Posted by Selling Lions

Shahrzad (#84932)

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Posted on
2016-05-07 05:07:59
A few people have mentioned this before to me, and I thought - this is quite a good idea!

If you want to sell a lion, but no one is offering in the trade/or you're finding it hard to advertise, or you just need SB; could there be a way where you could sell it into like a 'Monkey Business' and they offer to buy the lion but only for a match that suits the lion. So let's say a lion that has stats between 300-500 will cost at least 100SB (or something like that) and then they add the fertility and it will add on depending on if it's low or goddess.

But to stop the spam, you can only, let's say, sell 3 or 4 lions every three or two months? That way you won't get loads and loads of SB. You need to earn that (;

This suggestion has 4 supports and 2 NO supports.

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