Posted by Looking for 1x1 Roleplayers

Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 08:48:10

Hi there, I wanted to looking for some 1x1 partners. Yeah, I'm already in a couple roleplays with multiple people, but I want some roleplys with just one person. I feel its more mellow and easier to keep track of.

Things about me:
- I am active almost everyday.
- I tend to get bored easily.
- Romance is usually a must for me, it spices up the plot more.
- I will try and match my partner's post length.
- I tend to forget things a lot-- bear with me
- I love talking OOC and coming up with new ideas

What I look for in a partner:
- Someone who won't bail on me-- I know I've done it myself in the past, but hopefully I won't this time
- Someone who can put up with my craziness
- Someone actually willing to talk and work with me instead of just roleplaying
- Someone who's fine with LGBT+
- Someone who's willing to try new things
- Someone who's well, semi-literate to literate

Here are some topics I would like to do(One's with a + are ones I want to do the most):
+ Black Ops 3(If you've never played BO3, I can cleanly explain what it is. I also have a plot in mind.)
+ Call of Duty Ghosts(Similar to BO3, but I have a different plot)
+ Destiny(Yes the game)
- Hunger Games
- Warrior Cats
- Dogs
- Post-Apocalyptic
- Shapeshifter
- Supernatural(Not the show)
Ones with a - are ones I will do, but I'm not too keen on it. I know people don't 'roleplay' video games much, but again, I'm looking for someone to try new things. I'm willing to explain all of that. ^_^

I will NOT do:
- Wolves
- Highschool

PM me if interested, or post below.

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VanillaLover (#75536)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-02-08 09:59:35
I'm up or any experimental roleplays. I think it'd be an interesting experience.

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