Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 01:31:12
I've been through quite a few RPs on this site; sadly, a lot have great ideas but die due to inactivity and interest lost. I'm looking to start up an RP with loyal members, a solid plot and story to follow. Suggestions are welcome!

They Run, They Serve, They Conquer, They Fly
Mildly Game of Thrones inspired. In a world of shifters, each of the four described in the title (Equine, Canine, Feline, Avarian). Most all stick to their own kind; the Equine Shifters travel much like the Dothraki, live with the land. The Canine Shifters are renowned for their loyalty to each other and their allies. The Feline Shifters are independant, trust none, and aim to rule and concquer all, mostly acting in their own self interests. The Avarian Shifters try to keep out of the land dwellers affairs; they live in a temple on an island off from the mainland.

Plot is that the Feline Shifters have majority control over the mainland in the South. They intend to rule supreme over the others, while the Canine wish for a peaceful rule, it may not be possible. The equine seem to be unaffected, but every so often they stop in the heart of the city, wreck havoc, causing the felines to consider their options with these savage, uncivilised beasts.
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Edited on 08/05/16 @ 15:34:11 by Ohnicio (#86486)

Ham (#86367)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-05-08 04:38:38
This sounds really cool! I'd be game for it. (I feel you about groups dying, it's sad)

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