Posted by Warriors Love Polygon? [Interest check/Sign up]

Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-12 11:48:16
So this idea is basically going to boil down to "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock."


Love triangles are fun and all, but why not take it a step further? We'll be playing the original four Clans in the Old Forest territories, partly to make it somewhat more simple and partly because I don't care to make up more Clans right now. I hope there will be a plot besides the romance? Maybe it can just be some smaller plots/battles that involve two Clans rather than all four. Possibilities are open to us. If you have ideas I would definitely love to hear them!

I won't be accepting more than 5 players besides myself. Maybe in the future, but don't get your hopes up.

As I'm a pretty literate roleplayer myself, I'm really looking for other literate people to write with. The minimums I expect from you during roleplay:
At least 1 paragraph (5 sentences) per character. Please don't flesh things out with purple prose. Your character doesn't have to interact with another every single post, but they if they're not they should be off doing something that could further a larger plot.
Multiple characters! Really, at least 2 would be ideal. One character would be involved in the polygon and the other(s) would be members of different Clans (or the same Clan if that's your thing) to really flesh out the world and give everything more depth. This allows for many plotting opportunities outside of the polygon.
Proper grammar. This is should be a given. Keep wolfspeak at a minimum if have to use it at all. I can find a link for appropriate Clan terms if needed.
Don't godmode. Again, kinda already implied. Don't make your cat dodge every attack in a fight, or land a hit every single time. This goes for the polygon as well: your cat can't be an uber god of love. They can certainly be flirty, but not everyone is going to appreciate that aspect of them.

Speaking of characters, here's the form! Pretty straight forward:
Age: at least 20 moons preferred
Sex: Male or Female. You can add in a preferred Sexuality here as well, but if not defined assume straight.
Clan: ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, or ShadowClan. Add Rank here or right after if something other than a warrior.
Appearance: You don't have to have a picture, but you must be able to find a non-edited image with markings similar to your cat's appearance, and link to it as an example (even if it's not the exact coloration). A simple face shot can work for a facial marking, but otherwise it has to be full body. Scars, torn ears, short tails, cataracts, and things of that nature are excluded, but I reserve the right to pick over oddly/specifically shaped scars. ie: a lightning bold on the forehead. Near the end of this post will be some notes and rules regarding naming breeds of cat and tortie toms.
Personality: You can fill this out either in paragraph form or a list. If list, please name at most 3 strengths and at least 3 weaknesses. Explaining the items in said list is preferred but not necessary.
History/Relations: Not strictly required, but enjoyed. Please keep in mind your character's age and their potential accomplishments. ie: a 20 moon old warrior isn't going to have an apprentice more than about 6 moons old, if they do at all.

At this point in time, you only need to post a form for your main character. AKA, the cat that will be involved in the polygon.

On cat breeds: Cats in the warriors world are feral. They are totally wild-bred, with no human interaction. This means that unless they just jumped over their Twoleg's fence, there is not a chance in hell that cat can be called any one specific breed. And a Twoleg is not going to just let their very expensive pure-bred ragdoll roam around in their yard unsupervised. If your cat has Siamese-like markings they are not a Siamese cat. "Siamese" is the name of a specific breed. This pattern is called colorpoint, and it comes in lots of variations. It is a recessive trait, which means it is not likely to pass down to their children, but it's certainly possible. Also be aware that colorpoint cats are all born 100% white. This means that they'll usually have names regarding those white coats. A colorpoint cat's markings darken as they get older, meaning a seal point elder (what you probably think of when someone says "Siamese") will have very, very dark points and a creamy brown body. All colorpoint cats will have blue eyes even as adults.
Please, please, please message me if you are having any difficulties! I am more than happy to help with appearances, personalities, and traditional names!

On tortie toms: I could go into a mile-long spiel about how tortoiseshells, calicos, and torbies are determined genetically, but I'll save you the headache. It boils down to any male kitten that is born with both red and black colors has a genetic anomaly. This mix up in their chromosomes means they are VERY liable to become ill, deathly so. Without human intervention, such a kitten often won't live past the first few months. If it does, it will continue to be sickly and weak for the rest of its life. I'm not sure of the exact odds, but such a cat is very unlikely to be fertile. Because of all the reasons listed, I am not likely to accept a red and black tom cat. You can try and convince me though. I would prefer it if you PMed me before posting said character's application.

