Posted by Giving Friend's Lionesses Mood Boosts

pendrell (#88617)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-06-23 09:13:38
{ Am I in the right board? :o }

I joined up with 5 or 6 clans when I discovered they existed a while back, and that was pretty cool.
What I thought was even cooler was the fact that I could mood boost people's lionesses! It made me so happy that I could help people keep their lionesses from leaving even if they had gone offline, because what good is transferring amusement items when they aren't even there to use them?
When I started sending and accepting friend requests, I realized I couldn't necessarily help them in the same way. Some of my friends are literally in all the same clans as I am, coincidentally, which is pretty awesome. Others, we don't share a clan, or they aren't in any clans at all.
My POV on it is that allies/friends are people you choose to associate yourself with, but your fellow clan members aren't necessarily. If you're in two or twelve clans, or even just in one really huge one, you probably don't know all that many of the people in your clan, or even know they exist, but you probably do know and have spoken to the people who you're allied with.

So, my proposal is a feature that allows you to give mood boosts to lionesses belonging to your allies.

Aaaand I identified pros v cons. I have more cons than pros on my own post, uh-oh.

- lets you help the people you specifically choose to be your friends

- if they NEED mood boosts, it's due to willfull neglect on the part of the person who owns them, considering that you have to roll your account several times before a lioness has a low enough mood to want to leave
- you would need a system in place to handle an overlap of allies and clans, i guess. you have a total of 20 boosts of hand out to people in ALL your clans. so i guess people who are your allies and share clans would only apply to those 20, and then you would have a separate 20 for allies who you don't share clans with, or you would have a collective 20 mood boosts per day for your clan,ates AND your allies, no matter whether those overlap.
- might cause tension among players by making it more obvious if someone withdraws an alliance/unfriends them, since it's now extremely visible that you can't boost their lionesses
- seems like a lot of work for a pretty small feature

Would love thoughts/feedback in comments! <3

This suggestion has 9 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/08/16 @ 19:29:32 by pendrell [#TeamFightClan] (#88617)

Jamie (#90498)

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Posted on
2016-06-23 09:16:15
Support, this is a nice idea~

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