Posted by Hциdяэd Diaмоиdz《Sign Ups》Mutant Animal

azkr | read bio! (#93552)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-07-01 18:45:52
A chorus of howls rang across the skies. The shadowy figure on the cliff sighed, how he wished he had a pack, a clan, a herd, someone to advice him. He imagined himself...
He watched with love and sadness as the young animals pounced on each other. A cream colored female: yipped, "I am from the Zelaka Lands! I will slay all of you!" She growled and pounced on a gray and white male, who snarled playfully, "I would not bow down to a warrior from such a place." Young ones, they are so playful, but they grow up too fast.

The thought became another one...

He padded through the forest, a young female leopard bounded up to him. She nuzzle him and ran into the forest. He roared softly and bounded after her, matching her stride by stride, fur flowing together. They slowed to a trot as they padded through the camp entrance, a pup waiting for them with a mouse between his jaws. The pup dropped the prey and yelped, "Father! Mother! Look what I caught!" The female leopard smiled at the pup, "Put that in the food pile," looking at her mate, she said, "I love yo..."

It faded no matter how hard he grasped for it, into another thought.

He sat in a stony hollow, three old animals looking at a battle plan carved onto the floor, an elk, a hyena, and a black panther. The panther, whose fur was tinted with white with age, meowed, "Young leader, charging right in is a bad idea, this herd is a smart herd, they would ambush you with horns and hooves in no time from the sides." She clawed at the sand, making a hill and an arrow of the enemy warriors. The hyena and elk nodded at him. He said, "Thank you elders, I am young and foolish still." They said in a chorus, "It will come with time, with time comes knowledge and wisdom."

It faded into the real world. After the Frozen Fall... Those are only dreams... Right?

Back Story
It was a planet.
It was home.
It was destroyed.
Thousands of animals were simply blown to pieces by the shower of strange freezing fire spheres, which explodes at the touch of solid objects. The terror of it was short lived, it wasn't the Wrath of the Spirits. It was... something else. They called it the Frozen Fall. All that was left over were small cells. When the bigger creatures were blown apart to cells and particles, some cells and molecules collided and formed new one, accepting the foriegn materials. They were a new generations. Many animals still look like their ancestors, but have a few mutations to help them survive. A total of one hundred dominant species were formed. A few are discovered now, the rest? The rest are yet to be discovered.

Most dominant species of equines have larger horns, and if they never had horns, they do now. For some, tails act as a claw, grabbing things. Others have blades on their legs, able to cut through thick undergrowth.
Felines have evolved longer claws and bigger ears. Their eyes have better night vision. They have the ability to roar long and loud, helping them give simple messages with sound.
Canines have similar upgrades to felines.

Tale of Century
Every one hundred years, a new prophecy is found by the Elders of all tribes...

Base camps have different dens::
Trainer's Den: Where the trainers of younger animals gather to share their teaching methods and sleep
Newborn's Den: Where mothers and young animals sleep
Leader's Den: Where alphas and elders sleep
Juvenile's Den: Where young wolves during training earn their sleeping spot, learns to sleep by themselves
Hunter's Den: Where hunters of prey sleep
Warrior's Den: Where warriors of battle sleep
Looking for Map artist.

The Cliff
Base Camp of the Aurora Storm Tribe. This tribe are the founders of the Moon Fire and experts at the knowledge of the moon.
The camp is sustained on a small plateau like structure, on one side was a crudely chucked out ramp path that leads to the plains below. Some wolves practice their swimming by jumping off the ramp into the small but deep pond next to the ramp. Many harmless water snakes live here. It's forbidden to kill the snakes for they keep the water clean. The Cliff is covered with short grass and small flowers. Dens are located in burrows under ground.
Land looks like:
Land vegetation:
Hunting Grounds: Great jumping obsatcles here Trees a great source of shade. Big herds roam here, likely to get trampled if you are a small predator.

