Posted by Leopons have higher chance of mut cubs

Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 00:13:33
I don't know if this is already in game or not, but I just had a little idea.

Seeing as a leopon would, in general, be kinda genetically screwed up, I think it'd be pretty likely that they'd produce mutated cubs- even if not other leopons.

Due to the screwed genetics they've got from hybridization, I think muties produced from them would be a lot more common than in normal lions.

So... my idea is that, basically, leopon breedings have high mutation chance- as well as higher rare/lethal mutation chance, too, though lower than normal mutes of course. It makes sense, really.

In general I don't think this would hurt to mutation market too much- seeing as leopons themselves are extremely rare.

This suggestion has 14 supports and 32 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/02/16 @ 07:21:06 by Synchron (#75103)

Isabella Lena (#49545)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 00:14:51
Of course i would like to see it.... But this way there will be more muties and those would be less worthy...

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 00:15:23
Not really- because leopons themselves are so rare.

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Isabella Lena (#49545)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 00:29:17
but still if they are rare, you make make mutation less rare if the addapt that. Even if it's for a real small change

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 01:06:30
-Shrug-Idk, I was just thinking of the realisticness aspect here. xD

Since animals with screwed-up genetics are far more likely to produce cubs with birth defects, it'd only make sense for this to be a thing- but eh. -shrug-

This isn't a suggestion I care much about anyway, seeing as I don't even have a leopon pfft

its just a random thing that came up in my head

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Isabella Lena (#49545)

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Posted on
2016-02-23 02:24:09
in that point with the genes, you are right.

But it would be bad for the market.

It's good that you put it here! Cause every idea, bad or good, could help the game!

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