Posted by .:Shadows Overhead:. Information Thread

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-02-18 11:29:44
Passerine Birds
Bird Of Paradise
African Grey Parrot

Diurnal Raptors
Laughing Falcon
Pygmy Falcon
Red Tailed Hawk
Bald Eagle
Golden Eagle
Philippine Eagle
Griffon Eagle
Crested Eagle
Hen Harrier
Egyptian Vulture
Black Caped Vulture
Javan Hawk-Eagle

Nocturnal Raptors/Strigiformes
Bay Owl
Barn Owl
Eurasian Eagle Owl
Snowy Owl
Great Horned Owl
Great Grey Owl
Tawny Owl
Short-eared Owl
Scops Owl
Ural Owl
Screech Owl
Burrowing Owl
Barred Owl
Northern Saw-Whet Owl
Elf Owl
Fisher Owl
Egyptian Eagle Owl
Tawny Fisher Owl
Spotted Owl
Sooty Owl
Desert Owl

Eurasian Jay
Blue Jay
Stellar Jay
Taiwan Blue Magpie
Hooded Crow
Western Jackdaw
White Winged Chough

Vocabulary terms/slang/descriptions
Passerine Terms and Jobs

• Seed Mix: A type of food normally eaten by passerines, a mix of grubs, shoots, and seeds. (Like trail mix for birds XD)
• Grublets: Larva, grubs, or other worm like insects normally eaten by Passerines.
• Patchers: A mix of cobwebs and fern leaves normally used to put over cuts or used to create splints for broke legs or wings.
• Sements: A herb mix used to help heal injuries and is placed under a patcher to soothe the injuried. Can also be eaten to help with nerves, will help a bird sleep if mixed with poppy seeds.
• Minters: A small leafed plant then when crushed and mixed with grubs or water it can be used for sore muscles.
• Grablets: A grabber vine used to help keep nests together, commonly used by weaver birds to help keep the nests in trees.
• Jumpers: Birds who tends to jump from high trees and not open their wings till their close to hitting the ground, it’s also another word for ‘Crazy’.
• Slacked: To be slacked is when a wing muscle tears during extreme flying either from long distances or storm flights. Commonly seen by healers helping the Diurnals.
• Weavers: A bird who helps construct nests for the birds of the kingdom and often travel between the Diurnals, Nocturnals, and Passerine kingdoms.
• Seamers: A bird who has the privileged knowledge on constructing curtains, bags, satchels, and the like. There are few of them and few are taken on as an apprentice for Seamers.
• Scholars: A bird who has knowledge in storytelling, history, and the like who teachers the chicks of all kingdoms.
• Healers: A bird who has an extensive knowledge of herbs and healing procedures.
• Broken Rocks: The large standing stones filled with holes and cracks where the Passerine Kingdom makes it’s nests. It’s somewhat difficult for larger bird to navigate.

Diurnal Terms and Jobs

• Flocking: Flocking is when a group of soldiers is put together to help take out a threat, it’s a group normally put together by judging what skills are needed for a fight.
• Flocklets: A flocklet is a mock flock where birds join together in an effort to neutralize a threat by themselves without governing from the central kingdom.
• Cyppris: The large golden leafed Cyprus tree that grows out of the largest of the three lakes, the Diurnals make their homes here in the branches while they keep their forges in the tangle of roots at the bottom.
• Jewlets: Shiny pieces of metals or gems that Smiths normally make, it’s also a term of endearment used quite often for loved ones, partners, and chicks.
• Small Kill: Small dried kills such as mouse, vole, or mole usually carried in satchels for long journeys. (Birdie beef jerky.)
• Ments: Mentor birds who usually help train chicks on fighting techinques.
• Feather Jerked: When someone tries to jerk out feathers during a fight, something often used by the corvids due to the pain it can cause.
• Flock Chopped: To be dropped from a flock due to disobedience, traitor-ism, or cowardice.
• Smiths: A bird who works with metal to create talon covers, shields, or helmets for war.
• Forges: The fire places found in the roots of Cyppris where Smiths can be found working.
• Fighters: A bird who is found fighting alongside soldiers and carry talon covers and shields to protect the front line.
• Soldiers: A bird who carries talon covers and a helmets during war and travel with a flock into war. They are the front line and major defense of the kingdom.

Nocturnal Terms and Jobs

• Memos: Small notes written with charcoal on large pressed leaves, Nocturnals are the only kingdom who know this skill even though all kingdoms are taught to read. Memos are even pressed together to create books.
• Nocturns: A shortened name or slang term for Nocturnals.
• Clammer: A small group of 1-4 owls who act as a deciding force for punishments within the kingdoms. Used only for small crimes or cases.
• Clammering: A large group of 6-10 owls who act as a deciding force for punishments within the kingdoms. Used strictly for extreme cases.
• Morsal: A small amount of dried meat used for long journals and kept in pouches.
• Variant: A turn-feather, traitor, or spy. Can be used as a very heavy insult.
• Tail Spun: A term used for a bird who is head over heels for another.
• Pesses: Slang for Passerines.
• Diurns: Slang for Diurnals.
• Watchers: A bird who is posted along the kingdom boarders who is the first to warn the kingdom of any dangers.
• Writers: A bird with the rare skill and ability to write on large paper-like leaves and create books or instructions, this is a very rare thing and most will not take on an apprentice till they see it fit to do so.
• Hunters: A bird who is trained and very skilled at hunting anything from a mouse to a rabbit as well as fish.
• Beak Brain: Insult; Someone who doesn’t think.
• Slack Beaked: Someone who is stunned, Also an insult.
• Tytus Tree: The massive leafless tree where Nocturnals make their burrows, nests, and hollows.

Corvid Terms and Jobs

• General: The leader bird of the platoon who rules and leads individual platoons with iron talons, everything they say is law and only overridden by the King himself. They are hand-picked by the king based on skill sets.
• Captain: A bird who acts as the second to the General, they are to take over till the general returns.
• Forgers: Birds who work metals of all sorts to create dangerous and deadly talon covers, armor pieces, and helmets for the soldiers and fighters.
• Spies: Birds with the ability to blend in very well who are fast enough to also act as messengers and run information between the king and General. They are normally fitted into certain areas to obtain information.
• Scavengers: Birds who scavenge for food, metals, and materials to work with. Most have some weaving skill or no fear of kidnapping a bird with sewing skills to make them satchels.
• Metlock: An insult, a bird who always forgets things.
• Finch Brain: Same as above.
• Yoick: Insane
• Kurbers: A mixed mash of grubs, meat, seeds, and plants used to curb hunger pains till real food can be obtained.
• Plats: A place where nests and burrows can be made.

I will be posting a map tomorrow!

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Edited on 22/02/16 @ 08:51:37 by Headless (#39277)

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