Death Flame Stones
Possible Base Camp for the tribe that are the founders of the Sun Streams and experts at the knowledge of the sun.
Choosable Names for this tribe::
Prefix: Flare Fall Blue Cloud Mountain Feather ETC. others need approval
Suffix: Flight Cloud Stone Eagle Pounce ETC. others need approval
The stones here range from tiny pebbles to giant boulders, which makes great training for young animals. Some parts where the stones glow are best avoided, those stones radiate heat and could burn if stayed on for too long. A large slab of stone is perfect heat, many animals enjoy laying down here and then warming their bodies during the cold winters. The camp has a pool of pale blue water, safe to drink and never becomes ice during the winter due to the flaming stones. Dens are higher above ground, in the high hollows of the dead trees. The higher rankings get to sleep on the large tree on the edge of the camp.
Land looks like, but more flat and not a cliff:
No Vegatation other then hardy plants and trees with barely any green. Green plants are really rare and are seen as good luck.
Hunting Grounds: This stream freezes due to the distance its from the burning stones More sacred, some disappeared here every few years. Many call to distant cousins on the peak.

Weeping Stone
The old tree survived the Frozen Fall, it's original pose was straight and reaching for the galaxy. Now it stands with an arched back, leaves drooping and creating a vine-like entrance to the ruins beyond. It's covered in dripping moss, a great water source for sips, but if you are really thirsty, it is best to head toward the stream. The trunk of the tree is as solid as stone and crashing into it would definately hurt. Rumors of that the tree possessed the soul of an animal unable to join his siblings in the stars is common among the living.

Going through the muddy path of the Weeping Stone will enter the stone and bone ruins of an ancient offering area. The triangle prism stone surrounded by the rib cage bones of a big animal had already lost it's grooves and shine, but the cycle like pattern is still clear on the surface. The Moon. The Sun. The Land. And the stars that are carved around it. Many small prey like the Dilee lives here, good for scavenging for snacks. Populated by dragonflies and butterflies.

Living Things
DescriptionSolitary or packNoisesHear, sight, feel, scentherbivore, carnivore, omnivorePrey source or not

Mouse-like animal the size of a hare, a long feathery tail that comes in differant colors. They are slow, but back legs can kick up a cloud of dust that can blind their predators for a short period. Travels solitary, lives underground with mate and family, young ones that are old enough are chased away. Squeaking noises. Good hearing, bad sight, feeling, and scent. Herbivore, a prey source.

Fast bird the size of a Thoroughbred horse with glowing eyes, the whiskers on there muzzle helps them see their surroundings, they can send out weak vibrations, the large plate like ears help them hear better. The hook at the end of their tail is not toxic, but are used to hook onto their prey and pull them in. Hunts in flocks of two or three. Tek-tek-tear noises. Good hearing and feeling, bad sight and scent. Omnivore, a prey source.

Boar-like animal the size of a domestic cat. Their thick skin is hard to bite through and the spikes can easily penatrate a soft skinned attacker. They are slow animals and the only weakness in their skin is the chest, where the skin lags and is soft. They are herd animals with over seven Horoxes every herd. They communicate by stomping, bellowing, and banging of their horns with any non living solids. Good scent and feeling, bad sight and hearing. Herbivore, a prey source.

Canine behavior animal twice the size of gray wolf. Mostly gray wolf colors. They are speedy animals with poor agility but a super strong bite. It's impossible to escape a full grown Celonien's jaws once it gets you. They can swim easily but slowly, their tail piloting their direction. They are solitary mammals, only appearing together in herds of up to fifty in breeding seasons. They make cat-like noises and bays like a beagle. They have good feeling, scent and hearing, bad sight. Carnivore, not a prey source.

Fox like animal that is about the size of, well, a fox! They move in a kangaroo like manner. When threatened, the creature gives off heat quickly, burning the predator and taking the chance to run. The burning trick needs time to cool down. They are solitary animals. They make yipping and hissing noises. They have good scent, bad hearing, sight, and feeling. Omnivore, hunted as prey source only at famines.

Mountain goat-like animal the size of a panther, they are fast and thick furred, but are easy prey if found alone. They are herd animals of up to twenty a herd, but its easy to scatter them. They make noises similar to a moose. They have good feeling and hearing, bad scent and sight. Herbivore, a prey source.

