Posted by Warrior Cats ;||; Lake Territory Sign-Ups!

BubbaBitz (#30112)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 05:52:00

{|The Lake Territories|}
A lake gently sways as cool breezes past ever so gently. The moors seem peaceful as ever, cats run across and disappear as fast as wind itself. Rivers rush into the lake as cats sit patiently, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, moving with the river to ease the beings in it. Lurking in shadows are cats who are strong-willed, you see them, and they’re gone, the blend in with all their surroundings. And cats as bold as thunder stride over trees like owls, hunting both on the ground and over. Cats all around a lake peacefully do their own thing, perfectly made for what they do. It a barn, cats all around get their easy prey that wanders through the barn fences, or beg those on two legs to give them more food. Around the lake, no cat has tighter bonds than those in their clans, or, some have a better time by themselves, where do you belong?

{|The Clans|}
The clans around the lake have now been around for decades. The lake has been a permanent home in which the clans all know and love. Only stories remain of how the o’ great FireStar saved the rest of the clans form the brutal tactics of TigerStar, and how the clans defeated BloodClan after joining in for the good of the territory, only to have to be chased out their original home to find the beautiful lake cats now call home. Only tales of legendary cats, FeatherTail, BlueStar, and the original five, RiverStar, ShadowStar, ThunderStar, WindStar, and SkyStar, though only rumours remain of SkyClan’s existence. Yet now, the clans sit their homes around the lake, wherever they feel they belong.





[The Clan Cats and Their Ranks Will Be Posted on the Clan Topics, but you Can See Them Here!]
{|Ranks[Goes For All Clans]|}


Leader|| The cat that makes all decisions and leads the clans[basically]. They announce ceremonies, who the next deputy will be, and who may be going to the gathering. They can sometimes assign patrols.
Deputy|| The second in command, this cat helps make decisions with leaders, and assigns hunting and border patrols.
Medicine Cat|| This cat deals with connections to StarClan and heals cats who may suffer injuries or illnesses. They gather herbs and every once a moon, head to the moonpool to connect and gather info with StarClan
Medicine Cat Apprentice || This apprentice learns the medicine cat code, how to heal cats, and the importance of the connection with StarClan.


Warriors || These are the cats that serve under the leader, they perform patrols for hunting and borders, and train apprentices. They fight for the clan when under attack or the decision to attack. The watch and guard the camp as well.
Apprentices || These are warriors in training, who will learn the warrior code and learn to hunt and fight for the clan.
Queens || These are mothers, mothers-to-be, and volunteers who watch and nurse kittens.
Kits || These are cats who are not old enough to train to become apprentices. They have no duties except not to leave camp.
Elders || These are well respected members of the clan who are too old to perform an regular warriors duties. They do not have any duties, but can wander outside camp if they please and hunt as well. They often tell stories too.


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Edited on 13/02/16 @ 17:21:38 by BubbaBitz (#30112)

KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-04-07 22:39:15
Are we ever going to start this?

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