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Edited on 28/06/16 @ 22:37:58 by Katze (#20064)

Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-04-12 11:48:32
Name: Crow-something
Age: like 4 years ish?
Sex: Male
Clan: ShadowClan
Appearance: linky
Personality: ???
History/Relations: Mottledfoot, probs some other siblings

Name: Mottledfoot
Age: close to 3 years
Sex: Female
Clan: ShadowClan
Appearance: linky
Personality: uhhhh
History/Relations: Crow something, other sibs

Name: Featherpaw or Featherclaw
Age: 10 moons or like 15 moons
Sex: Female
Clan: Either ThunderClan or RiverClan, will depend on how things get divided up. Rank: Possible apprentice but maybe not
Appearance: linkity link

All this a very much a WIP. I'll wait and see what other sorts of characters come up, and I may or may not add in more at some point.

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Edited on 28/06/16 @ 22:37:11 by Katze (#20064)

Princess Fox (#71749)

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Posted on
2016-04-13 00:32:31
I'm just floating through and reading the different RP ideas. I'm just curious, what the hell is wolfspeak?

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Valkyrie [sunset
smilus] (#60126)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-13 01:26:46
Here's the urbandictionary link.

Basically it's a bunch of flourishing words that some people may use to come across as really intelligent, especially in animal roleplays. A lot of the time the words don't mean exactly the same thing the writer is trying to describe: orbs instead of eyes, banner instead of tail, pillars instead of legs, etc. The link has some really nice examples.

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Katy (#109841)

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Posted on
2017-04-07 12:26:32
Name: Darkstep
Age: 38 moons
Sex: Female
Clan: Shadowclan - Warrior
Appearance: Darkstep is a sleek, black (fur) female with emerald green eyes. She has long, slender legs and a tough body with a dark grey underbelly and a light(er) grey muzzle. Darkstep has keen eyesight, hearing and sense of smell, and she uses these mostly for tracking/hunting. If you look closely, you'll see that Darkstep has a few scar marks on her (left) hind leg, this was caused by her getting caught on barbed wire whilst running away from a pack of dogs. 
Personality: Darkstep appears to be a snappy, cold-hearted cat who pushes everyone away, but this is only to protect herself from getting hurt. If you can (somehow) get her to trust you, she will begin to open. She spends most of her time in the shadows, finding comfort there and has been used to deliver messages (to other clans?).
+ Fast and agile
+ Can blend into darkness
+ Quiet
- Not good with kits
- Gets irritated easily
- Mother is a [deceased] kittypet
History/Relations: Darkstep's father, Oakfur, was a warrior and her mother, Cindy, was a kittypet, so when she was born, she had to choose a side. Cindy (her mother) insisted that she lived with her, where she'd be cared for. Oakfur agreed, but on the condition that she was given the option to be a warrior when she was older. When Darkthorn was about 8 moons old, she went with her father to Shadowclan. She decided to stay in Shadowclan and become Darkpaw, an apprentice to Stormfur (made-up name).
Mate: Open
Apprentice: Open
Accent: Slight cockney-british accent
Scent: Damp grass
Name: Spottedtail
Age: 32 moons
Sex: Female
Clan: Riverclan - Warrior (or med. cat but they can't have mates)
Personality: Spottedtail is a kind-hearted, inviting cat who thinks that (mostly) everyone deserves a second chance. You will almost always see her with a smile on her face, but she has a small 'disorder' where she will refuse to eat or sleep when there is "Something better to be done.".
+ Intelligent
+ A good swimmer
+ Thick coat
- Not good at fighting
- Refuses to eat or sleep at times
- Doesn't want to get too close to anyone in case she loses them
History/Relations: Spottedtail grew up as a regular clan cat with a sister who she was very close to. When they were apprentices, she and her sister, Sandpaw, were attacked by a fox. Spottedpaw(tail) managed to get away from it with a few injuries, but Sandpaw was not so lucky (death).
Mate: Open
Apprentice: Open
Accent: Posh British
Scent: Roses

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