Posted by Coveclan Sign-Ups [A litterate Warriors RP]

Tale (#67882)

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Posted on
2016-01-20 07:26:31

Deep in the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest on the northern coast of British Columbia, Canada, Coveclan makes their home in an old hollow tree. This hollow tree has stood as long as the clan can ever remember. It was once predicted, by a famous medicine cat, that the destiny of the clan is so intertwined within the very branches of this ancient tree that the prosperity of the clan would fail when the tree itself falls.

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Bellow is an image of the camp lay out. The red circle is the leader’s den. The orange circle is the medicine cat’s den. The purple circle is the nursery den. The blue circle is the elder’s den. The yellow circle is the warrior’s den. The green circle is the apprentice den.

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To the west of the camp lies the salt water cove that is directly connected to the ocean at its mouth, further towards the westward forest. Primarily wolves, bears, seals, sea birds and tide pool invertebrates inhabit this region, however, occasionally a variety of whales can be seen within the deeper portions of the cove with their calves in the birthing season. Once upon a time a mischievous apprentice even reported a shark in the depths of the cove but it was never verified. To this day mothers and mentors alike use the threats of sharks to keep young cats from straying too far in the water. To the north of the cove the salt water meets fresh water in a cold water stream.

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From the north west to the east of the camp runs a long cold water stream. Towards the west it is deep and perilous but towards the east it is shallow and narrow. During the spring and fall different varieties of salmon and trout spawn and run in this stream. During the summer the warmer eastern section of the river which connects to a shallow warm beaver pond bears pike and muskalunge fish as well as bass, sunfish and minnows.

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To the east of the camp lies a shallow beaver pond inhabited by territorial family of beavers. This is an excellent place to fish but it is a forbidden place for apprentices as an angry beaver is not an opponent an unexperianced cat should face alone.

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Finally to the south of the camp is the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest. This pristine old growth northern temperate rainforest is both dark and terrifying while also being beautiful and serene. It is a place where most creatures would get lost but it is a place all cats of this clan learn to know better than their own tails even before their warrior ceremonies. Many dangers live here but also many amazing, beautiful and mysterious creatures.

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Prey, Predators and Neighbours
red animals are for hardest to catch, even for the most advanced warriors, orange animals are somewhat difficult to catch, yellow animals are simple to catch for warriros, apprentices may have difficulties, green are easy to catch and good for apprentices.

- Bats
- Pika
- Cottontail Rabbits
- Snowshoe Hares
- Porcupine
- Red Squirrel
- Flying Squirrel
- Chipmunk
- Mice
- Voles
- Lemmings
- Moles
- Shrews
- Muskrat
- Small Weasles
- Song birds
- Woodpeckers
- Grouse, Quail, Ptarmigan, Pheasants and Partridge
- Ducks
- Shorebirds
- cold and warm water minnows
- Trout
- Salmon
- Bass
- Sunfish
- Starfish
- Crabs
- Clams

red are extremely dangerous and should not be engaged, orange are challenging rivals not to be engaged by apprentices, yellow are equal strength rivals and may be defeated by apprentices, green are threats to kits only.

- Bears
- Wolves
- Coyotes
- Mountain Lion
- Lynx
- Bob cat
- Fisher
- Badger
- Wolverine
- Bald Eagle
- Golden Eagle
- Hawk
- Pike/Muskellunge

red are aggressive, orange are territorial, yellow are neutral (but still pose potential threat), green are passive and pose little to no threat

- Raccoon
- Skunk
- Opossum
- Sea and River Otter
- Beaver
- Red fox
- Deer
- Caribou
- Elk
- Moose
- Swans and Geese
- Pelican
- Cormorants
- Herons
- Seals
- Whales

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Edited on 20/01/16 @ 17:59:00 by Tale [good] (#67882)

Tale (#67882)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 11:47:18
Okay :) I should probably add her into his history too actually (for consistency). Speaking of his history: it's more or less done for anyone who wants to check it out.

Spottedpaw's adopts
Dewpetal - name is flexible
Spottedpaw's biological mother. She disappeared from the clan when he was taken away from her. If she isn't adopted I'll assume she's dead but I'd like for someone to adopt her as a rouge. I'd love to have Spottedpaw meet her one day.

Barknose - name is flexible
Spottedpaw's biological father. He is a respected (probably senior) warrior with a straight-laced, by-the-books, kind of personality. He disproves of his son's adventurous/rebellious nature since it was so much like his mother's and his mother, in his opinion, was a scatterbrained cat who only caused problems for others.

Unnamed She-cat
Barknose's new mate and Spottedpaw's adopted mother, though he doesn't know she isn't his biological mother. This she-cat loves Spottedpaw very much but is a little overprotective. Sometimes she smothers him a bit since she doesn't want him to be overly adventurous and get himself in trouble like his mother did.

