Posted by New Exploring Event

slumdog (#83690)

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Posted on
2016-05-29 10:41:27
So, an new idea for an exploring event(Not a monthly event but those little things you see when you're exploring; I just didn't know what else to call it) I thought of this while I was going through some lion footage. There was a lot of males killing other male's cubs from other prides and I was thinking that would be a neat thing to have in the explore picture panel thing. Now, I'm not an artist so I can only describe to you what is in my mind right now. On the picture panel there would be a male aggressively swiping or stretching out one paw(Claws out) to a cub. In the text below it would say something along the lines of "You come across a male attempting to kill a cub from another pride." And maybe something else added to it like: "You worry for a heart-beat, thinking of your own cubs before continuing." At the bottom maybe there could be the option to fight the male, you could gain a achievement named something like "Savior" or "Protector of the Innocents" Something like that... This probably sounds kind of different, lioden is such a comedic site sometimes but I think it would be a nice touch of seriousness. And it might brighten your day knowing you saved a picture of a lion cub from being killed by another picture of a lion... Maybe... XD

I got a really nice suggestion down below!
I think this event should work like the Barbary lion event does. If you have good enough karma then the stuff I said above should be what happens. The stuff below is what should happen if you have bad enough karma:
"You chuckle as you come across a male killing a cub from another pride."
The options will be(As suggested by Synic (#79392) ) "Join In" and "Ieave". "Join in" will have the follow up of "You join in, helping the lion rid the world of one more pesky brat." with the possibility of the achievement of "Cubslayer" or "Merciless" and "Leave" would have the follow up of "You laugh and carry on with your day, leaving the cub to its fate."

If anyone has ANY suggestion please leave them because even if you don't think it will help it really will.

This suggestion has 11 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 30/05/16 @ 09:34:09 by MissEvolution (#83690)

Micah 🌈 (#29140)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-05-29 10:43:31
This is actually really cute. :0
But there should be an evil option to go with it, if you get a good option.

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slumdog (#83690)

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Posted on
2016-05-29 11:03:12

That's what I was thinking but I really couldn't think of anything to go with it and I thought it would just be nice without over doing it too much. But if you have any suggestions to go for an evil option that would be nice, the only thing is that fighting the lion wouldn't give you karma, just an achievement.

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Synic (#79392)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-05-29 11:16:50
Possible evil options:

You laugh and carry on with your day, leaving the cub to its fate.

You join in, helping the lion rid the world of one more pesky brat.

Possible achievements: cubslayer, merciless, etc.

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Edited on 29/05/16 @ 18:18:26 by Synic (#79392)

Micah 🌈 (#29140)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-05-29 11:38:35
Oo, I like those.

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slumdog (#83690)

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Posted on
2016-05-30 02:14:54
Thats actually a pretty good idea!

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