Posted by [++] Trade Creation Item Categories
D'mi (#13627)

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2016-01-01 20:14:40
So, I make a bulk of my SB by doing bulk trades of food. Nice and simple, yet a frustrating experience at times, because even though I only want to sell my food items, I have to wade through my hoarding habits of amusement items and decor and other and everything.

Suggestion: Similar to Hoard, make it possible to separate items into the various categories (ALL, FOOD, AMUSEMENT, DECOR, BG, OTHER) while creating trades.

This way, if you only want to add one specific type of item, you aren't having to wade through everything else in search of it (especially if you're selecting different objects and can't search for each one by typing in the first letter or anything without it deselecting other items), but keeping the ALL option available as well in case you want to add items from varying categories.

(I'm not sure if there'd be a way to make it so you can select one from one category, switch to another category and select another and have both selected... That sounds like a bit of a nightmare to code...)

This suggestion has 24 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 21/01/16 @ 06:02:47 by Xylax (#4)

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