Posted by Alteron High School RP | Sign-Ups!!

Para (#81507)

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Posted on
2016-01-17 04:10:07
Alteron High School

Welcome to Alteron High, home of the colts, where we boast the colors blue and white with pride. Alteron was founded by Jonathan Alteron in the early 1900's, with a commitment for educating new generations at a new level. At Alteron High, students are held to a higher standards, and pushed to their academic limits. Both students and faculty live on campus in dorms, to ensure that they are kept in line at all times. At this school, you have to be the best of the best, and know how to stay on top.

-In Character
All students must obey orders.
No tolerance for alcohol or drugs.
All minors must meet curfew time of 11:00 PM.
No tolerance for discrimination, be it for race, sexuality or otherwise.
Students must be involved in a minimum of one special program.
At least a C average must be maintained to keep a place at Alteron.

-Out of Character
All Lioden rules. :)
Put "lion r cool" in the Other section

Special Programs:
At Alteron, there are programs made for educating students in particular field and specializing them in that area. All students must participate in at least one of these, along with their core classes.
-Creative Writing
-Advanced English Education
-Business Academy
-Biomedical Sciences
-Second Language (Spanish, French, German, Russian, or Latin)
-Dance Program
-Equestrian Program
-There are programs for all sports (football, soccer, track, etc.)
-If there is a program you don't see here, and would like to be added, please ask. :)

The School:
Football Field:
Stables(personal horses can be kept here):


(Image Reference)
Full Name:
Special Program(s):
Sexual Orientation:
Brief Back Story(optional):
Family/ Pets:

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Edited on 17/01/16 @ 11:21:38 by Octavia (#81507)

J-Dog (#87208)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-04-16 15:43:19
Image of her:
(She looks like this except with sky blue eyes)

Full Name: Ginerva Africa Clea Winchester

Nickname(s): Canada, Gin, and Faolan

Age/Grade: 16 (Grade

Special Program(s): Art, Music, And Russian

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Personality: Ginerva Is a bold, observant person with a good personality, but she tends to hide things. Despite her good personality (Mostly), she has a different side that is...Let's just say it's better for you not to see. She's often Hyper and wanting to do something new. She loves Food, Art, Music and anything Russian.

Appearance: Ginerva is Quite tall and skinny for her age. Some might mistake her for a fragile little girl but they will regret it. Her blue eyes allays looking everywhere, her mouth always curled into a grin. Her Pastel Black hair always in a Bow-Tail. She will most likely be found under a tree, in a class, or in a forest playing a violin.

Family/ Pets:
Capricorn - Brother
William - Father
Sirius- Black Husky
Crowley - Grey Tabby cat

Theme song is S.C.A.V.A by Hollywood undead
lions r cool
What she says the most is: You ask who you love, and you don't know, no, you do?

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Edited on 16/04/16 @ 22:44:16 by Remus Lupin (#87208)

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