Mellow toad-like animals that can jump really high the size of a elephant. The three blue streaks on each side of their head glows in the dark, the rare pieces of fur on their skin collecting sunlight. They often sit for hours under the sun to collect energy, with their mouth open for insects to fly in. They rely on the sunlight and insects for all energy using activities. Some Felines and Canines learned to tame the animals for riding uses. They learned that putting pressure on the area behind the glowing fur will make them go the direction. And putting pressure down on both slows them down. Putting pressure with one paw on each, left side pressure=go left, back paws gripped on with claws. The Arapus would not be hurt, for their nervous system is low. They live solitary, but are kept in groups when tamed. They make noises too low for any animals to hear other then their own species. They have good hearing, bad sight, smell and feel. Omnivore, a prey source.

Flying furry insect the size of a mouse. They do not have wings, but could float around slowly like dandelions. They feed on nectar of the flowers or tree sap. They often tease with the pups, because they make a good training lesson. They are not killed, since young wolves learn either the easy way or the hard way. The hard way is killing one, but you will soon realize that the swarm of Fezips seek revenge. They are swarm bugs. They make noises similar to a whistling bird song. They have good scent, bad hearing, sight and feeling. Herbivore, not a prey source, but edible.

Surprisingly small animal the size of a doe. The spikes on their tail are soft, but sharp. Being stabbed by one of those can cause blindness for days, for the poison mysteriously only affect the eyesight. Their bite is powerful, an adult able to crush a spine quickly with a single bite. The fur on their head glows like the ones on an Arapus, but not as strongly since they have nearly no use for the light. They are solitary animals. Noises often consists of buffalo-like noises and some quite close to a Horox, this often lured in hunters that are not sharp enough to tell the difference in the noises. They have good feeling, bad scent, hearing and sight. Carnivores, a prey source, needs many wolves to trick it so it can be taken down.

Tribe/Pack/Herd Allegiances
You may join as any rank without a = sign. If you are to adopt the Sun or Land group, you can choose whether to make it a pack, clan, tribe, or herd. But this fully depends on the type loners of loners you get. For example, you meet a lot of Equines, you must make a herd. A tribe can consist of all three types or two of them.
Note: Equines in this time includes all hooved animals, camel family or horse family. Have questions? Pm me, pack 90140

Feline Loners
Canine Loners
Equine Loners

Aurora Storm Tribe
Felion||7 years||Male||Snow Leopard with black paws||Black eyes||93552
Feline Elder=
Canine Elder=
Equine Elder=

Feline Warriors {one spot RESERVED}
Canine Warriors
Khan||6 years 1 months||Male||Wolf {Page 1}||Light blue eyes||50436
Equine Warriors
Sica||5 Years||Male||Irish Elk{Page 1}||Brown eyes||27478

Feline Hunters
Canine Hunters

Feline Juveniles
Canine Juveniles
Equine Juveniles
Kepu||1 year||Female||Giraffe with white splotches around paws||Hazel eyes||93552


The CindersPack
((Alphas are leaders.
The Elder is a healer and Main Advicer. Chooses their own apprentice from the pups.
Deltas are chosen by the betas, but must be approved by the alphas, deltas are a strong mix of warrior, speed, and hunter. They often act as Lead Hunter and Warrior. They choose their own successor as their apprentice from the pups.
Warriors defend the pack.
Hunters bring back prey for the pack.
Juveniles are canines that are under training to become a Warrior or Hunter.
Pups are well, pups below age of one.
Omegas are in danger of being killed or chased away from the pack.))
Alpha Female
Amber||4 years 3 months||Female|| Wolf {Page 1}||Blue, but in certain lights purple||63528

Alpha Male


Beta Female
Beta Male
Rohan((Deciding)) ||5 years||Male||{Page 1}||Striking yellow eyes||54511

