Posted by Warriors group with Alexus,Feral, Forever, Spirit

Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 10:40:45
Cats of Four different clans whoms should hate eachother are forced to work together in order to save and better they're clans.
When cats start dieing of a strange sickness, and prey starts to die they must work together in order save eachother and they're clans,
But is it possible for love to former while they are working to save all that they know?
They must journey through the coldst of nights and hot'st of days pushing each one to they're limits and then beyond, can they come together as one for the sake of the clans and eachother?

Clans: Forestclan, Marshclan, Rippleclan , Galeclan

Aura-She-cat- Warrior

Harmonysong-she-cat-Medicine cat

Iceheart- Tom-Deputy

OUtside the clans
Jay'j'- She-cat-Rouge
Pebble-Tom-Rouge/Former Bloodclanner

Age:24 moons
Clan: Forestclan
Looks:A black and white tom-cat who's got a long tail not to mention tall. His eyes are fox orange
Personality: Halfmoon has a tendency to be a little flirty around she-cats he finds attractive but takes his duties as a warrior seriously . He is a great hunter especially when it comes to rabbits
Kin: Tallstar ( suspected to be great -great uncle Unknown sister of tallstar , Unknown relative of Crookedstar

Age:27 moons
Rank:MEdicine cat apprentice
Clan: Rippleclan
Looks: A purr white she-cat with emerald green eyes, her fur is so white it looks like snow and it long and fluffy
Personality: Harmonysong is sorta quiet and shy, She loves to spend time sitting by rivers , collecting herbs and dreaming about the small possibility of having kits of her own.
Mate: none

Age:23 moons
Looks: Pebble is a gray and white tom-cat with semi long fur. His eyes are a ice blue color around his neck he has a sorta torn collar with dog teeth embedded in it.
Personality:Pebble is known for being cruel and cold, not to mention heartless. But underneath that he has a good heart and can be caring and kind, an all around good cat.
Kin: Snake-Hoot (father) and Unknown she-cat( she was really only around to feed him and his litter mates once they could be whined they where out of the nest)
Mate: OPen
Other: Pebbles a FOrmer Bloodclan member though the he left do to wanting better things.

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Edited on 16/06/16 @ 18:46:30 by Axis (#4339)

Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 10:53:03
NAME: aura
AGE: 24 moons
RANK: unsure
LOOKS: aura is a small cream feline with a racoon mask and tail bandings she has crystal blue eyes
PERSONALITY:aura takes after her father she has a ver sadistic side and is prone to violent and somerimes uncalled for outbursts she is loyal to her family and is often called the runt duw to her small stature
KIN: she is the daughter of scourge

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Feral (#55655)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-15 10:57:30
Name: Swifttail
Age: 24 moons
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Warrior
Clan: Marshclan
Looks: Swifttail has a thick, sandy colored pelt with black and brown mixed along her back and legs. Her eyes are a bright and clear hazel. She has a relatively small frame with moderate muscling and a very short tail. Despite her short tail, she is an excellent swimmer and has great speed. Her claws are oddly curved and sharp to the touch. She has one main scar cut into her left ear shaped like a large "v." Her fur is well kept and smells faintly of lavender. Sort-of kitten looks:
Source-- Fassets from
Personality: She is very quiet, often times drifting through her thoughts. But, she will speak if spoken to. She is happy around friends and welcoming to others. She has patience for young cats having experience as a mentor. Her loyalty to her clan is fierce, like her family.
Kin: Unknown
Mate: None yet

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 20:16:13 by Feral (#55655)

Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 11:00:31
Hmm lets say she joined marshclan after being found round maybe apprentice age? WHen her father never returned form the fight with other clans but never took on a clan name for respect of her father?

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Feral (#55655)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-15 11:00:39
Oh should I switch clans to have each of us different?

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Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 11:02:39
Nah I never said how many cats there where or how many from each clan

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Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 11:03:47
Thats good yeah lol been awhile since i last rped with her XD

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-06-15 11:04:20
Almost done! sorry just saw the thread xD

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-06-15 11:17:19

:: Name ::
{{Icekit}} {{Icepaw}} Iceheart
:: Age ::
25 moons
:: Gender ::
:: Rank ::
Deputy (hopefully)
:: Clan ::
:: Looks ::
Iceheart is a lean white tom with hazel-green eyes. He has nicks on both of his ears, three on his left and two on his right. They are small, yet noticeable. He as a small scar on his front right paw pad, most cats think it’s a birthmark, but no one's really sure.
:: Personality ::
Iceheart is a quiet cat, reserved mostly. He can be a bit snappy in some situations, but overall he is a very loyal warrior. This tom is sensible and intelligent, also determined and ambitious. He always strives to do his best. Other than that, Iceheart can be very loving and protective with his friends/family. He would die for the cats closest to him. It may be tough to get on his friendly side, but he is like a whole different cat if you can C=
:: Kin ::
{Open to any relationships}
Family: None
Friends: None
Rivals: None
Crush: None
:: Mate ::
None currently, open for crush {Not immediate mate please} ((Open to break rules ;) ))
:: Other ::
He is my smol jellybean
{Image source}


