Posted by Darkness arises ||A Warriors Roleplay Signup Open!

|-| Jindo |-| (#81977)

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Posted on
2016-03-09 08:48:58

The prophecy
Unknown as of now, suggestions are welcome
The Clans

The Rules

-|1|-All Lioden Rules Apply
-|2|-First Come First Serve on all roles.
-|3|-I have a right to decline your role
-|4|-No Powerplaying
-|5|-No abnormally colored cats
-|6|-Mating and birthing must fade to black.
-|7|-Credit and source your pictures
-|8|-If you read the rules, put 'Silent shadows' in your Other section.
-|9|-Character Limit of 4-If you want more, Pm me and ill keep track of you in the roleplay to see if you can handle it, if so I will allow you to make up to 2 more cats.
-|10|-Dont argue over ranks, I investigate deeply into these things.
-|11|-If you have been inactive for a week I will send you a PM, inactive for another week will result in you being removed from the roleplay.
-|12|-Have fun!

The Ranks
Located in the large dense birch forest on the other side of the waterfall. However, they live a deep abandoned hole. The cliffs are pretty steep here and the ground is almost always covered in the green fragments of the trees. Leaves, hence the name. The large trees hang and bend over the camp, providing the concealment from the sun and various birds of prey.


DrippingStar-Flinttwine [F]



-|Med Cat|-
-|Med Cat Apprentice|-



LaceWhisker- Flinttwine [F]


The clan in the Sky, Well sorta. Cloudclan is located at the top of a waterfall in a large clearing to the right. The walls of the camp are sturdy brambles and the trees tower high over the camp. Sometimes during rainy nights the ground, due to the nearby rushing current can get really really soggy, resulting in the clan forced to either face the weird feeling or staying in the dens.


Tigerstar-Tatsu [M]

-|Med Cat|-

Whitepetal-March [F]

-|Med Cat Apprentice|-

Ripplepaw-Rain [M]




Brairepaw-Gala [F]



The Reserving Policy
For High Ranks Including Leader, Deputy, Medicine cat and Medicine Cat Apprentice you have 3 days to fill out the forms or I will take your reservation away. For normal ranks like Warriors, Apprentices, Queens, Kits and Elders You have up to 1-2 weeks to finish the forms. This policy is to prevent others from holding the high and important roles for 3-4 weeks at a time while we have people with pre-made forms already made for them.

The Form (and its coding)

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Edited on 15/03/16 @ 14:31:13 by Zane (#81977)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-03-10 11:35:32
Ha, good luck with that! :D

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-03-10 16:17:35
(( WARNING: Going to be gone starting tomorrow and will be gone for at least 2 days! ))

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✾Gala✾ (#66561)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-11 08:16:03
Can i reserve a spot in Cloudclan as an apprentice?

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|-| Jindo |-| (#81977)

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Posted on
2016-03-11 08:29:00
Mmmhm! Ill reserve the spot for ya!

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Flinttwine (#75059)

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Posted on
2016-03-11 08:53:57
I made my queen :3

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|-| Jindo |-| (#81977)

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Posted on
2016-03-11 09:13:29
Um, flint, this is confusing, you said you wanted to reserve a Cloudclan queen and yet you put leafclan on the forum? which clan is she in so I know where to put her XD

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Flinttwine (#75059)

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Posted on
2016-03-11 13:05:30
Oh sorry yes xD

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✾Gala✾ (#66561)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-12 03:04:09
Yep have now gotten round to doing this

Name: Briarpaw

Age: 7 moons

Gender: female

Rank: Apprentice

Clan: Cloudclan

Personality: A very easily emotionally hurt cat who takes being scolded rather seriously- however, she's rather hard to bully when it comes from cats nearer her age.

Crush/Mate: She used to like Ripplepaw but then she learned that he was going to be a medicine cat and gave up....mostly. ( I can change this if you don't like it.)

Kits: umwat she practically is one herself

Siblings: None.

Likes: To dip her feet in warm water, eating rodents, being appreciated, equality, hunting, sparkly things, and snow.

Dislikes: Heat, Twolegs ,bossy cats, the hostility of border patrols, cats that are super duper awesome at everything in the world and yarrow.

Strenghs: She's a real fast talker and can cute her way out of things. She doesn't get sick often and does not fear water.

Weaknesses: The smell of chewed yarrow gives her a panic attack. She also is an easy target for older bullies and warriors in fights, as she doesn't fight back against older cats, and even though she likes water she's not a very strong swimmer.

History: Briarpaw does not have a significant history.

Appearance: A pretty young Turkish Angora with red markings and green eyes.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-03-12 15:45:02
Okay, I am back! Again, sorry I was gone so long! :(
Now, back to the talking of my characters.
Zane, could you tell me the differences between the two clans? What makes them special? (example: Windclan is known for speed and rabbit hunting - Riverclan is known for swimming and fish hunting - etc) C:

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|-| Jindo |-| (#81977)

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Posted on
2016-03-15 04:23:45
I have added the clan descriptions to the main post, as well as update rule 9.
We will start once we have at least the requirements below
A leader, deputy and Med. cat for both clans.
A least 3 warriors in each clan.

All reservations will be removed tomorrow morning when I wake up. I will start sending Pms to those who have them, if you need an extension of time, please tell me. Thank you.

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2016-03-15 05:10:24
Can reserve the leader of cloudclan, filling out form now just don't want someone else taking^^

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|-| Jindo |-| (#81977)

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Posted on
2016-03-15 05:16:59
Ye Ye! Ill reserve it for ya! (also Hoi!)

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2016-03-15 05:36:03
Thank you (hello)

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2016-03-15 05:42:16
II Name II
Tigerstar, Tigerstrike if warrior
3 seasons
II Gender II
II Rank II
Leader or dueputy
II Clan II
II Personality II
Tigerstrike is a bold and outgoing cat, with a soft side. He is know for never backing out of a fight and his loyalty for his clan.He is cheerful and loving to all cats in his clan but, he is even more loving to his mate Moonleap, who is now expecting kits. Tigerstrike can be a bit of a sore loser but, is a fair winner.
II Crush/ Mate II
II Kits II
None yet^^
II Siblings II
Fallensky- Dead, killed by a bagger.
II Likes II
Mouse, Rabbit and some fish
Swimming and climbing
II Dislikes II
Running for a long time
Dogs and baggers
Birds (food)
II Strengths II
Muscular body, good for cilmbing and fighting
Webbed paws, good for swimming
II Weaknesses II
Not the best of hunters, due to his huge body
Not great at running for long amounts of time
A strong hate for baggers as they killed his sister, this can lead him to attack one by himself
II History II
His father, Eagleswipe was killed by a dog, his mother, Misty (Rouge/warrior) was killed by lightning and his sister, Fallensky soon followed when she was killed by a bagger. Moonleap help him get over his dead family.
II Appearance II
Tigerstrike is a massive taby tom, with a thick fluffy pelt, and eyes the colour of limes. He has a torn left ear and and long scar down his side. He also has eartuffs and bit of tuffs on the side of his face.
II Other II
'Silent shadows'

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-03-15 07:15:18
Hello there! I have decided the cats I want!
May I reserve the Leafclan deputy and a Cloudclan warrior? :) Thanks! :D

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