Delta Female=
Delta Male=




Summon Your Animal with The Call
Slightly prehistorical animals allowed, not major ones like Sabertooth or Mammoths. Optional parts are marked with a +, since some will be found through role-play or could be figured out, but helps if you do.
Your animal is not born, your animal is summoned. Although you may bring your soul into another animal if anyone gave birth. The animal originally owned by you can either die or be turn loose to be found by another soul under your command Animals turned loose will be noted on a Spiritual stone wall.
PM me The Call or post it here to join!
Which Tribe/Pack/Clan:
Animal Category+:
Animal Species:
Animal Name:
Desired Rank+:
Pelt Appearance:
Eye Color:
Past and families+:
Example of Role-play from any RP:

-No curse words directed at other characters or their family
-No one sentence roleplays
-This is sign-up thread, not the roleplay thread. When time comes, I will post the roleplay link here!
-No over powered players, so no one-hit kills on animals
-You may not kill another player's character without their permission
-Romance is allowed, but please keep the mating parts Pg-13

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Edited on 07/07/16 @ 22:16:34 by ZDS 夜雷 (#93552)

sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-07-01 19:42:26
So do our animals just look like regular animals? Or something else? Just wanted to make sure before signing up.

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Edited on 02/07/16 @ 02:43:39 by Cinnamon-sinner (#50436)

azkr | read bio! (#93552)

Prince of Terror
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-01 21:27:33
As said, prehistoric animals are fine, eg. Quaggas.
You can have unrealistic colors for your characters, but not something like a blue base coat. Maybe a purple/blue/green tail tip or ear tip here and there. Maybe you read the last paragraph of the backstory section?
Tribes work together as a pack, so animals are smarter and more civilized, although this doesn't really apply to your question.

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sk8er boy (#50436)

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Posted on
2016-07-01 21:37:04
Ah, ok. Thanks. I'll start signing up in a bit. vuv

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-07-01 22:11:24

Nice roleplay! FORGET THAT lol
May I reserve a feline warrior? And a Cinders Beta Male?


Moderator removed image due to improper source

"You know my name, not my story. You know what I did, not what I lived through. If you were in my shoes, you'd fall with the first step."


(Or Rohan/Rowan. Deciding. Would be very grateful if someone gave me their opinion on this.)


5 years


Cinders Pack

Beta Male

Moderator removed image due to improper source

A handsome yet fearsome brute with brown fur of various shades, a lighter brown on his underbelly and intimidating yellow eyes. Standing at a fearsome 37 inches and weighing at a startling 190 pounds (a lot of it muscle), Claw is typically a "beast" among canines, one of the largest (if not the largest) canines in the pack, with an immense amount of strength, like his father before him. Claw is very strong, with rippling muscles like stone to the touch, earned from violent and rather aggressive training (from his father+by himself), and the large quantity of fights he has fought in his lifetime. Due to his size and intimidating figure, Claw is a wolf known to strike fear into others, having a fearsome appearance. This broad-shouldered male has a few scars on his body from the many battles he has fought, including a faint long scar across his left eye from his mortal enemy [OPEN] and three close claw marks on his left back leg, from a loner in a fight. The fighter also has other various scars on his pelt, but none as significant as the ones mentioned before. Despite all the scars Claw wears, the brute is still an attractive wolf, though at first look he does appear like a fearsome and intimidating brute- his black fur, scars, piercing eyes, and his large, stocky body all making this so.
(this paragraph made no sense -facedesk-)

Eye Color:
Striking and Intimidating.

Claw is a very aggressive, vicious, and overall fearless brute which can even be bad at some times, as he will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength is helpful. He lacks fear overall. He only fears one thing, losing someone he loves, whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise. Given his slightly short temper, Claw is very quick-to-fight and, due to his large size and strength, he can almost always cause damage if he does attack. As mentioned before, the male is very aggressive, likely to attack if he has a reason. He is definitely quick to jump with claws out if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, or threatened, often causing damage. Hence the name Claw. If someone manages to break the stone called his heart, Claw is one of the most passionate males there is, able to hold those dear to him very close. Even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he wants to and if he ever does find a mate, he would be interested in having pups. Though for the most part, Claw will most likely never get a mate, and he believes this himself, as he is one of the most rough and vicious canines, one that doesn't let himself get very close to another- he'd have to actually fall in love, which is unlikely.
One thing about Claw is the cold half of his personality. He had to kill his father when he was an adolescent and that made him a bit broken inside. Cold, reserved, and not regretful of merciless or cold actions he does. He doesn't have a big problem when it comes to ending another's life. Overall, if you want some-wolf dead, Claw is the brute to ask.