:: Name ::
Jay "J"
:: Age ::
24 moons
:: Gender ::
:: Rank ::
:: Clan ::
:: Looks ::
Jay is a agile and graceful cat, her build allows her to easily slink through small areas and gracefully leap and run, her power mostly used from her hind legs. Her markings are very unique, she is a white she-cat with brown-ish tabby markings and dark spots. Her fur is soft and calming, helping her to be less anxious for the most part. Her eyes are a still sky-blue, her gaze clear and intelligent.
:: Personality ::
J has always been a quiet cat, never being around large groups of cats for large periods of time. She prefers life on her own, away from the troubles of the clan cats and other feral groups. Besides being an introvert, J is a calm cat. She can tend to be extremely sarcastic, and fun to be around if you befriend her some how. She loves to joke and laugh along with being an overall friendly cat. She is sweet and loving, but rathers to be alone. J is known to be protective of herself and her loved ones, and if she feels that you are a threat you better square up xD
:: Kin ::
{Open to any relationships}
Family: None
Friends: None
Rivals: None
Crush: None
:: Mate ::
None currently, open for crush {Not immediate mate please} ((Open to break rules ;) ))
:: Other ::
Dis one's ma poptart
{Image source}

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Edited on 18/06/16 @ 09:57:19 by For never, forever (#61889)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-06-15 11:17:40
I can change his rank and clan if needed C=

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Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 11:23:13
All looks good, Shall I start us off I"m thinking they each receive a dream or vision from a former clan mate or ancestor telling them that they must go on a journey in order to save the clans and must leave the following night meeting the other four cats at the gather hallow?

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-06-15 11:24:38
That sounds good ^.^

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Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 11:27:01
Sounds cool

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-06-15 11:37:53
ermm, i'm just curious, are rouges an available role? if no that's fine, just wanted to ask

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Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 11:49:45
Ooc:// sure? I mean they're bound to encounter rouges along the journey

Halfmoon lay asleep in his nest it was roughly four days before the clans gathered once more, and Reedstar wasn't doing well leaving Falcontail in charge of the camp. He'd been working his paws of in order to pick up the slack since so many cats seemed to be dying lately, this strange sickness was more then the medicine cats could handle no cat knew the cause. It was just as he reached the state to where one dreamed that he saw a cat with a twisted jaw padding towards him out of a cloud of mist. "Crookestar...." He whispered knowing his kin anywhere from the stories his mother always told him, though true he wasn't in Riverclan, or Windclan he had to flee his native clan before even being born as being half clan is something one isn't proud of.

"Halfmoon, there is little time to waste. As I speak more of your friends come to join us in starclan...,you and four other cats each coming from the other clans must journey to save the clans. The five of you alone will shape the future of Ripple,Forest, Marsh, and Gale. When Blood meets WInd and water , Harmony must flow swiftly lets the Ice winds of death take hold of the clans." Crookstar meowed not giving Halfmoon a chance to speak before leaving him alone. " Save your clan Halfmoon. "he called over his shoulder before fading into the mist.

Harmonysong sat awake mixing herbs, she knew Rippleclans supplies where getting low with so many sick. She was currently caring for Mintfur a elderly she-cat who was sorta responding to this treatment or was at first . Just after sun down Harmonysong had seen the elder coughing up blood never a good sign. She was just about down when a charming gray tom padded towards her, he had stars in his pelt. " Ashfoot, great starclan what is going on!" She hissed under her breath recognizing the cat as Rippleclans former deputy who had died three moons before the first to loose they're life to the sickness. Not to mention a crush of hers since kit hood.

"Be at peace , sweet Harmonysong. Starclan has sent me here to share a message to you." Ashfoot purred , sitting down only a breath lengths away. " When Blood meets WInd and water , Harmony must flow swiftly lets the Ice winds of death take hold of the clans. Rest well tonight, you must leave all these behind for awhile. Its your destiny with four others of Marsh, Gale and Forest to save the clans and Shape the future of them. Starclan will watch over you as best we can, but remember you are not as helpless as you seem. Perhaps the others will come with more information for you, just remember you must be a clan-like group or else you will fail. Put aside the differences of your current clans on this journey protect and serve one another." He spoke in a serious manor allowing his words to sink in before getting up and padding back to starclan.

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Edited on 15/06/16 @ 18:50:14 by Axis (#4339)

Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2016-06-15 12:00:03
Aura purred in her sleep as she dreampt of chasing the small rabbits around her camp, the leaves rustled as she twitched and shuffled lightly, before she knew what had happened her dream turned daek and the small creatures she was chasing dissapeared.

"Aura, my Aura" a voice boomed and her ears la flat agaisnt her head this voice was one she has not heard for many many moons and she hated ir for it was her father who had perised in a Battle of the clans, she knew she was dreaming but struggled to wake

"You aura must save youe new family meet with the other felines from 4 other clans only you can shape your destin and save them" aura woke with a start and lay gasping on her nest she looked around her camp but no sign of her farher.

She lay her skull back down and wondered what had just happened.

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