be entirely hilarious if North never acknowledged her. She would forever be stuck in "senpai please notice me :'(" mode.

"No dawn. No day. I'm always in this twilight."
♚ Name

♚ Age
4 years old.

♚ Gender

♚ Breed
German Shepherd Dog.

♚ Sexuality
Asexual - Panromantic.

♚ Mutations
Echo was born without eyes and is thus completely blind in the physical sense of the word. His other senses are significantly sharpened as a result. Far above average in fact. Echo can somewhat form images in his head through gathering information with his other senses (hearing, scent, taste, touch, etc). It's not quite seeing, but it gives him a good idea of what's going on around him.

♚ Appearance
Echo is an average-sized black sable GSD standing at about 25 inches at the shoulder and weighing in at 86 pounds. His pelt is covered in scars of various sizes leaving his once stunning coat torn and somewhat patchy since fur didn't regrow over many of the now healed wounds. His left ear is horribly shredded and only empty sockets remain where his eyes should have been. Image above is for general appearance without the scars and missing eyes of course. I'd be concerned if I could find a perfect match.

♚ Personality
Not quite a mute, but it is rather rare to hear Echo speak. The dark-furred dog tends to keep to himself unless sought out first or being requested for a task. Upon first meeting he might seem aloof and cynical, but Echo is still hopeful things will turn out for the best. While he might come across as 'scary' if you don't know him he's genuinely gentle and empathetic. Due to this he can be considered a bleeding heart and will always try to help others regardless of what might happen to him in the process. Regardless of his blindness he is both a decent hunter and fighter, which is likely the only reason he's still alive.

♚ History
*Mysterious whooshing noises.*
Actually I'm just not sure yet. I'm revamping him from a completely different roleplay and that history wouldn't fit here.

♚ Theme Song
Cosmic Love - Florence and the Machine.

♚ Other
Pretty much any Marvel movie.

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Edited on 02/02/16 @ 08:22:31 by Potato Lord (#33076)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 11:09:48
@Rabs and @Potatopaz You're accepted, duhhhhh

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slugzillla (#51715)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-12-28 11:41:10

"Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
There beneath the blue suburban skies

I sit, and meanwhile back"

♚ Name ;; Caesar
♚ Age ;; 5 y/o
♚ Gender ;; Male
♚ Breed ;; Komondor Dog
♚ Sexuality ;; Panromatic/sexual
♚ Mutations ;; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Limited Intelligence, Elongated Legs
♚ Appearance ;;

Caesar has robust body, strongly muscled, with long legs and a short back. He has a short, slightly curled tail. His thick, corded hair keeps body heat trapped and his grayed, once white fur, is somewhat of a good camouflage in this ashen habitat. He has a black nose and lips, with strong jaws and a broad head. The demand to keep his coarse cords in order hogs most of his attention, if not for this obsessive behavior he'd most likely be stuck in a giant turtle shell made out of hair. His eyes are a deep, chocolate brown that often droop due to his constant state of exhaustion. His legs are somewhat longer than the average Komondor, which causes him mild joint pain, and he often spends time compulsively licking at the sore spots.

♚ Personality ;;

This Komondor maintains his breeds characteristics, being brave, loyal, and protective. Once a witty and cheerful fellow, the debilitating mutations practically turned him around. He lacks the intellect he once had, often having trouble deciphering jokes and sarcasm (as well as idioms) from logical statements. Being a herding dog who suffers from ocd, he often tries to herd inanimate objects or even other dogs if he's not busy picking at his long, knotted cords. His low intelligence makes him easy to manipulate, but it seems even if he could figure out he was being used, he wouldn't mind. He's a fool, but he makes up for it in pure determination to live and utter loyalty. He seems to live in his own wonderland, having a very false and naive idea about the life he lives and the canines around him.

♚ History / Themesong

Penny Lane - The Beatles

Caesar was left here three years ago by his owners who happened to be visiting Chernobyl for some sort of mid life crisis adventure. Unluckily, they perished in the wastelands around them, leaving the dog behind to fend for himself. He felt bad and grieved for a while, a long while, until radiation consumed him and he slowly lost his former thinking capacity. He began his year long trip into what some would call mild insanity, but he sure seems completely fine with it. His extended limbs aren't something he really recalls ever being different, and he doesn't seem to understand that there i something wrong with him.

♚ Other ;; Coraline!

♚ Roleplay Example ;;

When their eyes met Manolo couldn't help but look away, out of slight fear, but mostly out of submissive habit. He gave a slight nod, his dried lips curling into a small, lopsided smile. Beginning to eat again, he gnawed on the felines meat until the cramps in his stomach dissipated and turned into the weighted feeling of a full stomach. He'd eaten much to fast, causing a new set of pains to fill his body, but it wasn't something he wasn't used to. The sound of Zulus wagging tail made his short appendage wag as well and he slowly moved to lie down before the other, licking drying blood off of his small, weathered paws. Despite the others very apparent (and very frightening) features, Manolo could feel a good aura radiating off of Zulu and it made him put his guard down.

It had been a long time since he'd relaxed even the slightest, the constant threats keeping him on his toes at all times, but this was different and it was nice. "Zuluioun...How long have you been here?" He asked quietly, wanting to make conversation so he wouldn't have to leave. He hadn't seen Zulu until now, despite the countless interactions he had with others; then again this was a massive place, and he'd yet to see it all.

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 18:46:08 by slugzillla (#51715)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-12-28 11:49:21
Caesar and Ross are clearly going to be the best of friends. :P

I am awful.

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ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 12:06:16
^ Indeed they are haha

You're accepted, Slugzilla :)

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X I O [divine
trip.rosette] (#34167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-28 12:16:45
When will the RP start? And is it ok if Miju's personality developes?

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