Posted by Interest Check- Human Warriors Roleplay ideas
Dreamer (#7647)

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Posted on
2016-03-30 07:45:11
Basically just Warrior Cats as humans, following a similar or same system. I've encountered this idea in various forms, and I've been a part of some online forum rps of this vein, but all have closed down. So I'm looking for either a group of people or a 1X1 partner to roleplay this with me.

There are several different ways that we can roleplay this, or rather different ways to work out the original prompt.

We could do forest tribe like clans, mafia family type clans, city gang type clans, etc.

The Forest Tribe Clans would have been started after some natural disaster destroyed most of civilization. The clans would be several generations from that, living in the ruins of towns and possibly castles. They would probably be around middle ages level of technology, and have iron tools and weapons. There would be probably four clans, named after the territory they lived in.

The Mafia type families would live in a city, but would have their own estates and sectors. They would be kind of like ruling families, level of tecnology and place in time is debatable. They would be ruled by either a matriarch or a patriarch. This can also bleed into the mafia idea.

I have a lot more information and stuff to add, but Ill wait to see if I have any takers.

Anyone interested?

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Edited on 09/04/16 @ 17:07:03 by Dreamer [Raion] (#7647)

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