Posted by Limited Breedings/Litter Quality

Alveonacy (#13013)

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Posted on
2016-05-22 08:36:53
**I'm not quite sure where to put this, so I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong place or has been suggested before.**

I have this idea where the older the lioness gets, the smaller the litter, and less impressive looking the litters become. This would maybe even affect stats.
------> Example:
A female who has average fertility, who is 2-5 years old gets pretty decent sized litters (3-5) who have decent stats based off of parental stats, and decent marking opacity and slots. If she is frequently bred in her life, the older she gets, the less impressive her littee quality gets.

This would require people who stud often and breed to sell to pick who they breed to carefully and WHEN they breed.
Fertility would play a role, but considering how hard it is to breed a 1%, I feel like this wouldn't affect those lionesses much. Age would ALSO affect mutation chance- although not by a lot. I do believe that in most animal species, the older tge mother is when ahe delivers affects chances of mental illnesses and physical mutations.

I would appreciate feedback whether you spport or not. If you don't, please tell me why. If you do, tell me why or offer suggestions to add or take away from my post!:)

This suggestion has 4 supports and 26 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/05/16 @ 16:09:20 by Alveonacy (#13013)

Toska (#19637)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-22 08:47:57
If this was to be implemented, age would be a factor in the buying and selling of lionesses. If not sure if that's good or bad.

If older lionesses were to have smaller litters, then younger lionesses should have larger litters. (Ex: Lionesses age 10+ can not have 4 cub litters and lionesses 5- can not have 1 cub litters) This would balance the number of cubs born from one lioness so there wouldn't be an increase or decrease of cubs.

As far as looks and stats, no. Many wanted traits are hard enough to breed for already. I don't think there should be an added factor into the inheritance rate of traits.

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aquariummagic (#6859)

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Posted on
2016-05-22 08:51:05

I dont understand why? This isnt how it works in nature.

But i would like guarenteed larger litters if i use young ones, I get so many 1 cub litters, like 80% of them.

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Edited on 22/05/16 @ 15:55:11 by aquariummagic CINNA FELINE 7 (#6859)

Alveonacy (#13013)

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Posted on
2016-05-22 09:02:11
@Toska Age and litter size are already a factor that I stated in my post. I also understand your concerns about stats and wanted traits. Thank you for your feedback!

@aquariummagic From what I have researched, age affects litter size and quality in animals such as: mice, pigs, and various canines, including domestic dogs and wolves. It's reasonable to assume it affects felines such as house cats and lions as well. Nonetheless, thank you for your feedback.

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aquariummagic (#6859)

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Posted on
2016-05-22 09:05:38
i think no one would keep lionesses older than a certain age with this, theyd all be killed or chased and no one would want them.

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Alveonacy (#13013)

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Posted on
2016-05-22 09:07:48
@aquariummagic That is where retirement kicks in. I'm sure everyone already chases or sells elderly lionesses anyway. It would prove useful for them to hunt, though, since it would be harder to breed them for litter size or cub quality.

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🐻 bears (#76425)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-05-22 09:27:17
No, this would too greatly impact the market (which is already messed tf up as it is) and it's already hard enough to breed large and decent looking litters.

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Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2016-05-22 09:33:59
I don't support. But I'm mostly replying to things.

*I agree with Toska, some things are hard (and expensive) to breed for already without losing girls breed-ability at a certain age.

*Aquarium has a point as well. Any lioness above the decided "old" age would become useless. Idk about anyone else but I would kill them. 1 cub dud litters annoy me as is. I also feel they might not use them for hunting as you suggest. I try to hunt my best girls, not my oldest (Because my pride is small right now I have to hunt them regardless of age), so that I can ensure my girls gain stats and birth me higher statted cubs.

*"Any lioness above the decided "old" age would become useless." would cause the market for them to crash. Any lioness like this, no matter the markings, would be worth even less than they already are and people would probably try to charge more for girls that are younger (Something that is rather detrimental to new or poor players).

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Edited on 22/05/16 @ 16:34:16 by Heda RedBox (#56702)

Alveonacy (#13013)

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Posted on
2016-05-22 09:34:43
@bears Thank you for your feedback! It's appreciated.

@Heda I understand completely. Thank you for your opinion and reply to my thread! They all help me change or fix-up the rough edges of my idea.

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Edited on 22/05/16 @ 16:36:41 by Alveonacy (#13013)

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