Posted by Good Karma vs Evil Karma - Benefits

MothballM (G2 Nefer
LIGHT pie) (#56626)

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Posted on
2016-02-20 13:21:04
I'm thinking mainly of the white lion pelt here, which you get with going evil karma and killing the invader of your territory, vs the Elephant skull you get for talking to the invader when you go good.

Now I know elephant skulls are useful, but honestly, nesting material is so much more important. Elephant skulls can *only* be used for amusement, whereas the white lion pelt can be amusement, nesting and crafting. It seems a little unbalanced, you get a way more useful item from going evil.

Perhaps there could be some kind of good karma equivalent, for good lions, for getting something useful for nesting? Perhaps an event in which you help an animal and in return they give you their shed fur, or something similar?

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