Posted by Warrior Cats ;||; Lake Territory Sign-Ups!

BubbaBitz (#30112)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 05:52:00

{|The Lake Territories|}
A lake gently sways as cool breezes past ever so gently. The moors seem peaceful as ever, cats run across and disappear as fast as wind itself. Rivers rush into the lake as cats sit patiently, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, moving with the river to ease the beings in it. Lurking in shadows are cats who are strong-willed, you see them, and they’re gone, the blend in with all their surroundings. And cats as bold as thunder stride over trees like owls, hunting both on the ground and over. Cats all around a lake peacefully do their own thing, perfectly made for what they do. It a barn, cats all around get their easy prey that wanders through the barn fences, or beg those on two legs to give them more food. Around the lake, no cat has tighter bonds than those in their clans, or, some have a better time by themselves, where do you belong?

{|The Clans|}
The clans around the lake have now been around for decades. The lake has been a permanent home in which the clans all know and love. Only stories remain of how the o’ great FireStar saved the rest of the clans form the brutal tactics of TigerStar, and how the clans defeated BloodClan after joining in for the good of the territory, only to have to be chased out their original home to find the beautiful lake cats now call home. Only tales of legendary cats, FeatherTail, BlueStar, and the original five, RiverStar, ShadowStar, ThunderStar, WindStar, and SkyStar, though only rumours remain of SkyClan’s existence. Yet now, the clans sit their homes around the lake, wherever they feel they belong.





[The Clan Cats and Their Ranks Will Be Posted on the Clan Topics, but you Can See Them Here!]
{|Ranks[Goes For All Clans]|}


Leader|| The cat that makes all decisions and leads the clans[basically]. They announce ceremonies, who the next deputy will be, and who may be going to the gathering. They can sometimes assign patrols.
Deputy|| The second in command, this cat helps make decisions with leaders, and assigns hunting and border patrols.
Medicine Cat|| This cat deals with connections to StarClan and heals cats who may suffer injuries or illnesses. They gather herbs and every once a moon, head to the moonpool to connect and gather info with StarClan
Medicine Cat Apprentice || This apprentice learns the medicine cat code, how to heal cats, and the importance of the connection with StarClan.


Warriors || These are the cats that serve under the leader, they perform patrols for hunting and borders, and train apprentices. They fight for the clan when under attack or the decision to attack. The watch and guard the camp as well.
Apprentices || These are warriors in training, who will learn the warrior code and learn to hunt and fight for the clan.
Queens || These are mothers, mothers-to-be, and volunteers who watch and nurse kittens.
Kits || These are cats who are not old enough to train to become apprentices. They have no duties except not to leave camp.
Elders || These are well respected members of the clan who are too old to perform an regular warriors duties. They do not have any duties, but can wander outside camp if they please and hunt as well. They often tell stories too.


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Edited on 13/02/16 @ 17:21:38 by BubbaBitz (#30112)

Jerry Manger (#84325)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 11:23:14
Which clan has the least amount of cats in them?

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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-15 13:58:57
(( I was trying to post my forums, but we had a huge storm come through and had to shut off the electronics. Apologies! Here are my forms. ))
Name |

Gender |

Age |
34 moons (( 2 years & 10 moons ))

Desired Rank |

Desired Clan |

Appearance | | Longstar (( Source: “The Savannah Cat Blog” [1] ))
As an exotic, domestic species, Longstar is quite the oddity. She’s almost 3 times the size of a normal cat, even those of other clans, and her giant legs make it all possible. Her body length is a bit odd as well, but it’s balanced out with a tail almost as long, and larger-than-average ears. Her physical bulk is seen as quite intimidating as she tries to keep herself fit and active; which is useful in battle.

