Posted by The Adoption Center! (New player friendly)

Cora-roar (#880)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-01-22 09:02:44
Upon entering you are greeted by Kaiser Xervo who is accompanied by Kapital Fiash'tra

"Hallo, welcome to Merveilles" Xervo gives a tip of his head and Fiash'tra bows

"If you would follow me I can show you our eligible lions and lionesses" Fiash'tra flicks her tail expecting you to follow

Please Note:
- The lions are free
- First come first serve
- Description is based on personality
- Feel free to ask questions (can interact with cubs)
- Not all lions are posted here, I'm posting lions that i need gone and are appealing, but you can definitely ask for any lions that are cubs or adols at my den (some will be for salethough)
- I would rather my lions not be used for karma kills, so please let players who will love them have a chance first :3

Fertility: High
Before you can even get a chance to look around a cub approaches and sniffs every part of you she can reach. She then proceeds to ask you plenty of questions and tell you about her "Collection of Curious Things"

Fertility: Low
As you look around you notice a speckled cub laying in the warm sun with the Kaiserin and Tranquille, she seems to fit in with the adults. The cub stands and walks up to you and proceeds to carry on a conversation about the other cubs and what they are like.

Fertility: Average
You laugh with Fiash'tra as she tells you a funny story about herself when suddenly you see the most gorgeous starshine eyes. When the cub notices you looking at her she runs and hides behind Petyra, her "older sister". Eventually, she comes out and greets you, but somehow she still seems... distant.

Fertility: Good
You sit in the shade a bit tired when a little cub comes up to you and brings you a leaf with water in it. "Hi, i'm Petyra... i wasn't on the adoption list but I feel like I belong in you're pride" Her soft pink eyes look up at you. They twinkle with plead.

Fertility: High
What's this? You see a cub with beautifully white fur and notices she's albino! You compliment her on her beauty and she replies "Oh uh thanks... you must not have seen Dasi and Xeulvique, they're gorgeous. But, my name is Otira."

After walking around you and Kapital Fiash'tra sit down to discuss which one of the cubs you would like to take with you!

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Edited on 22/01/16 @ 16:09:32 by Cora-roar (#880)

heyimnotshort (#90871)

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Posted on
2016-05-25 06:49:33
Smokeblossom follows Fiash'tra. As Fiash'tra arrived to the edge of a ridge she said "If you go over the ridge you will see the camp. I'm going to camp soon when you have made your decision talk to me" Smokeblossom bowed his head and walked towards the ridge and he soon smells a rival clan. He makes his way towards them his claws grasping the ground as he went down the ridge. The grass making him shiver. He knew that there was an adoption and he needed more cubs for his growing clan. As he makes his way silently he examines the cubs behavior. One cub walks over to him bringing him a leaf with cool refreshing water in it. Smokeblossom laps up the water while listening to the cub. As she finishes talking Smokeblossom says "Greetings" His low gruff voice reverberates around the camp. "My name is Smokeblossom my pride is across the river" He flicks his long tail over to the east. "Cool!" Petyra's excited voice squeaked with enthusiasm. Smokeblossom continued "Thank you for the water." Smokeblossom paused "You are just the cub my growing pride needs!" "Oh thank you very much" Petyra replied her ears turning red. Smokeblossom smiled his enormous teeth shining in the sun. Smokeblossom had made his decision, he walked over to Fiash'tra she turned towards him. "Have you made your decision?" She said. "Yes, I would like to adopt Petyra. He paused waiting for an answer.

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Edited on 25/05/16 @ 13:54:12 by Allison (#90871)

✨Leo✨ (#320282)

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Posted on
2022-07-24 06:40:07
May I HV a lion?

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