Posted by Warrior Lions - River Pride

.:forest:. (#81778)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-03 07:17:28
The pride lands are full of warriors. Lions who have banded together under the rule of one King, and help each other survive.

Thus far, the land between the river, and the human lands ( a reserve ) have been run by the Coal Pride , originally formed by the great King Coalstar. But when humans began poaching on the once great, Talon Pride's territory, they were forced to move. The Talon Pride found themselves in the vast area controlled by The Coal Pride. The Coal Pride was at first angry and fought the lions who came onto their territory. Then, the two Kings struck up a deal. Why not share the vast territory? They could expand, hunt easier, and they would both rule more lions. The two Kings settled on this rule, and now, two prides, who never had interacted, or been friends before, are settling down to live together, as one big happy pride, known as the River Pride.

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Note : Differences in Prides

Coal Pride - more open to change, but fierce fighters, also not very stubborn, but have a hard time sharing. Despite these lions being very close, they like to have their own things. These lions tend to go off to have time to themselves, needing time alone. Being so close can be suffocating sometimes. You will often hear a warrior or apprentice informing an older lion that they are 'going for a walk'.

Talon Pride - less open to change, rather stubborn, amazing hunters, ability to apply their old abilities to new experiences. Example: the healers will keep using the same herbs to heal things, even if the affect is less gradual than attempting to modify their abilities. Another example; the hunters will keep hunting the same way, even if it becomes more difficult on a different terrain.

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This RP is sort of like warriors, in a sense that the names coincide, as well as positions, and "clan" actions.
Healers will still share dream with Starclan, but it will be called "Members of the Star Pride" okay? And there is a Moonstone, it is where the two rivers turn into a large lake type thing, and there is an island with a cave on it. There the lions go to sleep, and share dreams with members of the Star Pride.
Also names are like warriors-

Ex: A cub is born to a queen. His name is Blackcub, seeing as he has black spots on his back legs. Blackcub turns 6 moons old, and is given the name Blackpaw by the King, and his mentor is Locustwing

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1. I dont know what Liodens rules are as far as age, but I'd at least like you to be like 11-12? Preferrably 14+ though if you are less than 16 years of age, just let me know, I'd appreciate it.
2. Do not be mean to other players
3. No crazy backstories, no having prophencies without talking to me
--- also no crazy information, like no crazy big lions, who are amazingly strong, tall, anything like that.
4. must have at least read warriors. i will find this out, so if y'all would do me a favor, and where it says "the thing" on the application, let me know who was Greystripes mentor, and who was the cat who saw Tigerstar kill Redtail. Answer it _______ & _______ in the The Thing spot within the app (( this changes frequently so dont look at other peoples bios ))
5. No weird 18+ graphic things, thanks.
6. Please be active, I will do a check every week or so. If you wont be active, lemme know
7. Within the RP thread, please wait for at least two people to post before posting again, to allow people time to respond, and make it less of a 1x1

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Name: if you are an apprentice, feel free to put what you want your warrior name to be in ( )
Ex-Pride: Talon or Coal
Age: Moons, or years
Gender: Male or Female
Position: ( king, queen, heir, warrior, queen, apprentice, cub )
Top Skill: (( hunting, healing, climbing, leading ))
Looks : Image link, or description. You can use a current lion in your den for this, but I would prefer the lion to look as close to real as possible, no "sparkle" lions. also mutations are rare within our prides, so please ask me first. You can link me with the "wardrobe" on here, use tinyurl tho! PLEASE USE LINKS!
History: ( nothing crazy, there is already enough crazy )
Family: if any apply, you dont have to put this, mostly for if you want to take on a cub born by someone xD -- this is for people who are writing characters related to characters already written. not needed for others. if you dont apply to the first part, you can leave blank, or write "n/a/" thanks.
Mate / Love Interest: if applicable, you dont have to add
Other information: idk, anything else we should know. sexuality, maybe, if you feel the need to add. information such as height and weight arent needed, neither is voice unless especially necessary (( those things can usually be explained via writing ))

The thing: Put it here thanks.

