Posted by Drawing help

Blueberry Muffin (#66969)

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Posted on
2016-06-13 22:07:33
So I just drew this picture what do you guys think about it?


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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-06-13 23:26:53
I usually try to keep out of the drawing help topics because I end up making more enemies than friends. But I could try redlining what Oops was talking about with the ears swept (not swepted, it's not a word) forward as she's falling through the water.

And I think about the other problem is the thickness of the legs for the cat. Most cats actually have skinny legs and small paws, just starting at my tabby who is sitting in front of me right now.

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AppleCiderp (#92197)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 00:03:22
I'm gonna add on this with 3 things that people haven't mentioned yet. All of which I've done myself, and which I notice a lot of people go through. My own art is far from perfect, so don't take any of this personally :)

First off is the ears, don't be scared to add a little definition in them. Your ears can look so much better if you just follow the ear line you have. It just adds a bit of dimension and doesn't take time to add. It's something that I had force myself to do at the start, but I swear, this little thing goes a long way! (A tuff of fur can add a bit more definition too)

The next two things are both about coloring, the first one is never use pure black to color it's a simple rule, but a crucial one. It's not a big deal at the start, but once your linearts will get more detailed, it might "erase" the actual detail you've worked hard to get. It also doesn't help with shading, since you can't go darker than black. (No examples here, since I actually don't have a lineart drawn out oops :I ) Oh! Pure white is sometimes fine, I myself still use it often, but I need to get out of that habit myself.

The last one is going to be a bit hard, especially with Paint. The cat is underwater right, but without the background you wouldn't be able to see that. So if you have a program with layers, you just need to pop on a new layer, bucket tool it blue, and lower the opacity. Maybe repeat it a few times. So basically this is just making the drawing work with the background. I recently did a drawing underwater, and I still have the WIP files, so you'll get to see what I mean :D
The top one is with just my "shading" layer on, and the bottom is with the full "immersion" (I think there's like 4 or 5 layers in total?) You need to treat your character and background as one, not two different things, do little things here and there to make it mesh together.
Slippy_little_buggers.pngCharacter is not mine

Like in those pictures alone, I've noticed not all of my fur tufts are pointed upwards, and there's a few things off, not to mention my shading, which is all over the place. So there's always place for improvement, I hope you don't get offended by any of this :)

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Blueberry Muffin (#66969)

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Posted on
2016-06-14 00:24:29
I didn't get offended once again I can't really do that on paint just yet I'm quite new to drawing using a computer after all

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