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 11:51:09
I am sorta interested in Dewpetal or the Unnamed She-cat..
I don't know...

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Tale (#68023)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 11:52:25
I'd love to have them adopted. It would be pretty fun to have Spottedpaw running around exploring stressing not only his mentor out but his over protective parents too. :P

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 11:58:30
I will think about it, but can't make any promises. I actually, killed off Owlpaw's and Seamint's parents/siblings.

I forgot to tell you, Seamint has a secret crush on Littlestar. I did it on purpose because Littlestar is straight. XD

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Tale (#67882)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 12:08:03
I was going to kill off most of my character's relatives but I thought... what the heck? Throw it out there. lol. No rush on deciding, just let me know if you choose to adopt one of them :)

Lol, funny you say that because just the other day I changed Littlestar to bi-sexual! I had most of my cats as heterosexual and I just thought it was a bit boring so Littlestar and Wrenshadow are bi-sexual, Spottedpaw... actually idk for him yet, either heterosexual or pansexual and Yewberry is heterosexual. That being said Littlestar would be totally flabbergasted to learn anyone has a crush on him and would probably get all awkward and sheepish. xD

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 12:16:57
Maybe Spottedpaw just doesn't know yet himself. He will have to explore. Get a girlfriend here, get a boyfriend there. Maybe date them both at the same time xD

Maybe someone tells Littlestar or there is a rumor going around that Seamint likes him, or something.

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Tale (#67882)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 12:23:40
xD rofl, that's an excellent way to explain it. I'm going to use that. I'm going to put that he doesn't know yet. Thanks Starsky!

That could be funny, he'd be so awkward - he wouldn't know what to say.

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 12:29:06
Your welcome!! :3

Though, I don't know how that rumor would get started. Seamint would mostly likely ask all calm, but on the inside he will be screaming.

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Tale (#67882)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 12:30:41
Well Wrenshadow's a sly little lady who's good at getting secrets out of other cats so maybe she can find out and start telling everyone

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 12:38:35
That can work XD

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Elephabulous (#13952)

Badland Strider
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Posted on
2016-01-29 06:35:43
Hi everybody. c:

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Name: Sparrowmask
Reason for name: Named after his late father, and his striking resemble to him. He also bears a large mask-like marking on the front of his face, like mud was thrown there and is now permanently stuck (you'll have to use your imagination with the picture provided lol). He does have the browns and oranges a sparrow may have on its cheeks or beak as well.
Age: 36 moons (3 years)
Sex: Male
Sexual orientation: Pansexual. Sparrowmask couldn't care less what your gender is, but you better be prepared to impress and cater to him if you want his attention that way.
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: See above.
Personality: Sparrowmask is a cat that is truly full of himself, believing he is above others and all things should be given to him based on his coddled upbringing. He wants to be the center of everyone's attention, and for his clan-mates to always look for his opinion on things. He likes being in charge, and can be quite dramatic. However he is not very careful with his words, and therefore often offends others when he is seeking their attention. Sparrowmask has also been known to treat the Clan's Medicine cat and accompanying apprentice like they're servants to the rest of CoveClan, only there to heal the great Warriors when they return from hunting or battle. If you bring up his sister, Wrenshadow, he will often roll his eyes and groan, referring to her as his family's unfortunate baggage. After all, he was obviously the kit to inherit the good genes. The two hardly interact, he often forgets her presence at times, and he only speaks to or even of her if it is absolutely necessarily. Sparrowmask's only redeeming quality is most likely that he does none of this out of ill will, as he is not a malicious cat. It is just how he is. One might question if this is changing though, as with how devastated and angry the tom has become after not being made Deputy twice now.
History: See Wrenshadow's form, here.

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Edited on 08/02/16 @ 11:29:51 by Firelilly (#13952)

Crowteeth {Nomad Gen
2} (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 06:43:51
Sparrowmask and Porcupinetooth are not gonna get along

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Elephabulous (#13952)

Badland Strider
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Posted on
2016-01-29 06:49:46
Haha yes bring on the drama!
Hopefully Sparrowmask looks okay though to be accepted. I hope he fits as what Tale had in mind for Wrenshadow's brother. x3

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Tale (#68023)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 07:16:43
Heh. Sparrowmask. The spoiled little princess of Coveclan that everyone is going to love to hate. Great job with him Firelilly. And don't worry Headless, Wrenshadow's doesn't like him much either. XD I also imagine Littlestar will be rolling his eyes at this tom and sighing in frustration often.

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Elephabulous (#13952)

Badland Strider
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Posted on
2016-01-29 07:26:58
Lol yes. xD But thank you! I'm glad he looks good. <:
I think I will feel the most bad for any apprentice that will have to put up with him haha.

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