Posted by Warrior Cats ;||; Lake Territory Sign-Ups!

BubbaBitz (#30112)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 05:52:00

{|The Lake Territories|}
A lake gently sways as cool breezes past ever so gently. The moors seem peaceful as ever, cats run across and disappear as fast as wind itself. Rivers rush into the lake as cats sit patiently, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, moving with the river to ease the beings in it. Lurking in shadows are cats who are strong-willed, you see them, and they’re gone, the blend in with all their surroundings. And cats as bold as thunder stride over trees like owls, hunting both on the ground and over. Cats all around a lake peacefully do their own thing, perfectly made for what they do. It a barn, cats all around get their easy prey that wanders through the barn fences, or beg those on two legs to give them more food. Around the lake, no cat has tighter bonds than those in their clans, or, some have a better time by themselves, where do you belong?

{|The Clans|}
The clans around the lake have now been around for decades. The lake has been a permanent home in which the clans all know and love. Only stories remain of how the o’ great FireStar saved the rest of the clans form the brutal tactics of TigerStar, and how the clans defeated BloodClan after joining in for the good of the territory, only to have to be chased out their original home to find the beautiful lake cats now call home. Only tales of legendary cats, FeatherTail, BlueStar, and the original five, RiverStar, ShadowStar, ThunderStar, WindStar, and SkyStar, though only rumours remain of SkyClan’s existence. Yet now, the clans sit their homes around the lake, wherever they feel they belong.





[The Clan Cats and Their Ranks Will Be Posted on the Clan Topics, but you Can See Them Here!]
{|Ranks[Goes For All Clans]|}


Leader|| The cat that makes all decisions and leads the clans[basically]. They announce ceremonies, who the next deputy will be, and who may be going to the gathering. They can sometimes assign patrols.
Deputy|| The second in command, this cat helps make decisions with leaders, and assigns hunting and border patrols.
Medicine Cat|| This cat deals with connections to StarClan and heals cats who may suffer injuries or illnesses. They gather herbs and every once a moon, head to the moonpool to connect and gather info with StarClan
Medicine Cat Apprentice || This apprentice learns the medicine cat code, how to heal cats, and the importance of the connection with StarClan.


Warriors || These are the cats that serve under the leader, they perform patrols for hunting and borders, and train apprentices. They fight for the clan when under attack or the decision to attack. The watch and guard the camp as well.
Apprentices || These are warriors in training, who will learn the warrior code and learn to hunt and fight for the clan.
Queens || These are mothers, mothers-to-be, and volunteers who watch and nurse kittens.
Kits || These are cats who are not old enough to train to become apprentices. They have no duties except not to leave camp.
Elders || These are well respected members of the clan who are too old to perform an regular warriors duties. They do not have any duties, but can wander outside camp if they please and hunt as well. They often tell stories too.


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Edited on 13/02/16 @ 17:21:38 by BubbaBitz (#30112)

BubbaBitz (#30112)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 11:41:01
alright. I will start the forums once there are about 5-8 people in a clan.

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☀ bunny ☀ (#57936)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 11:59:22

Name |

Gender |

Age |
32 moons

Desired Rank |
Medicine Cat

Desired Clan |

Appearance |
Smokeyfire is a large cat, with short-furred dark black limbs and head, accented with a fluffier smokey-grey body and neck. The fur around his neck is a lighter grey that runs along his back and sides, his belly and closer to his legs and under his tail being a darker grey, giving the appearance of rising smoke. His eyes are bright yellow, similar to an ember upon a cloud of smoke.
Picture Appearance
Picture Source

Personality |
He is a fairly kind cat, and legitimately doesn't want to do any harm to anyone. He's soft inside and outside, and just hates to see others in pain without being able to do anything, so he tries his hardest to cure everyone's ails. Smokeyfire is a very determined cat, though he tends to get off topic quite a lot and forget what he's supposed to be doing because some flower or a bird distracts him. He finds nature and everything around him absolutely beautiful, so it's no wonder he gets distracted easily. Though he does get off track a lot, he has an impeccable memory and will be that 'one guy' that remembers exactly what you said two greenleaf's ago under a half moon. Smokeyfire also can't tell a lie, and the signs that he is lying is that he gets extremely nervous, stumbles over his words, and makes zero eye contact. He finds that lying leaves a bad taste in his mouth and absolutely hates it.