Personality |
Although her looks to the other clans may fool many, Longstar is not a harsh, cruel leader. She is tough on her clan, yes, but that is because she believes them to be loyal and strong; as they are. Her temper is her worst attribute, and it’s the main reason why she chooses to value her Elders and their advice, experiences, and age. With this rational, strategic line of thinking, she usually keeps her head on. She's very passionate about what she believes in, and trusts many in her own clan without a second thought. Don’t take this for weakness, as she’s perceptive and quick to solve puzzles. Longstar loyal to a fault, wanting to believe her clan and those closest to her will always tell the truth. And although she's a tough cookie with a hard head, Longstar takes care of her own.

Background |
Give your character a history! [Optional!]

Strengths & Weaknesses |
+ Size (( Helps intimidate others and gives her the upper-hand brute-force wise))
+ Enhanced senses due to her wildcat blood
+ Speed over flat and open surfaces
+ Strategic and Logical mind/thinking
- Size (( It hinders her movements and makes attacks from below her easy; also easy to spot ))
- Temper (( It blinds her and she can become lost in the emotion without any logic ))
- Loyal to a fault
- Lack of Flexibility (( Hard to make tight turns or spins with speed ))

Family |
- Mother + Father [alive] - Kittypet place [Blossom + Kendrick]
- 2 sisters [alive] - New homes in Kittypet place [Belicia + Kinta]

Mate/Crush |
None // --

Other |
- Cat Rules
- Size Comparison Vs. Normal cat
(( Source: PCWallart // Original Unknown ))
Name |

Gender |

Age |
20 moons (( 1 year 8 moons ))

Desired Rank |

Desired Clan |

Appearance | Frostnose (( Source: Animalia-Life ))
She's a silver Egyptian Mau; spots littering her back, sides, cheeks, and tail. Some spots are so slow together they form stripes, 3 of these stripes run the length of her back. Her eyes were originally a beautiful jade, but they've faded to a translucent shade from being half-blind. Her long legs are of average length, but her small frame and slim body make them appear longer. Her face is a bit narrow, and her tail is a bit longer than her body. Her fur is light during the newleaf and greenleaf seasons, and grows thicker for leaffall and leafbare; it's enough to keep her warm for most cases, but the cold still seeps through.

Personality |
Frostnose is a very hardened she-cat without too much age, being one for a bit over just 2 New Leafs old. She is distant to those she is unfamiliar with, wanting to keep her secrets and feelings to herself. While she is resilient and sturdy, Frostnose isn’t without her compassion or loyalty. Old members of the clan are the easiest to weasel into her heart, and she stays on edge around the young or rebellious felines (( especially the males )) due to her past. Hopefully this she-cat opens up more.

Background |
Frostnose's parents were quite the loving couple, but her dad was killed in a fight with a badger. Ever since she became an apprentice, her mom distanced herself. She couldn't see the value of life without a mate. This impacted Frostnose deeply, and she became bent on the idea that living with a mate would doom one to a life of worry. She grew up persistent on her path of being a warrior, one that relied on herself more than anything. She became an excellent warrior, her natural abilities helping her succeed as she worked her way up. She eventually let her prideful nature get the best of her, and turned her back in the middle of a conflict with a clanmate. She had wanted to lead a patrol but, with this young and rebellious tom, he suggested he should. After deciding it wasn’t worth her time, Frostnose turned to leave and was attacked by the clanmate. He scratched her eyes, but the Medicine cat was able to rush to her in time to save some of her sight. She is now half-blind and can only see outlines of vague shapes and light. the she-cat refused to retire to the Elder den and spends her days trying to find her own path with her lack of sight.

