Posted by Food Items Skinned For Pelts
MiniR56 (#89625)

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Posted on
2016-05-21 13:47:41
I think it it would be cool to be able to convert food items into apparel as we can with amusement (30 uses of flamingo feathers = flamingo feather decoration). I've always thought the Water Bush Buck and Sable Antlope was pretty, I think it would like nice be draped or worn over the heads of our lions, same as Flesh of The Unworthy, Flesh of The White Lion, and Flesh of The Black Lion. But we'll need more than 30 pelts, because of how common certain prey animals are. Or it can remain 30 on rarer ones, and 50-60 for common ones like warthogs, gazelles, etc.

And it is going to be hard to to get that many food items before they expire, so I suggest giving users the option to skin the prey immediately, rather than trying to get 30, 50 or 60 of the same prey item before they expire.

This suggestion has 89 supports and 1 NO support.

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Black Rhinoceros (#68593)

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Posted on
2016-05-23 03:53:29
Support. I love this idea. I've always thought an Addax pelt would look beautiful on my lions. So would a Cow pelt. I would love a Hartebeest, Nyala and maybe a Suni pelt, too. I think this is a great idea. I think an Oryx would make a nice pelt, too. Maybe smaller animals would be made into a smaller pelt. Or some kind of headpiece?

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Black Panther Drinks
Coffee (#61032)

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Posted on
2016-08-07 10:30:14
I support this idea because black_rhinoceros (#68593) mentioned a cow pelt and I want it now.

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