Background |
There's really nothing special about him other than the fact that he has a half-sister, Petaltear, who's blind in one eye, so he had to be the one that was constantly checking on her and had to be the one, along with the previous medicine cat, to determine if she could make it through life without being an elder at such a young age. His mother passed away a few moons ago, and his father died when he was young by a fox.

Strengths |
Excellent memory, hardworking, passionate about his duty, and determined

Weaknesses |
Gets distracted easily, isn't athletic, has bad paw-eye coordination, and can't lie

Family |
Flowerheart ; Mother ; Deceased
Sinkingclaw ; Father ; Deceased
Petaltear ; Half-Sister ; Alive

Mate/Crush |

Other |
Cats rule

Name |

Gender |

Age |
18 moons

Desired Rank |

Desired Clan |

Appearance |
Petaltear is a long-furred she-cat with brown and black tabby markings. She has a white chest and some white under her muzzle. While she may have a large amount of fur, she is actually pretty small and uses her fur to her advantage so she seems larger than she actually is. Her eyes are a pale green, and she's blind in her left eye.
Picture Source

Personality |
This she-cat might be visually impaired, but she certainly doesn't seem like it. When she was younger she was very shy and didn't like to talk much, but as she got older she gained confidence in herself and began taking risks, even if they most likely would result in her getting some sort of injury. She can be loud and obnoxious, as she is most of the time, and she finds it hard to keep her mouth shut. She is a brave cat, and always wants to prove herself worthy of being a warrior, but she is also a bit foolish, wanting to do things that are very unrealistic. Petaltear is pretty naive, and can be easily tricked, though it's not great if she finds out that she's been tricked, because she'll betray you in the worst way possible.

Background |
When she was born, her mother was fairly sick and could barely support the two kits that she had given birth to. It didn't help that it was the middle of leaf-bare, and after a few days, her blood sibling was too weak to go on and ended up dying. Her half-brother took care of her as a medicine cat apprentice, and they soon found out that she was blind in her left eye. Everyone thought that she would end up dying almost right away like her sibling, she ended up surviving. It was hard for her to do most things other cats could do at her age, which made her almost ashamed of herself. It wasn't until Smokeyfire helped her did she realize that she could do a lot more than she thought she could, since she could smell things on her left side that she couldn't see, and her ears were a lot more sensitive than others. Petaltear began to break out of her shell and became more outgoing and personable, becoming more and more confident. The day before she was made an apprentice at 13 moons old, her mother was found dead, killed by a rogue that was eventually found and chased off. She spent the next day mourning, since the ceremony had been put off one day, and then became Petaltear, a last minute decision by her leader, to honor the tears that had been shed.

Strengths |
Stronger senses(other than sight), brave, strong,

Weaknesses |
Half blind, naive, reckless

Family |
Flowerheart ; Mother ; Deceased
Unknown ; Father ; Unknown
Fightingkit; Brother; Deceased
Smokeyfire ; Half-Brother ; Alive

Mate/Crush |
None, but open

Other |
I think I'm gonna be making an apprentice, but it won't be until there are more warriors in other clans. Also, I hope it's okay that she's half-blind !

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Edited on 13/02/16 @ 18:59:54 by Sundial (#57936)

BubbaBitz (#30112)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 12:05:45
Accepted! It's fine PetalTear is half blind, btw! c:

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Darling (#81012)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 14:28:41
Any leader or med cat spots open??