Strengths & Weaknesses |
+ Enhanced senses and perceptions due to lost sight
+ Flexible and lithe
+ Internal compass / great with directions + memory
- Lack of sight
- Horrible balance
- Untrusting of others, even some of her clan

Family |
Mother & Father - [Dead]
Sister - [Snowpelt - Alive]

Mate/Crush |
None // --

Other |
- Cats Rule
- Spends most of her time alone practicing or hunting to adjust to her sight
- She secretly longs for company by avoids it by training
Name |

Gender |

Age |
15 moons (( 1 year & 3 moons ))

Desired Rank |

Desired Clan |

Appearance |
Eeltail (( Source: Gildethros // Looks extremely similar to this picture but no exact. ))
As a cat with Cornish rex in her heritage, most cannot help but brush against Eel. Her soft down fur is all over her body as that's all it is. The soft, plush fur attracts attention and her angular face and slim body make her easy to glance at. While her fur is soft, she's a off color that makes her odd to those outside of her familiar circle. Her diluted grey and gives her a slightly smoke-like look, but her years of living under the sun of tinted her green by “sun-bleaching”. Her name was given to her from the giant, slim tail that extends almost twice her body’s length.

Personality |
Eeltail is a kind, but fierce young she-cat. Her old-like soul shouldn't fool anyone with her piercing ice-jade eyes. She may descend from clan-accepted kittypets, but her wits are sharper than the rocks that the waves crash over. Her compassion is not to be mistaken for love, as Eeltail guards her heart; even if she is a flirt at times. She can sympathize with others, but her harsh tongue and snarky mouth and get this young she-cat into more than just a few troubles. She's not afraid to snap or demand help, in fact, she can't find much else to do with her time than to do just that.

Background |
Born as a clan cat with past kittypets, most expected Eeltail not to match up to much. This left her a bit bitter and snarky with the other future apprentices, until she became an apprentice herself. For a time, her training took over her life and she was too busy to notice how uneasy her sisters were in the clan. They stayed for Eeltail's ceremony, and both left after earning their warrior names. Eeltail makes sure to keep up-to-date on any and all outside information. She is usually seen spending her time surrounded by “acquaintances”, as Eeltail’s personality leaves a few abrasive edges on her that most don’t like to get assosciated with.

Strengths & Weaknesses |
+ Great Balance & Flexibility
+ Perceptive and curious
+ Sleek body & lean muscle
- Prideful & Stubborn nature
- Can sometimes be paranoid
- Thin and reed-like

Family |
- Sisters are Seal + Coyote [Both are Rogues]
- Parents are both elders [Corntail + Birdfur]

Mate/Crush |
None // --

Other |
- Cats Rule
- Her fighting style is evasive

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Edited on 15/02/16 @ 21:02:30 by Serelin (#57926)

BubbaBitz (#30112)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 20:29:54
Accepted Serelin!
Glad to know you're okay!

Right now, Jerry, RiverClan and ThunderClan has the least amount.

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Edited on 16/02/16 @ 03:31:43 by BubbaBitz (#30112)

Jerry Manger (#84325)

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Posted on
2016-02-16 13:43:55
I'm looking through the documents, and I find there's no one for the Windclan leader? Is that right?

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BubbaBitz (#30112)

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Posted on
2016-02-16 21:05:41
There isn't? Huh, alright you can have the position!
[I swear I thought it had a leader the last time I checked it!]

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RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2016-02-17 03:47:11

Gender |

Age* |
2 years

Desired Rank |

Desired Clan |

Appearance |
Darkpelt is all what his name describes. He is a very large but lean tom with a dark black coat, his eyes are a pale yellow.
DarkPelt appearance

Personality |
DarkPelt is a loner at heart. He has no trouble engaging in conversation with others, as long as he is somewhat acquainted with them. He dislikes having to approach strangers, however. He is very brave, and ruthless. He can sound overly-cruel and cold-hearted, but he truly cares about his friends, and will take great means to protect them, as long as it isn't foolish. DarkPelt is proud, but not overly so. Fiercely loyal and trust worthy. Capable of shouldering big responsibilities.

Background |
Coming soon~

Strengths |
1) Large, but lean. Be can over power others through strength.
2) Great runner. His lean legs help him run long distances.
3) Black pelt. His dark coat helps him blend into the forest for hunting, and attacking.

