Posted by Scars: Bloody Claws/Bloody Ear(s)

Ember, She/They
(Kokuyo) (#69092)

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Posted on
2016-05-09 03:42:41
If anybody wants to draw these up, please feel free! I'm terrible at art on here.

Bloody Claws/Torn Claw:
The claws are bloodied from a battle, or a torn claw (perhaps a scar for front and/or back paws?).

Bloody Ear:
I like the idea of a notched ear, but that has been rejected due to the difficulty of it. I think perhaps a bloody ear might be good. It would give the idea that something terrible happened to the ear, but wouldn't have the difficulty of creating a notched ear, etc.

Scabbed Ear:
Once again giving the idea of notched ear without. Basically claw marks shown on the ear.

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