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Big Nasty [G2
Clouded 6x Dawn] (#30780)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 17:08:31

Name* |

Gender* |

Age* |
2 seasons 3 moons

Desired Rank* |

Desired Clan* |

Appearance* |

Personality* |
She's too stubborn for her own good, though she can be absolutely caring towards the ones that she has seen respected her, or that she respects, kits not being the one to count because well, kits listen to no one.(how to train your dragon reference :3) She is more out-to-space during meetings, always daydreaming about different things that cost high expectations she tries to show at times, though she is trying to get out of the nasty habit. Rosesong can be patient during certain things, especially with apprentices since she was once a starter and it took her a while to get the hang of the lifestyle. She does though act like a kit around the ones she is comfortable around, her mysterious, serious demeanor only appears when she is around strangers or cats she isn't close to. (Ill probably end up adding as the character develops as she is a new character im creating.)

Background |

Strengths* |
o Rather agile
o Prefers water more then most
o Good balance

Weaknesses* |
o Difficult to camouflage into the land her clan lives in
o "Out-to-space"
o Rather anti-social

Family |
Father;; Smokeclaw;; Deceased
Mum;; Vixenfang;; Deceased

Mate/Crush | none

Other |
Cats rule

(le image at top deleted the last two sections :3)

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Edited on 14/02/16 @ 11:55:21 by Maiara BVB L.A.W.S (#30780)

*Smew* (#54920)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-02-14 02:04:44


Name* |
(Formerly Frostclaw.)

Gender* |

Age* |
84 moons.
(7 years old.)

Desired Rank* |

Desired Clan* |

Appearance* |
Froststar is a huge cat with massive paws. He has a heavy, bulky body and thick, white fur. He has blazing yellow eyes. He's muscular and strong, with a thick, bushy tail and long legs.

Personality* |
Froststar is a fierce cat that gives little mercy, if any. He has a soft heart for his clan and would, of course, like any other cat, die to save his clan. He rarely shows affection, but he cares deeply around the cats around him. He does lead his cats to battle but only if needed. He's extremely aggressive and as a warrior he used to chase cats out of his territory without question, but now he's become more considerate and thoughtful. In his warrior ceremony, he was honored for his skill in battle and bravery. He's a great strategist and is very clever. Froststar can be rather quiet but takes part in every life in his clan, and likes to visit newborn kits and assess apprentices as well as help them with their duties. He is helpful and courageous, and his bravery is outstanding. He has the ability to keep calm when many and most others would panic.

Background |
This is going to be short. He was born into a litter of three, his parents were Leafcloud and Ravenwing. Ravenwing was the deputy of that time and was a brave and a noble warrior. Froststar's littermates were Snowleaf, a pure white tom with shiny blue eyes. On the other hand, their sister, was a jet-black she-cat with blazing green eyes. They named her Crowkit, and her warrior name was Crowflight. Leafcloud was killed in a battle, saving Snowleaf's life and Crowflight lost her life to greencough. A few moons later, Snowleaf was killed by a fox.
In a storm, Frostclaw, Ravenwing and a couple of other warriors were patrolling the borders when a tree fell. Ravenwing sacrificed himself to save his son's life, pushing him out of the way so the tree crushed him to death. And Frostclaw took his father's place as deputy. He was popular among his clan and was a handsome young warrior. He fell in love with a she-cat named Blackfeather. She died having his kits, and in her and his sister's honor, he named them Featherkit, Ravenkit, Leafkit and Crowkit. Crowkit and Leafkit died soon after their birth, but Ravenkit and Featherkit grew up to be amazing warriors, Ravenheart and Featherdawn. A couple of months after his kits were born, his old leader was killed in battle, bravely protecting her clan.

Strengths* |
Fighting skills.

Weaknesses* |
Not wanting to listen to reason. (Sometimes.)
As he's very big, agility and speed is not his best side.
His ferocity and cold eyes often scare cats when he didn't attend to.

Family |

Mate/Crush |
His beloved Blackfeather is waiting for him in Starclan so Froststar is not open for another mate.

