Posted by Roaring Lioness

Adyllic (#44516)

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Posted on
2016-05-18 00:17:50
I found this the other day. A lioness roared and grew a mane. Scientists believe its because she has an increase in male hormones. She and four other lionesses have shown up with this development.

Now, that got me to thinking. If she could present as a male, that would help her defend her cubs. So, since Lioden is a semi-realistic simulation of the way lions look and act, with some bonuses thrown in, why not this?

You could have a 5 in a 100 chance of one of your adolescent females to start to present as a male. Now, I really want to say this IS NOT either a) a mutation or B) a sex change. That would be unfair, because sex changes are easy to buy with gb and Mutations should stay rare.

But perhaps it would be a chance. A notification to you that your adolescent, Ursa, has begun to show a violent side, and as the days go on you witness her grow a mane. I'm honestly trying to find a way to catalog it in the lioden system without saying its a mutie chance. Because we don't need more muties, and we already have the mane mutations. This is just more extreme.

It would count as changing the game art, but let me know if you have any improvements and if you don't support, tell me the reason, please. I'd like to know! ^^

For those of you who wish to see the page about the lioness who grew a mane and roared, here you go.

This suggestion has 51 supports and 65 NO supports.

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Liger Z
(intersteller king) (#75399)

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Posted on
2016-05-19 05:45:33
it could be called testosterone poisoning and be something that is temporary, like the mane would last until she has cubs and then fall out

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Edited on 19/05/16 @ 12:46:16 by zeta (#75399)

Black Rhinoceros (#68593)

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Posted on
2016-05-23 03:29:40
Sorry, no support.

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Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2016-06-04 15:23:34

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Cr'Ygg (#10356)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-07-21 02:08:21
I support! It would be neat if this would become a rare and breed-able trait.

Now, just throwing these ideas out there... If were a mutation, it could possibly work? It doesn't need to be like the other mutations, but I think it may be classified as a mutation nonetheless. Maybe it could be easier to breed in comparison to the others (or not).

Another suggestion is that it could potentially alter how the maned-lioness reacts to the main male on her profile pages. (In other words, effecting gameplay in some way.)

I have never bred muties (yet), and so excuse my lack of knowledge on the mutie subject!

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Adyllic (#44516)

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Posted on
2016-07-21 03:14:25
That makes sense. It did say that her new mane would hep her protect her cubs from unwelcome males, so maybe yu could get a defensive mother message,.

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Viridian (#3910)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-24 11:01:33
No support, because it sounds too similar to mane mutations and sex changes to me. I know it would be slightly different, but given that we already have those features it seems kind of unnecessary.

Maybe it could be implemented to affect gameplay of the mane mutations instead, like maned Broodmothers can protect an extra cub because of her intimidating mane/roaring ability.

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FraidyCat (#51162)

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Posted on
2016-08-29 17:14:24
I like it! if the female switches to a male pose+presents with the genetics she has, it would be a very interesting thing. It would be cool if it was a mutation that had a chance to occur after every litter, or after every other year - as incentive to keep old lions and chill on the breeding for them.

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Black Rhinoceros 2.0 (#69356)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-19 04:03:36
I support this idea. Females lions can grow manes in the wild when their testosterone levels are elevated, such as the condition Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (we've had ewes that suffered from this and they acted like rams).

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Risky (#76173)

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Posted on
2016-10-01 11:48:03
I love this! It's something actual lions do and I've wished the game had an equivalent for awhile, the mane mutation and sex changes don't seem to adequately cover this amazing phenomenon! It could affect their stats, fertility, number of cubs they can protect, soooo muuuuch.

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lochie (#144506)

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Posted on
2018-07-02 16:41:53
No Support, Too similar to the lioness mane mutations for me.

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