Posted by Carcasses from Prey Enemies

Fated [Quitting] (#78206)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 11:46:43
(I don't think this is previously suggested; I looked)

So we all know in some places, things like Kudu, Various Birds, and others are pretty common NPCs to encounter. It would make sense that, after a successful battle with one of these things, your king is like "Hey, no point in wasting a chance for food!" It wouldn't have to be every battle, but I think it would be a cool addition.

It could be made in RP format.

"Exhausted and close to death, your opponent tries to flee the battlefield, but you're not about to miss the chance to snag some food for your pride. You jump in and finish them off."

It would be a set percentage, and only on natural prey, like Kudu, Storks, or even Mandrills.

This suggestion has 19 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 25/04/16 @ 18:47:26 by Fated (TDK) (#78206)

Torquil (#53504)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 22:16:05
This idea is actually pretty scattered all over the place.


This one appears to be the most recently active:

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