Posted by Seeking 1x1! [Semi-lit to lit]

Fable (#23268)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-04-25 10:26:27
Hello! Spike here. I don't post on forums much /fails
I love roleplaying, but due to my tendency to get overwhelmed, 1x1 is the only type I can seem to get a grasp on. ^^;;
Therefore, I'm very interested in finding a few 1x1 roleplay partners!

I'm not extremely picky with the subject matter, but I these are the topics I'm most interested in;
underlined = brownie points for wanting to rp this hehehe

- The Raven Cycle
Canon or AU. I have a preference for Ronan, but I'd be willing to play as anyone, really.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Canon, AU, OC. Anything, really. If going with canon or AU, I have a preference for Spike, Oz, Xander, or Anya.
- Carmilla the Series
Canon or AU. I have a preference for LaFontaine, Kirsch, or Laura.
- Harry Potter
OC is preferred, but I'm also open to Marauders era. I have a preference for Sirius.
- High School
OC, of course. Can be mythical or realistic. I'm partial to boarding school roleplays, hehehe.
- Werewolf/Vampire

I very much prefer MxM or FxF tbh ^^;;
Message me if interested! At least semi-literate is required.

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