Posted by Private Roleplay
FaultInOurTrumpets (#92678)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-06-20 15:01:35

I'm interested in participating in a private roleplay. I have multiple ideas, but one key component is missing; someone to play it with! If you think you'd be interested, please fill out the small form below. I have just a few requirements below in a potential roleplaying partner, as well as what I'm willing to roleplay as.

Looking for...
- proper spelling and grammar at all times. A little typo and small slip up is fine- I make them, too- but I want to see capitalization and punctuation.
- able to reply at least once a day. If you're going to be out of town, I can wait. I understand life happens and you won't be able to get on every single day, but I'd just like a little bit of warning.
- paragraph-length posts per character per reply
- third person point of view

What I will Roleplay as:
- cats (I'm a Warriors fan if you're into clan roleplays)
- bigger cats (tiger/lions/leopards, etc.)
- wolves
- horses

What I will not do:
- human roleplays (I'm no good at them)
- vampire/werewolf/mermaid/supernatural beings
- graphic violence

Other than that, I'm open to any ideas you have in regards to plot, though I do have a few in my head if you don't have any. ;)


How long you've been roleplaying:
Age: (or age range if you prefer not to give out the exact number)
Nickname: (just so we're on a friendlier level... call me ky)
Plot Ideas?:
Sample of Writing: (can as long or short as you'd like. You could also provide a link to a roleplay you are in. This is just so I know that you are literate. To be fair, I'll post a sample of my own writing below.)

The night always kind of freaked Theo out. It wasn't so much the darkness or the shadows, but rather what lurked in them. At any given moment, someone could be watching him. They could be waiting for him to turn the other way so they could strike. One could never be overly cautious, and Theo certainly was.

It was at that particular moment that a sudden rustle in the bush and a loud, sharp cry caused the brown tabby to jump and sprint forward in the direction of his home. Had he glanced back over his shoulder, he would have seen the thrush that had just flown out of a small bramble bush, but he dared not look back and risk finding something much fiercer pursuing him. He was a lover, not a fighter.

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jikhari (#68511)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-06-21 09:48:34
How long you've been roleplaying: About, 4+ years, maybe? I haven't kept track, to be honest.
Age: Highschooler
Nickname: Jik, or Buck, if we're doing real life, preferred nicknames.
Plot Ideas?: I'm open to just about anything, really. Suggest something, maybe?
Sample of Writing: (sort of old, from January of this year, and maybe not my best writing, so I can give you something else if needed!)

Jet was currently laying and relaxing, on his soft, most likely expensive dog bed. His owners, an older couple, was sitting on the couch together, not too far from him, watching television. As much time, effort, and money they put into first purchasing Jet when he was a puppy, feeding him, and grooming him, they never really showed him much affection. But, Jet just assumed that he was a way for them to make money, more than anything, through shows and competitions.

The large borzoi stood, stretching, and shaking out his clean, shining coat, the tags on his collar jingling a little as he did. Jet walked to the backdoor of the house, scratching at it, indicating he wanted to go out into the yard. One of his owners sighed, standing up, and opening the door to let him out, before going back as soon as he went out, shutting the door. The yard wasn't much, since they were in a more urban area, and wasn't fenced in, but they knew Jet wouldn't leave. He was too well-trained. And they weren't too worried about other animals getting in the yard, either. He walked a few feet out, before laying down in the grass, resting his head on his paws quietly, and just enjoying the sights and sounds, everything around him.

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