Posted by True warriors (cats) [sign ups!]

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-15 05:03:00
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True warriors.... never die..........they live on the inside.....forever

RP Rules:
~no being mean/rude/insulting OOC
~no mating/birthing roles please, at least on the thread, you must use pm if you wish to do this.
~No forced mating unless the other person has agreed to it, you must also use pm for this.
~ No magic please, try to keep most parts of it realistic.
~ put a smiley face next to you characters name to show that you read the rules
~Please do not discriminate other people or their characters OOC
~you can have as many characters as you believe you can handle C:

The Clans:
~MoonClan: These cats live in a valley surrounded by forests, they are fast and swift. Strong as a group, but easy to pick off one by one.The river marks their border with Duskclan, The beginning of the Deer Field marks their border with Birchclan, and The fallen tree marks their border with LeafClan.
~DuskClan: These cats live on rocky terrain, they are very strong and have powerful builds. They are always suspicious, but can be very good and thoughtful friends. They are tough, but have one of the most soft and kind friendships. The River marks their border with MoonClan, The dried riverbed marks their border with BirchClan, and the Twoleg farm marks their border with LeafClan.
~BirchClan: These cats live in an open area with not much cover, they are smart and cunning cats. They often are accused of things they didn't do. Though are are one of the best clans at lying, when they do lie, which isn't a lot. they are accustom to hunting many large preys, such as hares and large birds. The Dried riverbed marks their border with DuskClan, The Deer field marks their border with MoonClan, and The Star Rock marks their border with LeafClan.
~LeafClan: These cats are lean and beautiful, they are sweet and considerate. The cats are kind and forgiving. They may seem soft but the cats have a fierce love for their clan-mates and friends. They would protect them to the death, just as a queen with her kits. The Star rock marks their border with BirchClan, The Twoleg farm marks their border with DuskClan, and The fallen tree marks their border with MoonClan.
~StarClan: A place where all deceased cats go to live and watch over their fellow clan-mates, from the skies. their are no borders between clans here, and all cats live in peace, and bring prophecies and sighs to the living cats.
Loners/rouges: Cats with out a clan.
KittyPets: Cats that are pets to the twolegs.

Important Places:
~The Star Rock: This is a place where the gatherings are held and a truce falls over it when the clans meet. At the moons highest point it is said that the rock shines like the stars.
~The white cave: a place where Starclan speaks to the medicine cats and anyone who sleeps there.

any questions please ask! :D


Sexuality (if wanted):
Breed (if wanted):
Theme song(if wanted):
Romantic interest:

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Edited on 16/02/16 @ 17:03:52 by For never, forever (#61889)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-15 05:03:07

~Blazeheart (for never, forever (#61889)
medicine cat (s) (max 2):
Queens and kits:

~Wildstar (BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)
~Adranus (Imperial Disease (#74494)
medicine cat (s) (max 2):
~Scorchwhisker (NaiPherah (#86156)
Queens and kits:

~Skystar(for never, forever (#61889)
medicine cat (s) (max 2):
~Shallowstream (BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)
Queens and kits:

medicine cat (s) (max 2):
~Hazelpaw (for never, forever (#61889)
~Smallpaw (BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)
Queens and kits:

~Vixen (for never, forever (#61889)
~Lynx (for never, forever (#61889)
~Glacier (MistressAva (#74000)

Kitty pets:

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Edited on 30/03/16 @ 13:51:06 by For never, forever (#61889)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-15 05:03:12
Example/My roles:

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{{Skykit}} {{Skypaw}} {{Skyfoot}} Skystar :D
6 years
Tuxedo cat
She was born into MoonClan and has been an acceptational warrior/leader so far, her brother was killed a long time ago when Birchclan invaded them. She has somewhat forgiven them, but she still suffers from her brothers death.
Skystar is a friendly and sarcastic she-cat. She has the heart of a leader and always tries to take a wise choice. She knows that she will have to give up her place one day, so she tries to live her life to the fullest. Skystar likes to look to the moon instead of the stars. she is a strong and capable she-cat. She tends to be very protective and has a special way of being flirtatious, and sometimes you cant even tell, its more the silent energy than the words in her sentences. She is a fairly tall she-cat but small either way. she would honestly be that one person at a concert that just sings as loud as she can and dances, all out.
None currently
Theme song:
Romantic interest:
None currently (pm me if you want you're character to be in her interest
she likes to be in the moonlight, a lot.