Other |
Cats Rule.


Name* |

Gender* |

Age* |
25 moons.

Desired Rank* |

Desired Clan* |

Appearance* |
Featherdawn is like his father, both personality and appearance. Although, he's more battle thirsty and more aggressive. He's an extremely large tom, out-sizing his father by a few centimeters, with broad shoulders, long body and a thick dark brown tabby and white fur. His icy blue eyes are cold, and his ears are large, allowing him to hear well. He has long, muscular legs, a thick, bushy tail and thorn-sharp, hooked claws. A big, nasty scratch covers his broad muzzle from a fight he picked with Shadowclan. He's tall, sturdy and towers above many cats.

Personality* |
Featherdawn is a ferocious cat, merciless and cruel. He's not all evil though, only to outsiders. He cares deeply for his clan, and is generally helpful. He's generally calm, but can be quickly angered. He has amazing fighting skills, trained by his father as well as other warriors and his mentor. Although he's a horrible hunter, clumsy and barges through the undergrowth without caution, he would never admit it. Featherdawn is brutal in battle, and is a warrior code challenger and sometimes breaks it, especially in battles. Ravenheart and Froststar keep reminding him that he shouldn't need to kill cats to win a battle, but he never listens. He's rather laid-back but is almost always up to some fun. He's serious, yes, but he wouldn't turn down a chance to do something fun. He's short-tempered, competitive, manipulative, clever and also a great strategist, just like his father. He's pretty mature and can be a bit difficult from time to time. He doesn't have a mate as of right now, but he is open, but not desperate. He likes to flirt, yes, but he's never found a she-cat he'd really want to spend his life with. But if he happens to find someone who he really loves, he'll give everything to protect that cat and keep her save. He's romantic, protective and has a good, but a dark humor. He's not charming at first, but slowly, he becomes more open and kinder. Featherdawn is loyal, brave and caring. He's pretty confident and likes the feeling of when he knows someone fears him. He's caring, helpful and a great friend. He can be a bit awkward sometimes, but he very rarely shows it. He's quick-witted, brave and bold. He's pretty rude and mean, and his tongue is as sharp as his claws.

Background |
As a young kit, many feared that he might become an evil, cruel, power-hungry cat when he'd be older. But that turned out to be false. Yes, he is battle-hungry, rude, aggressive and mean, but he's a great warrior that cares about his clan. He'd die for them any day.
Featherdawn was trained by a warrior named Stonecreek. A stone-gray warrior with blazing green eyes. A sturdy tom with great battle skills. He trained him hard and well, and many other cats took interest in his training and how his progress processed. He could've been made a warrior before his time, and his father knew, but he wouldn't. Featherdawn wasn't exactly happy with that but he dealt with it delicately, shrugging the problem off his shoulders like he does to every other problem. Then, he was turned into a warrior. He was honored for his battle skill and strength.
The days and moons after, he noticed a fellow warrior named Flowerstem. She took a particularly much interest in him, and he enjoyed it, dropping hints until he took on a full-on flirting thing. But he never felt a spark inside him, and he knew he didn't love her. One day he told her. He should wait for someone else who may resemble him more. She was too kind for his liking, and couldn't take care of herself, which he didn't find very attractive. She always need someone to take care of her, to save her. Yes, he liked to save others, but he would also like a mate that could actually take care of herself, who was independent and fierce, like him. She was angry, of course, very angry. A couple of moons later, she was killed by a badger.

Strengths* |
Battle skills.

Weaknesses* |
A horrible hunter.
Blinded to when he hurts other cats.
Warrior code breaker.

Family |

Mate/Crush |
None yet.

Other |


Name* |

Gender* |

Age* |
25 moons.

Desired Rank* |

Desired Clan* |

Appearance* |
Ravenheart is a small she-cat, just like her mother was. She has tiny, neat paws, a very long tail and a lithe, slender, long body. She has a soft, yet thick fur and pure, clear, wide green eyes. She has short legs, a glossy fur and sturdy muscles.

