Posted by Auction Market

Roaming Savannah (#64740)

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Posted on
2016-02-29 09:55:10
Lioden currently has two different markets. Branches for Items and Trading Center which can sometimes contain items too.

What I would like to propose is a new type of market, an auction market. This market would function differently then both of them.
The auction market would be automatically filtered to be the auction sale that will be ending soon first and the ones ending later last. Filters can be set if you want it to be vise versa, ordered A-Z, Z-A, Sales including lions, Sales including items, etc.
The stystem can have similar searches as in the Trading Center.
The user setting up the sale can set a SB buyout and a GB buyout that can be one or the other not both. Then a starting bid can be set. The first user (User A) can bid at the starting bid, click an auto increment bid (an optional set increment per bid wether it be +2, +5, +10,+100 etc.), or put in a bid thats over the increment by hand. Then the second user could bid (B) and make a higher bid. as A and B go back and forth, B could strike the buyout withought having to click the buyout button. This could either automatically buy out for the user or it could be continued to be bid on, not realising that the buyout has been passed. Once the buyout is passed though, it is nullified and the bid is the only way of purchase. The user setting up the sale could also have the option of setting how long the sale will be up, with a 25 day max or whatever Trade Center sales are up for. However only people who pay can have like a 2-25 day sale everyone else can have a 2-14 day sale at most.

This could be an imporvement to the Trading Market or a new market form. It would just be more convinient and a bit more organized in my opinion.
I know its already possible to do such things already but no real bidding ever happens, this would help to toss around money a bit more and even get a bit of friendly bidding competition going around. I know I always enjoy little strategy and competitive (in a sense) type of small thing to do.

Suggestions by other users:

Cheetah~ G.D.S.S. (#51844) & I both also thought an outbidding PM would help to keep users on top of auctions. Pms could however be disasbled for this.

This suggestion has 40 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 29/02/16 @ 17:07:39 by Roaming Savannah (#64740)

Mire | G1 Subtle
Supernal 3R (#51844)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-02-29 10:03:59

Remember the account bidding? Won by Shu? [#42]
It could be like that, a message popping up on your screen every time you've been "outbid."

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Roaming Savannah (#64740)

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Posted on
2016-02-29 10:05:51
Oh Yes I forgot I meant to put that in about the outbidding as well! Ill do that now, thanks!

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