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{{Blazekit}} {{Blazepaw}} Blazeheart :P
5 years
heterosexual (straight)
Tabby cat
He was born to Moonclan and has progressed beautifully throughout his life. Becoming deputy was one of his greatest accomplishments because that's what his father said he was destine to be, before he died from smoke inhalation during a fire. Blazeheart was but a kit when this happened, he had run back into the fire to find his dying father, and that when his father told him how much he loved him and he knew that he was a true deputy and leader. yeah...that broke his heart and he still hurts from this.
He is a respectable cat and a thoughtful friend. He has always made sure that his clan was well protected and safe. quiet and somewhat reserved, very sweet and caring, intelligent, calm, brave, will do anything for his clan, interested in taking a mate, strong, very skilled warrior.he is a simple cat with not many twists and turns....unless you are his close friend... then you might say otherwise.
none, all deceased, maybe in the future
Theme song:
Romantic interest:
None currently (pm me if you want you're character to be in his interest)
covered everything i think


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{{Hazelkit}} Hazelpaw {{Hazeltail}} =D
Apprentice [needs a mentor! just ask!]
1.5 years
heterosexual (straight)
chocolate tortoiseshell
she doesn't have much of a past, being an apprentice. so i don't have much to say.... guess she has to start making her past in the future xD
Sweet young apprentice with a huge heart, never wants anyone to be hut, always seems to be happy despite her past, she is a huge Happy-go-lucky cat and has always been like that, she is not very self-confident, but she never shows it. She is very protective of her friends and family, and she will protect her clan to the death, without protest.
none currently
Theme song:
Romantic interest:
None currently (pm me if you want you're character to be in her interest)
uh, nothing


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Vixen (means female fox) =)
5 years
Maine coon mix
She was born a rouge with her brother, they soon branched off from their mother once they were old enough and are now passing through the clan area. Lets see what happens.....
She is quiet and reserved, well, not around her brother, but around strangers she can be very shy and nervous. She is sometimes snappy and mean, she is a strong cat with a strong build and a rebellious personality. She doesn't settle well with power unless the cat holding the power is someone she truly trusts and believes in. she is very protective over her brother and would kill anyone who threatened him.
brother: Lynx (below)
Theme song:
Romantic interest:
None currently [pm me if you want you're character to be in her interest]


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Lynx :D
5 years
Maine coon mix
he was born a rouge with his sister, they soon branched off from their mother once they were old enough and are now passing through the clan area. Lets see what happens..... [same as vixen's XD]
He is a huge push-over and a very sweet cat, he is very flirtatious and playful. always enjoys the company of a pretty female his age and is very loving and fond of his clan. He would die for his sister. don't mess with them.
Sister: Vixen (above)
Theme song:
Romantic interest:
Shallowstream, eventually (=
He has a scar across his shoulders from a fox that he protected his sister, Vixen, from.

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Edited on 31/03/16 @ 14:33:42 by For never, forever (#61889)

Imperial Disease (#74494)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 12:21:28
Appearance: Imperial Disease #74494
Name: Rogue? (Working on one lol)
Rank: Deputy ( :D )
Clan: Duskclan
Age: 3
Gender: Tom
Sexuality (if wanted): Hetereo.
Breed (if wanted): Bengal Hybrid
Bio: in the works.
Personality: in the works.
Kin/family: N/A
Theme song(if wanted): Headstrong by trapt, fallen angels by bvb
Romantic interest: N/A
Other/extra: Has an X like scar across his chest, his tail is bobbed from being bitten off by a fox. (Yeah. He's fucked up XD)

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MistressAva (#74000)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-15 12:58:19
Name: Glacier (forgot the smiley face! :D)
Rank: Rogue
Clan: Rogue
Age: 2yrs 6 months
Gender: She-Cat
Sexuality (if wanted): Hetero
Breed (if wanted): Bengal/Savannah Cross
Bio: Her mother was a Kitty Pet. She was a Savannah Queen, belonging to an exotic breeder, who bred her to a Bengal Tom, planning on selling her kits. Her mother ended up running away while pregnant, had her kits, and then, her mother and the other kits died about 8 months ago, because a stray dog got hungry and killed them. She's been on her own ever since.
Personality: She is fairly withdrawn, slightly on the aggressive side if pushed. She doesnt trust easily, but is a fantastic hunter, being both quick and agile.
Kin/family: N/A
Theme song(if wanted): Shatter Me by Lindsey Sterling ft Lizzy Hale
Romantic interest: N/A
Other/extra: has an extreme hatred/fear of dogs

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Edited on 15/02/16 @ 19:59:58 by MistressAva (#74000)

GemmaCat (STL) (#19309)