~ Physically Strong
~ Stamina and Endurance
~ Brave / Courageous
~ Protective
~ Loyal

~ Too Brave / Courageous
~ Cold
~ Aggressive
~ Protective
~ Reserved



Moderator removed image due to improper source

Lavender [Mother - Loves / Grieves] [Deceased; Bones]
Bones [Father - Hates / Wants Revenge on] [Alive; Location Unknown] [OPEN]
Lily [Sister - Loves / Protects] [Alive] [OPEN]

Example of Role-play from any RP:
Claw walked on the path towards camp, blood stained on the tip of his claws and on and around his lips, though the black fur caused it to be a black-red, almost impossible to see. From his jaws hung a young deer, teeth holding onto the neck firmly, yet gently, to make sure the young males' soft meat wasn't tarnished or changed in any way. Sure, he was a warrior, but that didn't necessarily mean he couldn't hunt, did it? Sniffing, he picked up the scent of the two Alphas' and figured they had just recently left for a walk, as was their usual morning routine. Ears perked, his yellow eyes glanced around him as he neared the camp entrance, a habit he had grown accustomed to, for he wanted to always make sure there were no stranger wolves or animals near his packs' camp. it was his job after all.

Padding into the camp, Claw made his way to the prey pile and set his kill down on it, licking his lips after doing so. Yellow eyes searching the camp, he spotted his sister, Athena, though not without spotting Kota first. The Lead Warrior male. Ugh. Claw was going to challenge that male at some point; and Kota knew that (I think lol). So did Athena, who was the Lead Warrior female. With a silent growl-huff-mixture, the warrior made his way to his sister, who had an annoyed and agitated expression at the time, eyes narrowing as he wondered why she was like this. Listening into the conversation at the last moment, he heard Mosa speak and nodded briefly in understanding. Claw stood beside his sister, brushing against her for a moment in his own affectionate way of greeting his kid sister. Eyes trailing to the other two, the Beta 'female', Kairos, and the Lead Huntress, Mosa, he nodded his head slightly in a very brief way, the nod not lasting long at all. Claw didn't speak, and would probably not speak unless spoked to or he thought he had to.


[ Image Goes Here ]
[ Quote Goes Here ]





Aurora Storm Tribe

Pack Number:


[ Image Goes Here ]

Eye Color:






[ Image Goes Here ]


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Edited on 03/08/16 @ 20:27:30 by Msasi (Caesar of Romesepia) (#21461)

azkr | read bio! (#93552)

Prince of Terror
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-01 22:17:07
Voting? I think you remembered wrong. Imma just this random newbie that joined yesterday that have been roleplaying for a long time and is addicted to a few roleplay sites. x3
Cinders Pack is a canine pack that will either stay neutral with the Aurora Storm Tribe or become enemies. I will update that section real quick and not do it in this reply.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-07-01 22:36:35
(forget the voting and WELCOME TO LIODEN!!! <3)
Okay, updated reservation list! ^.^ Forms will come soon.

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Purpletyger (#63528)

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Posted on
2016-07-03 04:51:31
Pack Name: The cinders pack

Pack Number: ummm 2?

Animal Category+: canine

Animal Species: wolf

Animal Name: Amber

Nicknames: Red

Gender: Female

Age: 4 years 3 months

Rank: Alpha female

Pelt Appearance: a russet color (mixure of red, orange, and brown) left ear has a black tip, tail- bottom half is black, in the sun her pelt looks red

Eye Color: blue, but looks purple in certain light

Strengths: fast, quick witted, and strong

Weaknesses: cant climb as well as others, clumsy

Not sure what these two mean))

Personality+: strong, hard headed, kinda hot headed, loyal, kinda mean, dominant.

