Posted by Admin Thread Permissions?

Cover (#45481)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-04-06 08:11:33
Looking around, I've noticed that there are joint-shops in Lioden that people are running. Sometimes it's only under one post, sometimes multiple. Personally I would believe that it'd be run a lot smoother if we have a feature that allows us to assign Admins of a Thread.

The way it'd work is, when creating and editing the /first post only/ you can click a + button near the bottom that says "Add Admin" and type in the users ID #. That user would have permission to edit that post (not delete!) when you aren't online.

When the changes would take effect, it would say "Edited at 12:00 by PlayerA ID#" like it does currently. This way joint shops or clan forums can be run by multiple admins instead of just one sole person. And if you wish to remove this permission, just delete their ID# and save changes.

NOTE The original writer of the thread will never lose power, as there would be no option to remove their ID. That way you don't need to worry about someone stealing the post.

Note 2 This would only apply to the forum POST itself, so no transaction money would be taken. It would also label who edited last, so if anything against TOS were to be written they would know the culprit.

This suggestion has 15 supports and 0 NO supports.

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