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Posted on
2016-02-15 13:51:12
So, this is kind of my first major attempt at RP...but I've done some shorter/ smaller stuff and know the basics of Warrior cats pretty well.
Appearance: (So, my image defies me, is it ok to give a description?) Large framed cat, with a full tail and a long, thick coat. Silver fur with faded grey tabby markings, a white chest and muzzle. Gold/green eyes.
Name:(Silverkit)(Silverpaw)Silvershadow :)
Rank: Medicine cat
Clan: DuskClan
Age: 2 years, 6 months
Gender: She-Cat
Sexuality( if wanted): Hetero (but not really very relevant to a medicine cat)
Breed: Norwegian Forrest Cat
Bio: She was born the single sickly kit in her litter. Her mother was a very old queen, and died shortly after her birth. She spent most of her time as a kit with the medicine cat, who saw potential in her and took her on as an apprentice. She eventually grew out of her sickly phase, but still tends to be more delicate than most. Still, she was a fast learner, and took to the craft like a natural. When it came time to make her a full medicine cat, her mentor just couldn't let go of the image of a little silver kit following his shadow.
Personality: She is terribly shy in normal social interactions, but when it comes to her job, she is level headed and in control. Her loyalty is unwavering, but hard earned. She is surprisingly nurturing towards apprentices, but comically awkward around young kits.
Kin/family: N/A
Theme song: That's My Job-Conway Twitty
Romantic Interest: N/A
Other/Extra: Her right hind leg is weak, and has a small scar on it from a bad fall as an apprentice. She tends to be wounded more easily than most.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-20 07:11:55
omg i am so sorry for the late reply! D:

@MistressAva (#74000) , Glacier accepted! =)

@GemmaCat (STL) (#19309), Silvershadow accepted! =D

@Imperial Disease (#74494), just tell me when you find a warrior name and i will accept him! :D

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Imperial Disease (#74494)

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Posted on
2016-02-20 07:16:36
Adranus(Adranos) cx is his name.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-20 07:34:50
oh, i was thinking you would give him a warrior name. But thats fine i suppose, Adranus accepted

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Imperial Disease (#74494)

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Posted on
2016-02-20 07:41:48
I don't know any warrior names xD

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-20 07:43:55
oh xD its just a two parted name like, treefoot, emberfall, Snowfur, blazepelt, darkclaw, morningwhisker, and stuff like that xD but you dont have to change it, his name is fine.

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Vaaroku (#86156)

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Posted on
2016-03-28 23:31:32
Scorchwhisper - Scorchpaw - Scorchkit =)
27 Moons
Many different breeds of Clan Cats run through her blood
Her and her sister were born into Fireclan, under the Warriors Adderstone, and Honeytail. Unfortunately, her sister was born with misshapen legs, hence the name Fallenkit. The medicine cat had called her a bad omen, saying she represented the fall of Firelcan, much to her parents dismay. The leader wanted her gone, but Scorchwhisper, and her parents were unable to do so, which caused them all to be exiled from the clan. They did all they could to fight for their survival against rogues and other clan cats, coming to a point were her mother died from starvation, and her father from a rogue attack.
She was left alone with Fallenkit, and did everything she could to protect her, but being only a young kit herself, failed. She blamed herself for her families death, asking herself why they were taking to Starclan instead of her. She was found by Duskclan, and trained to be a warrior, were she swears not another soul will die with her still breathing.
+Caring to those who deserve her kindess
-In the heat of the moment, usually acts before she thinks
-Doesn't let her needs get in the way of others, and can sometimes get herself hurt because of that
-Can become easily angered over certain topics
-Isn't as fast as she is strong
Adderstone - Father - Deceased
Honeytail - Mother - Deceased
Fallenkit - Sister - Deceased
Theme song:
First Aid Kit - Silver Lining
She feels like giving up, but deep down, still has hope
Romantic interest:
N/A (Very unlikely)
-Her name represents her strength, and presence, which is like a blazing flame, and Whisper, for her impressive stealth ability, and silent attacks