Personality* |
Ravenheart was a feisty, adventurous and a rebellious apprentice, and very few could actually tell her what to do and what not to. She was rebellious and would close her eyes to anyone she didn't want to listen to, and even if someone told her to do something she knew was right, she would do the exact opposite just because she liked to be right. But as she grew, she became more mature and serious. Ravenheart is still troublemaking, yes, but she's become more responsible and calm. If someone woke up with beetles in their fur, Ravenheart would be the one to blame. She's sometimes talkative and sometimes not, and when she is, her clanmates would think she'll never shuts up. She's a bit reckless, but on most days, she's very calm and rather reserved. She's determined, bold, loyal and brave. Although, she can be very rude, and she is basically the queen of sass. She's very mysterious and extremely tough. She lets everyone be seen to by the medicine cat before her and would go into a fire to save a kit. She's dedicated, blunt and sharp-tongued. She's dignified yet stubborn. She's fierce but very clumsy and is likely to fall out of a tree and she often fails miserably when trying to do something very serious.

Background |
Ravenheart was a feisty, adventurous and a rebellious apprentice, and very few could actually tell her what to do and what not to. She was rebellious and would close her eyes to anyone she didn't want to listen to, and even if someone told her to do something she knew was right, she would do the exact opposite just because she liked to be right. But as she grew, she became more mature and serious. Ravenheart is still troublemaking, yes, but she's become more responsible and calm. She got her mother's body. Small, lithe and lean.
Her mentor was a tom called Skyheart. He was also a better hunter than a fighter. He was pure white with shining blue eyes. He trained her well, but two moons before Ravenheart received her warrior name, Skyheart was ambushed by a rogues while out hunting alone. So Ravenheart got another mentor. A young cat named Silverleaf. She was a beautiful silver tabby she-cat with kind blue eyes. She and Ravenheart got along very well, and were good friends.
Froststar gave Ravenheart the suffix 'heart' in honor of her fallen mentor. She was honored for her determination and energy. A few moons later, Silverleaf drowned in the lake in leaf-bare, falling through the ice when playing with Ravenheart.

Strengths* |
Very fast.

Weaknesses* |
Fighting skill.

Family |

Mate/Crush |
She has a crush on Rowanflame, who is her and her brother's best friend.

Other |

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Edited on 20/02/16 @ 13:35:54 by *Smew* (#54920)

BubbaBitz (#30112)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-02-14 02:15:42
ThunderClan leader has been reserved for Smew!

Maiara, while you did reserve deputy, you're forgetting something in the rules!

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Raine (#66872)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 04:07:36
Can i reserve Riverclan Medicine cat apprentice?

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Darling (#81012)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 04:14:55
Are there any leader positions open??

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2016-02-14 04:28:56
Name* |

Gender* |

Age* |
48 moons/four years

Desired Rank* |

Desired Clan* |

Appearance* | (this is my oc)
Personality* |
Fallingleaves is quiet around cats in other clans(unless she has opened up to them) but, if they were to say something she didn't like about her clan she can turn into a demon. She is cheerful and caring around her clan mates and friends.

Background |
Clan born

Strengths* |

Weaknesses* |
Scared of dogs
Day dreamer
scared of small spaces

Family |
none at the moment
Mate/Crush |

Other |

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Big Nasty [G2
Clouded 6x Dawn] (#30780)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 04:44:48
holy shizen, lelel other got deleted before i sent it , sorry :3

edited :3))

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Edited on 14/02/16 @ 15:52:02 by Maiara BVB L.A.W.S (#30780)

BubbaBitz (#30112)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 08:19:56
Tatsu and Smew has been accepted! Tatsu, both deputy and leader has been taken, so you can be a warrior!

For Roseclan, all leader positions have been taken!