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- Link To Current Pride In a Google Doc
- Link to Plots / Relationships In RP
- Link to OOC Chatzy

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Edited on 14/03/16 @ 15:24:42 by .:forest:. (#81778)

.:forest:. (#81778)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-04-01 03:19:55
Iris, she is accepted, I will add her.

Note; there will not be a Gathering this week, I will be checking activity this weekend instead.

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-04-01 03:53:34
I wont be on this weekend. I hafta go to my dad's and he don't have wifi

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.:forest:. (#81778)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-02 01:49:59
It's okay. I am checking people who have posted on the RP within the last 2 weeks ish. Some people applied, and have yet to rp...

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.:forest:. (#81778)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-04 03:12:13
Had a super busy weekend, I am going to be checking activity now. It is not only for users, but also lions. If you have been rping, but not your character, I will be sending you a message.

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.:forest:. (#81778)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-04 03:39:53

Any Lion italicized in the pride google doc need to message me, or else they will be removed from the pride. Thank you <3

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.:forest:. (#81778)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-07 02:07:20
Where is everyone?

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-04-07 05:20:31
I have no clue. I'm witing for reply from CragPaw(I might've missed it. Lemme know if I missed it XD)
and I'm trying to figure out what to do with FalconPaw and BirdPaw :P

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-04-07 09:20:49
Hey, guys.
Sorry for not posting, I'm hella busy. ((thousands of other roleplays [tad exageration], and real life, which includes swimming, working out, work, school, homework, family problems, etc))
I want to post as soon as possible. I know that dropping out would be the easy way out, but I love this roleplay, am dedicated to it, and wouldn't want to do that, as it would hurt the roleplay in a few small ways (Cobrastrike=Deputy. Sandpaw=Deputy's Apprentice. Shadespots=romance plot with a certain King. ETC).
Therefore, I'll post a reply asap, but I need someone to recap on what's happened before i post, if that's okay.

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.:forest:. (#81778)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-08 13:33:59
Nothing much as been going on, Wolfspirit had a dream where her parents told her that Cragpaw will stop training to be a warrior, and want to become a healer, to which Loudstar thinks she may not have what is best for Cragpaw in mind ( mind you, she isnt the healer he grew up with ) so he is skeptical, uhm... that's about it. Cragpaw and Smallcub are talking more... Not too much interaction since the LAST gathering... :/

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.:forest:. (#81778)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-08 13:48:02

If I made a clan, would people participate, and want to do it? I have a lot of GB, and SB, so we may be able to have fun with it maybe? I could do a lot of food, amusement, nesting things, and maybe some SB, idk... I would figure it out as I go. Anyone interested? Answer the poll then: { here }

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Viccy (#85379)

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Posted on
2016-05-04 00:26:00
What happened to the rp? Why'd everyone just go silent?

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Katy (#109841)

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Posted on
2017-04-06 17:26:04
Name: Darkstep
Ex-Pride: Coal
Age: 32 moons
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Position: Warrior
Personality: Darkstep appears to be a snappy, cold-hearted cat who pushes everyone away, but this is only to protect herself from getting hurt. She spends most of her time in the shadows, finding comfort there and has been used to deliver messages (to other prides?). Darkstep is not a fighter but prefers to stay on the side-lines, observing and strategising and then 'advises' on how to attack.
Top Skill: Tracking/stalking
Looks: Darkstep is a sleek, black (fur) female with emerald green eyes. She has long, slender legs and a tough body with a dark grey underbelly and a light(er) grey muzzle. Darkstep has keen eyesight, hearing and sense of smell, and she uses these mostly for tracking.
History: Darkstep was born into a family of outsiders, who claimed she was weak and soon abandoned her (she remembers this). She managed to survive on her own for a few days, but then collapsed due to lack of food. A Coal Pride patrol found her and took her in. Darkstep was very cautious, but ended up staying there and found her home.
Family: Unknown outsiders [deceased]
Mate / Love Interest: Open
Apprentice: Open
Other information: Darkstep also likes to gather information by spying on others.

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Edited on 07/04/17 @ 00:29:55 by Katy (#109841)

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