Weaknesses |
1) He has a big ego, and it will shatter easily. Short tempered.
2) Unlike some cats, he cannot swim very well if at all.
3)He is over confident, and can lead himself into some tough situations with others.

Family |

Mate/Crush |
None// Just Pm me :)

Other |
Cats Rule :)

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2016-02-17 04:21:08
Name* |

Gender* |

Age* |
7 moons

Desired Rank* |

Desired Clan* |
Appearance* |

Personality* |
Willowpaw prefers to be alone and often get picked on due to her size. She does not know what fear is, and is often snapping at cats(even warriors) when they others go over the top or get in-between fights . She can be caring and fun to be around when she's in the right mood which rare.

Background |
Her siblings and mother died of green chough when she was a kit and soon after her father was slain by a bagger. She was called the cursed kit by the other queens at the time.

Strengths* |
Better senses then most cats.
Knows a lot of herbs.
Fast runner and strong fighter

Weaknesses* |
Angered easy
Does not trust some of her clan mates
Lacks team work skills

Family |
Skykit- Sister (dead)
Minnowkit- Brother(dead)
Adderkit- Brother (dead)
Snowfall- Mother (dead)
Dawnstrike- Father (dead)

Mate/Crush |
None (I might make a forbidden love, if that's ok)

Other |
Cats Rule

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GemmaCat (STL) (#19309)

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Posted on
2016-02-17 06:05:58
Can I reserve a Thunderclan Medicine cat apprentice? I have it all laid out, but I've been automatically logged out twice trying to type it out and would rather make sure I mark it and still have a chance. Also, it would give me time to make the picture work (as its being really stubborn)

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BubbaBitz (#30112)

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Posted on
2016-02-17 07:43:34
Alright! The spot is reserved Gemma!

RedVelvet is accepted!

Tatsu, you are accepted as well but I cant get the full image/link to it!

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Edited on 17/02/16 @ 17:53:24 by BubbaBitz (#30112)

🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2016-02-17 08:58:38

try this:

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GemmaCat (STL) (#19309)

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Posted on
2016-02-17 09:09:09


9 moons

Desired Rank:
Medicine Cat Apprentice

Desired Clan:

photo Pixie Bob_zpskhps0tmv.jpg
Because of her pixie bob heritage, she will not be fully grown until between 3 and 4 years of age. At the moment she weighs around 5 lbs. By the time she is full grown, she will be 11-12lbs. Her back feet are actually polydactyl.

Thrushpaw is a quiet cat, but she seems to take in the world around her at every moment. She loves a puzzle, and works new ideas around in her head until everything lines up correctly. Thrushpaw only speaks when she is nearly certain that she is right, or contributing something very important. She tends to have a hard time socializing, especially with cats her own age, and her thoughts and voice tend to be lost under the more animated conversations of others. She enjoys spending time amongst the Elders, listening to their stories. Despite her communication barriers, she is actually rather playful, but tends to be reserved around those she does not know well. Her loyalty and trust are unwavering, but hard won.

Warriors found her on a hunting trip. She was apparently abandoned by a rouge mother due to her sickly nature. Her poor health as a kit meant that she spent most of her first 4 moons around the medicine cat, which is where her love for the craft, and determination to someday become a medicine cat herself came from.

Can Jump surprisingly high

Poor Communication
Single mindedness to the point of oblivion



Cats rule!

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Raine (#66872)

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Posted on
2016-02-17 10:38:56

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Edited on 17/02/16 @ 17:51:56 by Maty (#66872)

RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2016-02-17 10:49:03
@ Maty

page 4 Post 5 she replied with a yes. So yes she did answer you...

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Edited on 17/02/16 @ 17:49:22 by RedVelvet (#32776)

Raine (#66872)

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Posted on
2016-02-17 10:51:26
Ok, thank you, i was just upset because i wasn't sure if she had answered or not.

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RedVelvet (#32776)

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Posted on
2016-02-17 10:52:14
No its fine, You can get lost in the posts some times. happy to help.

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