Posted by Search for Literate Warriors Roleplayers!

Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)

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Posted on
2016-05-30 22:25:57
Hello! You've come here looking for a good Warrior Cats Roleplay, right? Well I welcome you. Hope we can have a good bit of RP together >u<

What I am looking for:

-Dedicated, active people. I want to Roleplay, not to be excited over having 5 partners only to find out that only 2 are active. It's fine if you take a bit replying, but don't leave us for days!

-Correct use of Grammar. Typos are fine, but please write like a human being.

-Description. But effort into your writting. Don't post a one-liner when everyone else is writting 4 lines of text. Writer's block occurs, but please...

-Realistic cats. No unrealistic pelt colors or eye colors, even body psrts such as wings. My OC has a reasonable backstory, his pelt was dyed by his ood humans. But a cat can't be born with rainbow fur and purple eyes.

I have a plot, kinda like what happened with Sol, but for a good cause. A prophecy arrives to ______clan, speaking about a skeletal cat that will save the clan from grave danger. We can decide what happens next, and I am open for idea suggestions, so don't be shy!

I will take 4 people for the RP. Examples or writting would be appreciated.

Forms are not needed yet, but you can reserve ranks. Y'all decide what clan to RP.

Med App:

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Edited on 31/05/16 @ 05:34:03 by 🍷Bird of Hermes🍷 (#68944)

Katy (#109841)

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Posted on
2017-04-05 22:23:51
I would love to do this roleplay! I try to be as detailed as possible in my writing (but still make it in the style of the books), and I haven't found any truly dedicated roleplays so far. I have made warrior cats before and know what they should be like, and I would preferably be the medicine cat.

Example of writing: Sorry that this isn't for a cat :)

Yuno watched as the wolf stalked his prey, taking note of how his yellow-gold eyes focused only on the rabbit and that as soon as he made sure that it was dead, he left. She'd never seen another wolf before but was still suspicious of him, because of her past, she didn't want to take any chances. She decided to track him, as he smelt familiar and yet unfamiliar at the same time. He seemed in a hurry, like he was trying to avoid something or someone. Perhaps there were more wolves that he was unfriendly with.

Suddenly, the wolf stopped, Yuno hid. Luckily her pelt colour changes around this time of year so she was able to camouflage herself against the surroundings.
'What is this feeling I have?' Yuno thought to herself as she continued to watch the wolf from afar.

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