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Edited on 06/04/16 @ 23:56:17 by NaiPherah (#86156)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-03-29 12:44:47
Wildkit - Wildpaw - Wildheart - Wildstar :)
Leader [He's still a fairly new Leader, and still has all nine lives]
34 Moons (2 years & 10 months)
Male // Tom
Heterosexual - Heteroromantic
Wildstar was born a kittypet, and spent his first few moons in a twoleg house with his mother, Sunny. The twolegs there named him 'Wild' because of his breed's Jungle Cat ancestors. He was very happy there, but unfortunately, it didn't last for long. When he was only three moons old, his house caught on fire, and he fled into the nearby forest. He was very scared, and ended up running a bit too far, resulting in him getting lost. He wandered through the wild aimlessly, and he was weak and starving by the time he stumbled upon Duskclan. There was a she-cat there by the name of Nightwhisper, whose litter had been still-born. She ended up taking him in, feeling sorry for him. Since he was quite a large cat, he fit into the clan easily, and once he became an apprentice, he devoted most of his time to training. He became an amazing fighter during this time, but he still has trouble with hunting every now and then. At first, he had a strong urge to go find his twoleg home again, and to be reunited with his family, but he realized that he couldn't abandon the clan, so he decided that once he was old and could no longer perform his duties, only then would he attempt to go find his twoleg home and live there. His loyalty to the clan was very clear, and he was chosen as Deputy not too long after he earned his Warrior name. Many moons later, the current Leader at that time lost his last life while defending the clan from a badger, and Wildstar took over.
Wildstar is a very calm and intelligent cat. He observes his enemy and gathers as much useful information about them as possible before attacking them. He is good at coming up with plans, but will listen to his clan-mates' suggestions as well. He tries to solve issues by talking things out, and tries to avoid battles as much as possible. He is a good fighter, though. If he needs to fight, he will. He is fiercely loyal to his loved ones and his clan, and would give all of his nine lives to save them if he needed to. He has a huge soft spot for kits, and hopes to have some of his own one day. Despite how kind he seems, Wildstar actually has trouble forgiving others, and if someone betrays him, he'll probably never trust them again.
Sunny - Mother - Location Unkown
Nightwhisper - Adoptive Mother - Died of old age
Theme song:
Can't Go Home by Steve Aoki & Felix Jaehn (feat. Adam Lambert)
"Can't go home tonight 'til I work it out with you. Standing on the edge of something we can't afford to lose."
Romantic Interest:
None [PM me if interested. For him, I'm not open to 'forbidden love', because he's very loyal to his clan. It's just not like him.]
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Smallkit - Smallpaw - Smallstep :D
Apprentice [If you want to be his mentor, just tell me. I'm not that picky]
7 Moons
Male // Tom
Homosexual - Homoromantic
Singapura Mix
Smallpaw never knew his father, all he knows about him is that he was a purebreed Singapura kittypet that had been his mother's mate for some time, and then abandoned her as soon as he found out she was pregnant. Smallpaw was very supportive towards his mother, always sticking close to her and playing with her, but it was obvious that she was still sad about Smallpaw's father abandoning her. She soon came down with a bad case of greencough, and died a few days later. Smallpaw was very sad for the next few days, and barely came out of his den. After a while, though, he realized that sulking around wasn't going to do any good, and when he became an apprentice, he swore that he would do the best he could to make his mother proud.
Personality :
Smallpaw isn't a very large cat, and he's afraid that he might be teased because of his size. This makes him very shy, and he doesn't start conversations often. Even though it'shard to get close to him because of how shy he is, once you do befriend him, he'll be the most loyal friend in the world. He'll never leave your side. Even though he isn't very strong, you'll probably never meet a cat faster than him. He's light on his feet, and can jump over obstacles that are much higher than him. He doesn't like large crowds very much, but he can work well in teams if he has to. He's good a cheering others up, and there's nothing he loves more than cuddles.
Toffee - Father - Location Unknown
Foxtail - Mother - Deceased
Theme Song:
WIP [Still trying to find one]
Romantic Interest:
None [PM me if interested. Keep in mind that he's homoromantic :3]
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Shallowkit - Shallowpaw - Shallowstream ;)
48 Moons (4 Years)
Female // She-cat
Heterosexual - Biromantic
Shallowstream was originally born into Leafclan, and she stayed there until she became an apprentice. Her parents died when she was still very young, but they never seemed to care for her anyways, so she wasn't phased by it. Soon, she started noticing how different she was from the other cats. They were just way too nice for her liking, she was sick of it. So, when she found out about Birchclan, and how cunning and good at lying they were, she decided that she belonged there. After she finished her training and earned her Warrior name, she ran off in the middle of the night. It wasn't long before she found the Birchclan territory and asked to join. It took a while for the cats there to trust her, but she was soon accepted
Shallowstream is your typical Birchclan cat: quick-witted, cunning, and silver-tongued. She's good at charming or manipulating others into getting them to do what she wants them to. She's also good at arguing with others and coming up with good insults. If you manage to upset her, she won't hesitate to give you a piece of her mind. If she sees a male that interests her, she definitely won't be shy around them; she's actually very flirty. She's very straightforward and if she doesn't like somebody, she'll tell them. This makes her seem rude at times, but if you need someone to get a realistic opinion from, she's the cat to go to. She's a bit too brave for her own good, and often gets herself into trouble.
Speckledpelt - Father - Deceased
Silverpool - Mother - Deceased
Theme song:
One Time by Marian Hill
"Boy, if you wanna go I would not mind, but I'm not the kind of drum you play one time."
Romantic interest:
Maybe Lynx [PM'ing Forever about it.]
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Edited on 30/03/16 @ 00:49:16 by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-03-30 06:33:23
Scorchwhisker, Smallpaw, Wlidstar, and Shallowstream are accepted! im currently updating the clan list! C=

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-03-30 06:51:58
Updated! =D

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Vaaroku (#86156)

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Posted on
2016-03-30 08:38:42
(@For never, forever - It's Scorchwhisper XD
And yay! Can't wait for this roleplay to start :D)

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