Example of Role-play from any RP: Does a warrior cat one work?
She looked at him with a stoic expression. She was determined to keep it that way. She had seen worse. She looked at his bird and sighed. "Darkshadow. I don't know if I have told you this but.... I.... Love you... and it won't change my mind if you kill a cat, as long as you stay loyal to us... me...just come clean... everyone goes in to rages... it's fine..." She looked at the entrance remembering the prophet.." Dark sorry to bolt like this but I gotta go to the entrance someone wanted to see me... I'm not sure whom but I'll be back quickly I promise." She rubbed his head for a moment before stalking towards the entrance.
Or maybe
She tripped over stuff, but finally found it. She had ropes, and other miscellaneous weapons. She found the certain rope, one only she can undo, and walked out with her rope in her mouth. Her father made it especially for her, she liked to hunt when she was young, she made snares for when the sun went down. She would put it right over the stream in the woods.
Or maybe
She looks up to her leader, "Sorry if I disturbed, I'm just bored and there's nothing to do...." She looked down knowing she had awoken the brute. She could tell by the agitated fick of his appendage.
She looked up like he might forgive her, she was young and got really cranky when she was bored.

Think i like the first one better

Thank you,

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Edited on 04/07/16 @ 11:31:46 by Purpletyger (#63528)

sk8er boy (#50436)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-03 07:11:18
Pack name: Aurora Storm Tribe
Pack number: Not quite sure what this means, but I guess number 3?
Animal Catagory: Canine
Animal Species: Wolf
Animal Name: Kahn
Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 6 years and 1 month
Rank: Canine warrior
Desired Rank: Leader (Don't we all?)
Pelt appearance: Khan's thick pelt is a smokey gray, along with a lighter face and paws. The bottom half of his tail is pearl white, while the upper half is jet black.
Eye color: Light blue
+ Strong
+ Trustworthy
- Extremely Stubborn
- Stealth doesn't exist for him
Summer heat
Summer in general
- Hard headed
- Stubborn
- A bit too serious

Roleplay example:
(From a warriors roleplay)
Sparrowpaw shivered of the cold, wet grass sliding across her belly. Hunting mice in New-leaf usually isn't hard, but now frequent showers are constantly go on, and the ground is freezing like Leaf-bare. She had to do her best to keep quiet while stalking such prey. Sooner or later, Sparrowpaw growled after stepping a dead leaf and watching the mouse scurry around on its small, nimble legs.

I'll probably add an Equine later on.

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azkr | read bio! (#93552)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-07-03 10:18:09
OH crap.
Ignore the pack number
Celonien is a animal that's a NPC, not a role-played animal, sorry for the misunderstanding! Please use an animal that existed on Earth! Just edit the post, thanks. Otherwise accepted!

Accepted Claw, any specific species...?


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Edited on 04/07/16 @ 03:55:38 by ZDS 夜雷 (#93552)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-07-03 20:03:41
Hello! May I reserve an Equine Warrior spot for the Aurora Storm tribe?

Also, would an Irish Elk be acceptable? It's an extinct species, but you said that prehistorical animals were alright, so I just wanted make sure I'm allowed to use it. :)

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azkr | read bio! (#93552)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-07-03 20:54:09
Ye, feel free to use it! ... *mumbles: It looks normal, not some giant mammoth.*
Plenty of spaces in the RP, so no spaces will run out, but I will note you down.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 03:52:48


[Image Source]

Aurora Storm


Irish Elk
Megaloceros giganteus

[Meaning 'Blade']


5 Years

Equine Warrior

:Desired Rank:
Currently he's fine where he is, but when he's older he hopes to be the Tribe's Equine Elder

Sica is a huge beast, being one of the largest deer species ever known to walk the Earth. He is 7 feet tall at the shoulder, and has a total mass of 1,600 pounds. The most impressive thing about this deer isn't his height or weight though; that would be his antlers, which are a massive 12 feet from tip to tip. He is heavily muscled and he has broad shoulders. His size is both intimidating and impressive. His pelt is mostly dark brown, but it becomes a lighter, cream color near his belly. He has two blades on the back of his hind legs, near his hooves. These blades are used more for tearing at the flesh of his enemies when he kicks at them, instead of cutting thick undergrowth. His eyes are deep brown in color.

