Posted by Anyone want to do a MLP roleplay?

(Frozen!) Micah
🌈✨ (#58378)

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Posted on
2016-04-27 23:57:08
I MIGHT be willing to do a group roleplay, but not with more then two other people. :/

Simple story; I am not wanting to do anything deep, just a casual roleplay. I also have two OC's I can roleplay with. I can use both, and, well, kind of want to use both.
Something to note; I do NOT do male/female romance - if you want romance, it has to be male/male. Sorry, roleplaying heterosexual romance makes me uncomfortable. v.v

In this small corner of the land, winter has already come - Its not too bad, just a small covering of snow and its accompanied temperature, along with some light winds. Boots, hats and scarves are your best bet for having a good day - but that doesn't deter the people of this small town. People are still out and about, doing their business as usual, shops and open-air markets are still in full bloom and business.

Quillian - Goes by the nickname "Quill". He is a bird keeper and a herbalist, enjoying quiet time along with being able to sit out in the sunlight on a cool day. Quill isn't a big crowd pony, enjoying to stay in his little slow-going rural town, selling to the local people and showing off his birds to any travelers passing through. He knows Knit, but not on a personal level. They live in the same town, and Quill gets his gardening tools, bird cages, and general repairs from Knit.

Knit - He is a stern pony, that doesn't speak too often. He works as a metal-smith, and enjoys his hard-working job, grateful for the effect it has had on him. Knit is strong and heavy-built due to his job, able to hull his metal creations as far as the towns edge. He enjoys the effect his work has on people; he loves crafting items iron fencing, fancy iron plant holders, and other decorative items. He isn't one for small talk, though, unless its about something that he truly finds interesting or exciting; something he is always willing to talk about, though, is magic. He thoroughly loves learning anything he can about unicorn or even alicorn magic; even if he will never be able to preform anything like they can, it won't stop him from learning.

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Edited on 28/04/16 @ 07:23:04 by Fonzie (FREE mute raffle!) (#58378)

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