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kaslinky (#59840)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 09:39:31
Name* |

Gender* |

Age* |
Four seasons

Desired Rank* |

Desired Clan* |

Appearance* |

Personality* |
Falconflight is a very sharp and quick thinker. He is able to think on his paw in battle and is not afraid to respond to insults and confrontational if prodded. Even though he is short tempered, Falconflight could keep his calm surprisingly well if nessasary.

Background |
There is not much about this cat. He was born into Windclan just like many cats before him.

Strengths* |
-Thinks on his feet

Weaknesses* |
-Hates water
-Sometimes too wraped up in his own pride
-Fur slows him down in a foresty terrain

Family | NONE

Mate/Crush | NONE (Feel free to PM me about it if you want)

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Edited on 14/02/16 @ 16:43:15 by Wafflefur (#59840)

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-14 10:20:18
(( My forms will be posted shortly, I found a few typos and decided to give them all backgrounds. As a warning, my Windclan Warrior is blind but not crippled completely by it. ))

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BubbaBitz (#30112)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 14:51:07

Name |
MuddyStar[Was MuddyStone]

Gender |

Age |
62 moons[6 Years]

Desired Rank |

Desired Clan |

Appearance |
MuddyStar is a dark brown colored cat with chocolate points. He is averagely sized, with rather rough fur. It is never that neat, and is usually prone to attracting sticks and mud[thus the name muddy]. While averagely sized, he is built well, and can push through some rough currents. His eyes are a yellowish green, with yellow accents around it, and his nose is a dark grey.

Personality |
MuddyStar is a quiet, most of the time reserved, leader who is most of the time tactical, spending time planning for the clan. He is very serious, and seems mostly like a stick in the mud[haha]. He was never a very outgoing cat, and prefered busying himself with things that helped. He loved hunting most of the time, and hated when the clan gets into skirmishes. MuddyStar is a very focused cat with mostly clear goals, but in all honesty, MuddyStar does not know what to do as a leader, even though very tactical and focused, does not see himself as, well, a leader. Inside he is not very confident in his potential, but does try his best for the clan. Aside from being a busy guy, her can be very kind, and loves helping out with the littler things like elders or queens, and his favorite pastime is hunting. When he is doing things he likes, he is usually carefree and seems much more relaxed.

Background |
MuddyStar grew up as a normal kit, everything was mostly fine, he had good parents, good siblings. He was very bratty, needy, naive. He often bothered his parents and pestered them to let him out the camp, it wasn’t really worth the time, seeing they never let him out. Once when he was able to sneak out with his sister. They snuck out and they bumped into a nasty looking rouge. While his sister was reluctant, Muddy thought he needed to be brave, and began yelling at the rouge. His sister got badly hurt by the rouge, and could not recover. Muddy felt horrible that he got his sibling into that trouble. He felt the need to help out more, he felt he could paint over what happened. When he was a fresh warrior, he found his mother had just had half-clan kits. Heavily upset over this, he debated whether to tell father. He first decided not to, but after a fight between his mother moons later, he spilled. She left not to long later, her whereabouts are unknown. Father died, but it unknown how. Around a year later he became deputy, to his dismay. He had much less time doing other things he liked and found himself busy. After getting in trouble a few times, he started focusing more on his position, and began actually feeling worthy of his position. He felt used to being deputy, until the leader died on his last life. He reluctantly became leader, and became even more busy, and much more quiet. Even though he has been leader for a while, he is still doubtful of himself.

Strengths |
Hunts Well

Weaknesses* |
Often Blames Himself
Doubtful of Himself
Busy a lot

Family |
DaisyDawn | Mother | Whereabouts Unknown
RedStone | Father | Whereabouts Unknown
StreamKit | Sister | Deceased
DuskFeather | Half-Sister | ThunderClan

Mate/Crush |

Other |
Cats Rule!
Finally Decided to Not Be Lazy and Make The Form

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Edited on 15/02/16 @ 14:26:08 by BubbaBitz (#30112)

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