:Pelt Color:

:Eye Color:


-Swimming [He can swim, but not very well]
-Small Spaces [Because of his size]

+Battle Practice
+Staying in large groups

-Killing [Without good reason]
-Fish [The smell]
-Aggressive Animals

Sica, although his size might be intimidating, can actually be quite a kind deer. He might seem a little quiet at times, but he really does enjoy the company of others, and cares about the members of his Tribe. He is fiercely loyal to his loved ones. He might seem like he's very serious, but around friends he usually makes some jokes, which are usually sarcastic. He has a soft spot for juveniles, and refuses to hurt one unless it's absolutely necessary. He also wouldn't mind having a few fawns of his own once he finds a mate. His strength and quick-wits make him an amazing fighter, but he never attacks without reason. He's not an aggressive brute, and he looks down upon any animal that finds joy in hurting others. He never charges into battle without a plan, and he always thinks things through before acting. He's a bit stubborn, once he puts his mind to a task, he won't stop until he's completed it, even if it's dangerous to do so.

Sica originally came from a small herd of Irish Elk, called the Ingenuus Herd. He had a twin sister called Gemmula, and he lived a fairly happy life. Both of his parents were very kind to him, and his sister often played games with him. Things weren't as easy when he grew up though. His antlers grew to be very large, bigger than the antlers of the other males, and while this got him a lot of attention from the females of the herd, it made it hard for him to move through the forest. The trees were close together, so his antlers often got caught on things. Eventually he decided that he'd had enough, and he tried to convince the lead buck to move the herd to a more open area, arguing that it would be easier for the males to move around that way. However, no matter how much he tried, he couldn't persuade him, since the Lead Buck was afraid they'd get attacked by wolves if they went out into the open. So Sica took matters into his own hands, and left the herd. It was a hard decision, but it had to be done. He traveled until he came upon a Tribe that lived on a plateu, called the Aurora Storm Tribe. Seeing the open spaces was all he needed to convince himself to join the Tribe, and he got a spot as a Warrior.

Gemmula - Sister - Location Unknown
Ferox - Father - Location Unknown
Celer - Mother - Location Unknown
??? - Crush - OPEN [Message me]

:RP Example:
Lyall laid in the box his humans had left him in, watching the cars pass by quickly. He had been in the box for about four days now, drinking nothing but puddles of rainwater. The only reason he was still there was because he had a bit of hope left that his family would come back for him, but the longer he stayed there, the more that his hope faded. Hunger gnawed at his stomach, reminding him that he hadn't eaten in days, and he finally pushed himself to his feet, crawling out into the open. He knew that he had to find food soon, or he'd starve to death. So he began to walk down the roadside, his head lowered. He had to walk slowly, since he didn't have much energy left.

Lyall kept going until he came upon a small village with human houses. 'Maybe somebody here will give me food?' He thought, his nose twitching. He heard high-pitched voices coming from one of the houses, and he walked around the side of it, warily looking into the backyard. There he saw two young children playing together, laughing. A female human sat nearby, watching them. He assumed she was their mother. Suddenly, memories of his human family flooded back into his mind, and he remembered how the young kids would always sneak him little bits of food from under the table. He wagged his tail and approached the children with a hopeful look in his brown eyes. But when the mother saw him, she screamed and jumped up, running over to the children and dragging them away from him. "There's a wolf out here!" She screamed fearfully. It only took Lyall a few moments to realize that she thought he was the wolf, and he froze in fear as a male human came out of the house with a stick-like weapon. He'd seen humans using these before, and he didn't get exactly how they worked, but he knew they were dangerous. He turned and started to run, hearing a loud bang behind him. Soon a small object flew right past his ear, hitting the ground in front of him. He yelped and tried to speed up, but he soon heard a second bang. A few moments later, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and he fell to the ground with a dull thump. His vision became all fuzzy and the metallic scent of blood reached his nose. At first the pain he felt was unbearable, but then his vision went all black, and he felt nothing.

Sorry if there are typos or grammar errors. I come from the Netherlands and English isn't my first language. Plus, I made this on a phone.

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Purpletyger (#63528)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 05:24:46
Yay thanks i fixed it!

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